Wow great info! I just finally managed to kill my fb accounts. So happy about that!
Sep 01, 2022
Of course he went to hospital to get cured of his ills and suddenly decided to commit suicide, Gorbachev dies at the same hospital -Central Clinical Hospital . It is a heavily guarded military, vikniks, and upper echelon centre for treatments
Sep 01, 2022
Apologies 41. I’m not picking on you but thought the link would be a good way to help others minimize exposures…
Just an fyi on posting links. It looks like you copied that from facebook and it includes a code that is tied to your identity there. The necessary part of the link is, and all that is necessary for others to find the article is:
It’s not a big deal here or elsewhere for the most part but that extra stuff lets facebook track you and who clicks on your links. It bypasses cookies and is facebook’s tracking tool. These kinds of links can have consequences when the data gets sifted for various sentiments the articles embody.
Through your link, facebook will see how many others click on your link and facebook will try to identify them too. Facebook will be able to see how influential you are. They will also see the click started on this web page so facebook will know you post links here and can then associate others here with their facebook identities. It all helps facebook create more webs of interconnection between people.
That’s also not a big deal as long as a repressive fascist government doesn’t decide to tell facebook it wants to know all about those who post here or wherever else that link shows up.
For others, please don’t post links that include those identifiers. Anyone who clicks them gets picked up in the data net and if that net is ever used for evil (as opposed to just invasive and excessive profiling), they get included in lists and history becomes able to be more easily tracked and used against people.
For clickers - always inspect links before clicking them if you care about easily trackable footprints.
Sep 02, 2022
Replying to
I may be remembering wrong, but I thought I got this straight from cnn site, but my memory isn't always 100%. Important stuff to know, misremembered or not. Thanks for the heads up, TheyShould. Will keep in mind going forward.
Sep 02, 2022
Replying to
You may have. All those facebook like icons are a giveaway the page is essentially mined. Facebook is invasive and tracks you. I had assumed you got that link while in facebookland but it could be you get customized links while facebook is tracking you.
That company is a menace. They also keep phantom/placeholder files any time a user somehow mentions a non-user. They do facial recognition on photos and track who associates with who. As more information comes in - like a name - the phantom dossier gets filled out just as if you had a facebook account.
It’s all those associations and profiles that are a problem. It’s always been tough to get people to give up others who might be seen as a danger to an oppressive regime. Many in WWII died rather than give up compatriots.
Totally not needed now. All you do is tell Zuckerberg you want a list of “fill in the blank”. And it’s not just Zuckerberg. Many others do it too to varying extents. Zuck has profiles on everyone, probably now from the first baby picture that gets posted. He has people’s life history. And from his VR headsets, he gets physiological responses to visual stimuli that he can control. He can do ”pump/probe” stuff in his “metaverse”. Facebook has done it before - they’ve purposefully tested how the things people see on facebook affects them. It’s a big part of their business model. The point is that they absolutely do this stuff. Users are the experiment and the desired results are anything that gives the paying customers information or control over users.
People seem to be ok with it but I tend to think it’s going to bite us in the ass.
Wow great info! I just finally managed to kill my fb accounts. So happy about that!
Of course he went to hospital to get cured of his ills and suddenly decided to commit suicide, Gorbachev dies at the same hospital -Central Clinical Hospital . It is a heavily guarded military, vikniks, and upper echelon centre for treatments
Apologies 41. I’m not picking on you but thought the link would be a good way to help others minimize exposures…
Just an fyi on posting links. It looks like you copied that from facebook and it includes a code that is tied to your identity there. The necessary part of the link is, and all that is necessary for others to find the article is:
It’s not a big deal here or elsewhere for the most part but that extra stuff lets facebook track you and who clicks on your links. It bypasses cookies and is facebook’s tracking tool. These kinds of links can have consequences when the data gets sifted for various sentiments the articles embody.
Through your link, facebook will see how many others click on your link and facebook will try to identify them too. Facebook will be able to see how influential you are. They will also see the click started on this web page so facebook will know you post links here and can then associate others here with their facebook identities. It all helps facebook create more webs of interconnection between people.
That’s also not a big deal as long as a repressive fascist government doesn’t decide to tell facebook it wants to know all about those who post here or wherever else that link shows up.
For others, please don’t post links that include those identifiers. Anyone who clicks them gets picked up in the data net and if that net is ever used for evil (as opposed to just invasive and excessive profiling), they get included in lists and history becomes able to be more easily tracked and used against people.
For clickers - always inspect links before clicking them if you care about easily trackable footprints.