UPDATES are in comments
QAnon are assholes looking for money, fame, influence, and more and more suckers to join. Their participation in the Jan 6 insurrection was enormous! 1776 was a Q number adopted by the other RWNJs

It started in 4Chan, moved to 8Chan and now 8Kun, and became wildly popular when one of tRUMP's people took a message that they needed a sign. Someone close to tRUMP (Miller?) did just that. (I have a screenshot and cannot find and it is driving me crazy,...) When you heard weird shit, it was mostly tRUMP being a moron, but sometimes it was code. EG: Calling the 1918 flu '1917 flu' was a panacea that he always used to keep Q-quislings attached and swooning that he was acknowledging them... (Q is 17th letter) It works as they are still following "the plan."
Once Palmer Luckey started paying the Kek boys for their crappy memes in 2015, that was it. A taste of money to teens was all they needed to follow anyone... and Troll/Make memes/ skew polls for tRUMP... you name it. Here they are preparing for Civil war...

And they evolved... to include anything that kept interest.

The money chain is how millions and millions of RWNJ GQP make their living. They are intertwined... and branch off to radio, podcasts, youtube etc. I may be adding cute memes, but Q is huge and growing and nothing to scoff at. And, it is worldwide.

Oct 2017: Still calling out in 'code" made a Q with his hand...and repeats the Q storm "motto." That is tRUMP's devious smile that he uses when he has put one over on people. He also taunts and confuses the press. Remember when he scared the shit out of everyone when he said "you'll find out?
I added the top text. The bottom was added by Diaper Don's team in 2018, acknowledging Q.

2019 tRUMP was now retweeting Q people... openly.

2020, he tweets the pig farmer's son, Ron Watkins,who before he became Q, hosted porn and child porn sites from his home in the Philippines. Ron Watkins was recently running for Congress in Arizona, BTW ... so papa Q Jim and others ran the Q scam.
Since he lost his primary... Ron wants to move to Australia, where QAnon is also huge and was ensconced in the Australian government as well. (Another long f'ing story...)

Q not only died down following the Jan 6 insurrecton, the "main " Q stopped postin on 8Chan/ 8Kun. But now that tRUMP plans to run... away from indictments to run again as president, Q is back and they are on tRUMP's failing "Truth" site. On Sept 4 as news got out about the money he owes for TS and how it is failing, atop his press for the many lawsuits he is facing, tRUMP posted many tweets in succession, including several from Q-Quislings. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/09/trump-truth-social-qanon

Today, Sept 13, tRUMP posted a poster picture of himself from a Q MAGA minion ultra patriot blueblood quisling .... It seems few people understand how he has embraced Q from the beginning and now wants them to "activate."
Being they talk a lot about the purge and call Dems demons, and Dem leaders the devil, he is embracing violence.....
Q has branched out so much... It means everything and nothing. There is no rhyme or reason.
To be of further help, here is their map.. (One of MANY) You are welcome...

Q gave people clues and called them "proofs" which is not the correct usage of the word ... and proved nothing. (Other than Q is not English or, is illiterate) There are also "crumb" clues and puzzles to solve which makes them all feel connected and brilliant. It is really sad... and cultish.
QAnon primer...
Q-Anon has infiltrated the military and Police, firefighters, government and more... PSYOPS. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2021/1/22/2010939/-Q-Anon-has-infiltrated-the-military-and-Police-firefighters-government-and-more-PSYOPS
Michael Flynn, the Timeline: Many years and 23 Days to Make a Traitor https://www.dailykos.com/story/2021/1/21/1999292/-Michael-Flynn-the-Timeline-Many-years-and-23-Days-to-Make-a-Trait
Flynn is "Proud" of his WQke boys and Jan. 6.

Flynn signing WWG1WGA in 2017

Flynn's son, Mike Jr, Mike Cernovich and Jack Posobiec were the Muckrakers who started Pizzagate, the precursor to Q Anon. This is an origin picture to ponder... as they are all lying GQP operatives who now deny they had anything to do with Q... #2 and #3 are the KeK PeePee frogtrolls who you saw in 2015/16, relaying messages to their troll brothers in 8Chan/8Kun and elsewhere.

symbol/1488 is Nazi code. Posobiec is a former Navy intelligence officer...https://www.adl.org/resources/hate- Mike Cernovich is a jailhouse lawyer, in for rape. Slimeballs boosted by the Flynns... and now have scrubbed their bad reputation by pretending to be journalists and free speech advocates. This is all merely a sampling... https://vatniksoup.com/en/soups/171

WARNING! This is vile and disgusting... The choking noises were added by an idiot who got the recording from Cernovich's site before it was removed. LOSER45 loves nasty people. This one is A1 Asshole.

