I commented on another thread that I got 4 vaccinations against the 'Rona this year. (those doses would have just gone to waste and I am now practically invulnerable to the 'Rona of 2023 (unfortunately the virus evolves).
A commenter wrote about triple masking. I made a joke about 9-layers of protection in response.
A commenter just started attacking me, accusing me of being a paid troll. I explained that the 9 layers was a joke, but them the commenter continued to attack me and went on about causing vaccine-shortages and driving up costs. I was just about to respond, but this commenter assues bad faith, so it would be pointless to explain (since I wrote out the explanation before I decided that replying would be pointless, I attach it at the bottom of this message (that way I do not waste all of that typing).
This place could become extrememy nasty if we attack each other. Indeed, the 1st rules is "Respect each other":
This place could become pretty awful if me start attacking each other.
What I started to write as a response before I realized that it would do not good:
Where I live, in the United States of America, the low vaccination-rate neither because of lack of vaccines nor lack of money but vaccine-refusal. A vial of mRNA-Vaccine is good for only a few hours after thawing. Almost always, the vials get thrownout with many doses unused in them, at the end of the day.
Multiple vaccinations leads to the boosting effect:
Each vaccination increases the efficacy. That is why we had boosters in 2021:
The 1st shot was over 70% effective, but the booster increased that to over 90%.
Due to the screwed up Healthcare-System in the USA (the left hand does not know what the right hand does), I got about 99% protection from the SARS-CoV-2 of 2023 without driving up prices or causing a shortage of vaccine.
What a fucking liar...
Boosters for COVID are great. I was talking about the flu vaccine, you dense as shit moron. (And I am pretty sure you understand that, asshole)
You are a fucking troll, being this is your first ever post, and it is to diss me with a lie!
What a fucking liar...
For anyone who reads and gives a shit, here is the fucking liar's post: https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/forum/main/comment/807b84ff-a745-471f-82cc-76320fc9667d?postId=66c392c6a1ebe300114cebd6
And his reply when I asked him why he would do such a thing...
You are still a fucking git...