As you may have noticed from the uptick in Fan Mail we've had an uptick in antivax trolls who sometimes sneak their way in.
PLEASE, report them. It's easy.
First, click "Copy Link" on the offending comment by clicking the 3 dots to the right of the comment box.

Next, click on the profile of the troll. Go to the top right of that page and click the three dots and "Report Member."

Then, click "other" and paste the link from the comment. Then, mods can go straight to the comment to review and take action if necessary.

The newest fan mail is rehashing the ridiculous claim that people are dying from the covid vaccines. None of the people who make that claim ever cite any sources! But I'm "stupid" if I don't believe it.
The Dunning-Kruger-infected "geniuses" who write the "fan mail" have a peculiar idea of what it means to "do research".
FYI, Vaxxlady, you might want to remove mr. oh so cool 'Non Nanoteched Pureblood's' URL to a nonsense site. If That is his source of info, he will be back in the hospital very soon...
I have had major operations where I was only in the hospital for 7 days and left the next morning after having a baby. So why was Mr. Macho in the hospital for 3 bloody weeks? Sounds as though he was sicker than a dog, but why didn't he just GO HOME and sign himself out? Oh right, he likely was on high O2 and still may be using it for all we know about this snowflake.
Addendum: I am on a lasagna and freezer meal making frenzy and come back now and again to read more emails. This last batch is hilarious!
Why would he think we were mocking them?
Jack Williams may be right about Vaxxlady being with NSA or a drug company. She has always been very eager and quick to remove the RW AV comments on here! SUSPICIOUS!! /S
Lauria included her 3 names in her email and I found her in 2 seconds. (Talk about DOXing yourself) Please be wiser than Lauria "I’m an antibacterial," and make sure not to use personal emails on the internet! (I found most of the numbnuts on the page who are now immortalized on the internet... AND the webcrawler has all their emails and what they wrote in a search of their email addresses... HOLY SHIT. Also guess what? The religious ones have the worst timelines on their social media sites... and one asks for project Veritas, a FAKE NEWS SOURCE, to be returned to Twatter. Religious like Ginni Thomas is religious...and my rear end)
Vaxxlady tells you more here:
Good grief! Those “fans” can’t spell, form coherent thoughts or sentences, or think things through to a logical conclusion 😂 Anyway, all those dead Trumpers really helped us out at the midterms, so…thanks?
And in case you didn't notice, I posted a new batch of Fan Mail today!