News has come out that about 10% of the population may have "pre-existing immunity" to symptoms.
This was a conclusion of doctors at UC San Francisco.
This is probably why so many people have become anti-vaxxers? My brother and sister, who share a small house, both got covid in June. She had had "a really bad cold" in January but declined to be tested. He is 60 and had two vaccines while she only had one. Neither was boosted. She had a heart attack in June, tested positive for covid on admission, and soon died from a second heart attack (leftover clots from January?). He was en route to my house when all this transpired, and we did a covid test after learning she had it. He tested positive but had zero symptoms. I'm thinking he has the HLA gene.
Thanks for the post! I agree, there's a whole subset of people who are asymptomatic and stupidly assume this means their anecdotal experience is the norm. It's the biggest cultural problem of the pandemic. Denial. Half of my husband's relatives are in exactly this mindset. Especially the ones in their forties. Incidentally, I did not see any evidence that the HLA gene protection is heritable, so there's no genetic benefit of being a stupid "pureblood" whatsoever. The whole pureblood thing sounds like they watched too much Harry Potter.
I am so sorry about your sister.
(I am trying to edit this and the site instead erases a paragraph and repeats the edited sentence. I apologise if it still needs editing)
FYI for anyone reading: the study report is a preprint, which means it has not yet been peer reviewed, but almost all studies findings are being released this way because COVID is changing constantly and the medical field is trying to stay abreast. The study is here: Also, this was written about here and by NPR at the beginning of Sept...
Superdodger may also mean supercarrier, superspreader and supervariantmaker.
I wrote this in Feb 2020:
Here is the MAGA moron minion... who is likely still trying to kill her husband... and calling herself a "pureblood." Sadly, although this research is trying to find information to help make future vaccines that help all... the MAGA moron "purebloods" are going to abuse this info and kill more people.