I'm rewriting this query so to generalize this question. The original was not intended to embarrass anyone. I'm not intending to attack anyone in any manner. I am trying to get a, or "the proper perspective" on Pence. Zero?-Hero?-Punk azz B?.
I note that some have on occasion been somewhat reticent recently when it comes to giving Pence credit. Yah that's fair if you question giving him credit about doing the right thing. I note some statements like, "Look at all the ass-kissing and GOP "playing along" Pence did prior to FINALLY standing up to Trump and doing the right thing, Pence did do the right thing at the 11th hour of the electoral count session. (Am I Close ?)
I am thinking "Thank Gob he, Pence, finally did the right thing!" "Whew, that was close!"
But yah...Pence was Trump's Punk up until that point. Ole smiley, pale, possum-face, head-nodding Trump sycophant that he is/was 'ole Mike Pence.
Eh? Most of the GOPers became Trump's punk sooner than later. I couldn't believe it and neither could most rational people. The repugs laughed in Trump's face at first and insulted him until he became president then...
The GOP suddenly became a nastily greased machine of Trump Ass kissing, back-peddling conniving bitches. They smelled like Trump's ass I heard cause all of them were running behind Trump kissing his stankiness 24-7.
Soon, Trump, had them cowering and kowtowing like a pack of gutless fooking Republican hyenas.
Lawrence O'Donnell asked the same question or made the same statement as have others.
Here's the vid and I still am wondering the "why" of the whole thing.
To answer my own question as to why:
1. Pence did the right thing to avoid prosecution.
2. Pence was trying to cast himself favorably in order to wash from himself the filth of the
Trump republicans. In doing so he might be considered in a more favorable light when/if it comes to selecting the 2024 republican presidential candidate.
Well. Mike Pence and Fox, I believe they have validated all of the Mike Pence prejudices/comments here. My bad for withholding my cynicism. But it's below in this about 5-minute Vid.
The Vid Produced by this Youtube influencer, (I don't even know the vernacular to describe a wannabe News Producer) B.T. Cohen puts this out. I usually only watch the pro-produced snippets of this guy's vids and punch out before he delivers his analysis/spiel. I watched the entire vid this time. At first, I thought Fox was talking about Dump, but it was Biden!!! lol. OMG, the hilarious hypocrisy is damn nearly unbearable ha ha ha. Anyway, you guys win. Pence the dummy won't even stand up for himself after nearly getting lynched. I give you Pence the imbecile. Of less worth than Dan Quayle.
Okay, here is my take. Take from it what you will. I don't think Pence is a hero.
What I think, after years of abuse and disparagement from TFG, he took his revenge. He used Dan Quayle and Paul Ryan as good Republican shields.
He saw an opportunity and he took it. "Let's take him down" and this is the way I will do it.
I don't think he was expecting as much push back from the "normal" Republicans.
I think it was revenge. Not heroic.
The consensus here is somewhat parallel with that of the insurrectionists. (spell check complete. Funny I can't write/spell a sentence correctly without it lol)
If Mike Pence seriously thinks he could be the 2024 nominee, he's nuts. The batshit crazy violent Christofascist Nazi loons that make up the Republican base despise him because he spoiled Dear Leader's coup. They would rather hang him than vote for him.
Normal duties, just a ceremonial event etc? Don't compare apples to oranges.
Personally, I am no Pence or Republican fan. The ideas and politics practiced by them have produced outrageous policies that are excruciatingly awful, ugly, and regressive. Ha ha as far as America's unmasked corrupt reality, SSDD.
Is the remedy for a social illness to practice similar behaviors for your team? I don't think so. That is simply the other side of the same bigoted coin and not a coin of better value or social worth. Be reasonable. Give credit where credit is due. I'm not saying we celebrate Pence. Also, I am not saying we "Hang Mike Pence" either. You cannot honestly take his rightful actions out of the equation of 01-06 and have the same result.
If the pendulum of American idealism doesn't shift, this situation is likely to escalate into more prolific violence. You'll need an AR weapon to protect yourself from the other side's AR weapon. Either that or surrender your ideas and beliefs and join those who hold "Manifest Destiny" to be the true and righteous path. You'll have to join in the mass slaughter of all who do not subscribe to the violent and evil agenda of American Nazis. People of color likely will be targeted by default of their skin tone.
That's me sitting in the corner...F the spotlight...losing my religion.