Cassandra Fairbanks, the great pretender... MOLE!

Who gave Fairbanks and Cernovich White House press passes?

Be of sound mind before venturing down the rabbit hole

First post on 4chan by Q (supposedly) compiled by 24 year old who calls himself ‘IAM BECAUSE WE ARE’ Given that phrase is African, he just may well be… and... His English sucks. It is over 600 pages in PDF form, FFS. A real rabbit hole. https://krypt3ia.files.wordpress.com/2018/08/q_s_posts_-_cbts_-_7-2-0.pdf
Q began on 4 Chan by by Microchip and Dreamcatcher larping Luther Blissett novel 'Q' based on the religious/political turmoil of the reformation… Here, the Italian authors agree the premise was copied… from pizzagate Satanism and pedos onward. (And yet blame Democrats, FFS...) https://wumingfoundation.tumblr.com/post/176695298570/on-qanon-the-full-text-of-our-buzzfeed-interview and Q is a Vatican spy. https://www.amazon.com/Q-Luther-Blissett/dp/0156031965#customerReviews It was taken over by Pamphlet Anon, Radix, Baruch, & Brainstorm, moved to 8chan & monetized.
Several Universities had students who were selling Q/Kek items, which people shut down by emailing the Universities to make them aware their sites were being used by Q operatives. (Who called themselves Q Woke and red-pill awakening, ironically...) The ones who pooh poohed it were like this fellow... a Know nothing theology teacher who puts out a magazine and blog... bless him, in which he says both sides are the same. He is teaching the children of the future that the only difference is the colour their party chose. https://modernreformation.org/resource-library/web-exclusive-articles/the-woke-and-the-red-pill-pt-i-conjoined-twins-at-war/
Since then it has been monetized via hundreds more scammers willing to take the money from the vulnerable and mentally deranged…
Dave Hayes, AKA Praying Medic, is one of the leading promoters of the Q conspiracy theory, now says that when Q specifically predicted hundreds of thousands of arrests/indictments, it was intentional disinformation and distraction. Interesting, in that he is admitting the shit he has promoted from day one was meant solely to take them down the rabbit hole! Keep confessing, you vile piece of shit.
To give you a glimpse into this weirdness, here is one Q nutter in 4 chan that helped compile this pile of shit into categories. to "research." (What it actuallly was, was a list of open cases on the dockets all across the US) https://qresear.ch/indictments This moron made a searchable map. https://bad-boys.us/
Why would they do all that work? Praying Medic said it was real... Look what praying medic found in the bible… "Then I heard the number of those that were sealed: 144,000."I have a feeling when they're unsealed... it's gonna be biblical.- 16 Jan 2020 The sealed indictments are ALL of the sealed cases on the docket in the USA you numbnuts freak… Jesus… indeed… https://twitter.com/prayingmedic/status/1218035100744503297
From his BIO: Paramedic ★ Author ★ Teacher ★ Dreamer ★ Q Researcher ★ Patriot ★ Child of God ★Acts 4:20 ★ Love Wins ★ Enjoy the show
He has ,many sites, youtube and books and is one of the original grifters pretending to be Q. Here he is today, lamenting that the government was doing simulations of the harm people like him do in election: https://twitter.com/prayingmedic/status/1769005814294200700 Now that Douglas Mackey AKA Ricky Vaugn is getting his comeuppance for election interference, with his alt-right trolling and misinformation, there may be some real praying and pants pooping happening. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/tasneemnashrulla/ricky-vaughn-twitter-troll-arrested-election-interference
Here he is with a new meme saying they are digital soldiers, as they were dubbed by Flynn! https://twitter.com/prayingmedic/status/1210912760734707713
Praying Medic, is a grifting Q arsehole fake religious who said God told him to grift off the Q-Quislings has a religious nonprofit in Washington State. AGAIN… a Q "researcher" got non-profit status! WTAF America? Here is a “taste “ of that charitable work that he collects money for on Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and Patreon and elsewhere… https://www.rightwingwatch.org/people/praying-medic/
The eclipse and end times...
Meanwhile, on FLAT EARTH
A real TicToc post: "theflateartherr THE FLAT EARTHER · 3-2 Why aren't we being told that the eclipse is to last for 3 days?🤔" Check my favourite replies from Reddit at the bottom...
Thus Q Quisling is everywhere, sharing his "knowledge"
And share it no less... https://twitter.com/i/status/1693865092520030711
Et Tu Joe?
Not the kids...
C'mon Karma...
Did he miss any conspiracy?
Demented in another dimension...
An old video that says it all... and these people vote!
The posts below were missing some of the past Q murderers I missed. There are likely many, many more but the connection to Q wasn't made for some reason.
