The rich corporations already write many of the laws,and it began some time ago, but electing tRUMP (or any of his cronies and GOP enablers in the future) could make the USA a dystopian hellhole for the middle class. Although from 2019, this was a peek into the 8 years before their report.
Bills promise to protect the public.
They actually bolster the corporate bottom line
We are in a second Gilded Age, some experts say
Social, economic and political conditions mirror those seen in the late 1800s.
"We did many things policy and law wise in the 1980s and '90s that changed the game, that changed our tax structure, changed – almost eradicated – deregulation of Wall Street and so forth, and so that the rules have changed in the favor of the super wealthy," O'Donnell said.
Wealth distribution in the U.S. shows that the top 10% of households hold 62% of the country's wealth, compared to the 5.7% held by the bottom 50%.
The current level of inequality is unsustainable
The combined net worth of the top five richest Americans on the Forbes list has reached an astonishing $840 billion... "Over the past 45 years, CEOs have made over a thousand times more than a typical worker," Jones said. "For the typical worker, the pay has only increased 24%. Last year, CEOs made more than 300 times the typical worker."
The Robber-Barons
THIEL, MUSK, BEZOS, MERCER... and Even The So-called "Good" Billionaires
If you look closely...the rich corporations, SCOTUS, the GQP and the numerous think tanks/ALEC/Federalist Society have worked hand in hand to rob Americans with new laws/taxcuts that affect and benefit only them. This admission from Musk affirms that they think it is all further place the burden on those who will never be able to afford a house let along live the American dream. And they do it by making Americans hate each other and flooding the zone with their shitshows to distract you.

Billionaires Spend $220 million to Get Trump Elected
Musk Warns of 'Necessary' Economic Collapse if Trump Elected
After all, tRUMP is hiring him to trim the fat, but not from the fat cats of course!
tRUMP and he see economic hardship as a necessity to reach their goals of tax cuts for the rich and nuking everything set in place for climate change as a necessary cost fulfilling project 2025… 'Musk says everyday Americans must embrace the pain if Trump gets back in the Oval Office.' His autistic mind is adjoined with Javier Milei's bipolar one.
“We” have to live within “our” means, the richest man in the world says.
Add Barre Seid to the list. He gave his fortune to the Heritage Foundation.