Why does doing statutory duty as defined by rules and regulations, and law, make one a hero?
Pence was made aware of TFG's plan for a LONG time before Jan 6th - as well as Barr. Both remained silent until the actual attack on the capital. Then AFTER the attack, in which TFG threw Pence under the bus in his tweets, Pence continued to cover for him and them.
Pence did the bare minimum so he wouldn't be legally in trouble. He's no fucking hero.
I vote for punk AB.
Someone prove otherwise
It is a fact what pence did. Not a belief. Had he done differently, we'd be in a whole new dimension of dystopian moments than the one at present. I inquired as to why. I am often suspicious or curious of the motivations of people or events.
Similar thread started by BT Tony:
He’s a zero that understood his job was ceremonial and that’s it. He had seen evidence of Dumo being a delusional loon for 4 years and done nothing. When he lost the election, he then witnessed a couple solid months of the dirtbag getting crazier. There’s simply no way that Pence misunderstood Dump was dangerous prior to the 6th. He just wanted out alive. Zero. Supported that fucker through all th e prior crimes. Watched Jesus shat on and helped do the shitting. I hate them all. Fuck Pence.
John Wayne's teeth, John Wayne's teeth
Are they plastic, are they steel?
John Wayne's teeth, John Wayne's teeth
Are they plastic, are they steel?
John Wayne's teeth, John Wayne's teeth
Are they plastic, are they steel?
John Wayne's teeth, John Wayne's teeth
Are they plastic, are they steel?
None of them hare heros. They all stood by and did nothing for weeks. Fucktards
I FEEL Pence got into bed with the wrong man as to his own personal spiritual beliefs. Another case of FAFO only with almost a disastrous outcome for him. He KNEW not to get into that car, if Colludacriss would go to the lengths he did to stop the count, Pence knew his number was next. His karma has yet to come for selling his soul to the devil when he accepted Captian Cheetos invitation. Fuck him.
pence is a lying POS
If he could have made tRump president, he would have. It's my understanding that Dan Quayle saved us. Fuck pence.
How appropriate. my favorite poem of all time!
I like that, I think. Pence is not a hero, not before and not since, but in that night that mattered so much, he did the right thing. Brings to mind, The Road Not Taken.
The Road Not Taken
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.
When you look from that perspective, an heroic act, could be contemplated. At risk to himself and family, he proceeded. I will contemplate this and see how it informs my opinion. Dip, you are much more disciplined than I am. I know it is one of my many character flaws to be impulsive and jump right in without careful contemplation. I will concede that an argument can be made that he acted heroically in a time of great peril
Thanks for your reply.
IMO, It was beyond the ken of doing one's job or in the least, "courageous" when people were physically hunting him and threatening to lynch him; when his bosses and high-ranking members of his cohort were trying to influence him to do what they want and telling him it is/was legal and within the prerogatives of his position to do so.
They tried to physically move him out of the building with the covert intention of preventing him from officiating the ceremonial, but official, electoral count. When they attempted to maneuver him into the limo in the basement garage where he was hunkered down, they were trying, in a sense, to kidnap him to further enable their coup attempt.
Never would I consider supporting Pence but at least in this important instance, he did the right thing in challenging circumstances. Actions of this nature have been virtually nonexistent in the Trump administration. Still, the question remains, why?
I agree with SG.
While it’s refreshing to see a major sycophant like Pence FINALLY draw the line and do the (minimal) right thing, he was between a rock (Trump/mob) and a hard place (the Law). Which way to save his sorry ass? Expect a book deal soon.
Dip, you raise an interesting question! Zero or Hero? Is a man measured by the accumulation of his good deeds throughout his life or, is he judged by one act, that sets him apart, by one heroic act? I don’t believe that someone is a hero for doing their job. We all go to work and do what we are paid to do. In my mind, A hero goes leaps and abound beyond. Pence did what all legal experts and scholars told him to do. one might say, to preserve himself. When looking at it in this way, was Pence acting unselfishly or was it an act of self preservation? There is no right or wrong answer. We each will decide, by using the accumulation of experiences and knowledge which form our very own unique perspective. I think hero he is not. I think a hero acts without unselfish intentions. If you think he is a hero that is your right and prerogative, and I will fight to the end , for your right to say so. I think that what is beautiful, is we all have the right to believe how we see fit! Hero or zero. Only his heart knows for sure. Peace out