When an antivaxxers makes claims about the thousands or millions of deaths caused by the vaccine, ask them one question: Can you show me an obituary or funeral home announcement saying the deceased died from the Covid vaccine?
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A repost; At the county GOP HQ meet the candidates luncheon, among 15 picketers, a man held a sign saying 'VACCINE HOLOCAUST'. On GOP office property. During a ticketed event. Draw your own conclusions.
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Holocaust, eh?
just how many people does he think have died from the vaccines? Last I heard, it was maybe two people (from the astra zeneca, and then they swiftly changed recommendations on who should not get that brand.)
Yeah, a real Holocaust.
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You can ask him, I'm not gonna ask him!
Visualize the virus spewing from his mouth as he explains his delusion!
I will say 'holocaust' metaphors are an overused shock play.
There are a handful of those cases. Some kind of reaction to the vaccine and it’s why there is a waiting period after - an abundance of caution. Some actually have died from the vaccines but it’s a very small number and infinitesimal compared to the over million dead in the US from covid itself. It’s far more safe to get the vaccine than not.
My sister was admitted to the hospital for a heart attack via the ER after 3 days of "not feeling well." Then she got two stents emergently (she had only had one vaccine and later had what sounded like Covid in Jan. but refused to be tested). She was tested for Covid in the ER and it came back positive. She had a second heart attack secondary to several co-morbid conditions and flatlined, and with a DNR in place, was put on comfort care and taken off life support June 22.
Her loving Baptist daughter with a high school degree and no medical training has decided she died of the vaccine. Because the vaccine has baby parts. I'll just stop there.
Funny I told my husband if Covid gets me to put ”You assholes who wouldn’t help us end the pandemic helped end her life.”
Trouble is, they are so far down the rabbit hole that they think everyone is covering it up. They’ve now decided that everyone that’s died since vaccines were administered has died BECAUSE those vaccines were administered. Just lost a 97-year old family member. She was vaccinated and boosted. They believe it was a ticking time bomb that finally got her. Not the fact she was 97. And her 101 year-old husband still being alive and vaxxed and boosted is a complicating factor they’ll ignore while trying to pin the latest car wreck corpses on vaxxing gone wild. These people are not in reality. They are in a cognitive dissonance hurricane. I am in my 50s and I hope to live to 100. When I check out my son has been instructed to publish an obit that says, “the mRNA vaccine that she received in 2021 finally got her!“ If I live long enough then I can have him add “SLEEPER CELL” somewhere in there for shits and giggles.