Neely Petrie-Blanchard shot Christopher Hallett, a fellow QAnon supporter helping her get back custody of her twin daughters, when she believed he failed to regain custody of her children. https://www.thedailybeast.com/qanon-mom-arrested-for-murder-of-fringe-legal-theorist-in-florida
Rory Banks had two guns, four knives, pepper spray, and a hit list of registered sex offenders in his town. He had a Q sticker on his car and frequently “did research” by watching QAnon Telegram videos. Banks would broke into the home of Ralph Mendez who was listed on California’s sex offender registry, and killed him with shots to his head and torso. https://www.thedailybeast.com/latest-qanon-killer-had-murder-hit-list
Proud Boy and QAnon believer Buckey Wolfe, murdered his own brother with a sword by stabbing him in the head with a four-foot-long sword. Wolfe believed a conspiracy theory that some people are actually lizards in disguise and said that was why he killed his brother and in his videos said tRUMP would soon triumph over his enemies in a cataclysmic event QAnon believers call “The Storm.” https://www.thedailybeast.com/proud-boy-member-accused-of-murdering-his-brother-with-a-sword-4
Anthony Comello shot Mafia boss Frank Cali 10 times in front of his Staten Island home. To prepare for his court, Comello had scribbled the “Q” on his palm, along with some right-wing buzzwords “MAGA forever… UNITED WE STAND… Patriots in charge.” https://www.thedailybeast.com/anthony-camello-accused-of-killing-gambino-boss-frank-cali-might-be-crazy-about-qanon
Killer Qanon Murderers in UPDATE 15
Killer Qanon Murderers in UPDATE 2
Anyone who the MAGA Qultists do not like is a woke trans commie socialist pedo demon …Lady GaGa is a man, Michelle Obama is a man, Dolly Parton is a man, Taylor Swift is a man.
By degrading and dehumanizing the people that Q, tRUMP and the GQP told them to hate, they now make Dems, trans, LGBTQ, coloured people, non “christians and more… targets of their hate, trolling, death threats, violence, and for some, to kill.
And yes, there's more...
And it worked...
Oh and there's more ...
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh... I would have asked for another waiter...
I am adding this again for posterity...
And this... because it shows that mental illness is rampant. A child tapes his mother praying and sobbing at the outcome of the Superbowl...
Addendum to: Killer Qanon Murderers in UPDATE 2
The dangers lurking in the Q rabbit hole ... Q killers.
The video he posted online not only boasted about killing his father because he worked for the government as a federal emplyee, but he also spewed a litany of conspiracy theories developed by QAnon and he asked people to follow him. With a motto like "Where we go one we go all," that seems a gruesome and insane challenge. He referred to it as a “call to arms for American patriots.” It may not surprise anyone he also a "christian" who called for a return to more Judeo-Christian values.
He graduated in 2010, college in 2014 and has been living at home for the last 10 years unemployed and blaming the government ... More from his home rown here:
I missed this one... (I DO NOT go looking for them. There may be many more but most involve children and I am tired of these feckless POS claiming they are saving children... when they are killing them)
Filimon Hurtado says burned two toddlers in order to expose a celebrity human trafficking and cloning ring. He said it was more sensational than just burning himself and would get more attention. When the mother intervened, he poured gasoline over her as well and lit her afire,. She survived. The children did not...
Anon, veterans, militia and professional (and sometimes all in one) there were other violent Q-crimes which were both domestic terrorism and traitorous. And yet, ironically, the perpetrators call themselves "patriots."
8Kun peepeefrog trolls must be shitting their pants right now in excitement. LOSER45 made a sloppy Q in the air TWICE when saying "Nikki will be under investigation." The "those people" he is referring to are his Q nutters,,,, "investigating," How sad that I know his code...
I do love that Maddow fact checking in real time. Watch the whole thing because it was a well done video.
8Kun peepeefrog troll
The Q cult sees a need for more panic and cortisol... https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/
Meanwhile, the crazy is really oozing in Canada...
SOB musk is really embracing Q and the insurrectionists ...
In the last 2 weeks of November, Elon Musk retweeted long debunked Pizzagate lies 5 times.
It is likely to distract from his antisemetic and white supremecist remarks previously. Regardless of his flimsy reasoning, it is dangerous. The QAnon crowd are mentally vulnerable and someone really unstable may lash out violently. The excuse for doing so is that an ABC reporter has been charged with child porography and even though no link has been found, they are insisting he was involved in debunking the Pizzagate conspiracy.
Elon is the same POS who called a volunteer in the children Thai cave rescue a rapist and pedo guy in 2018, most certainly because his lame efforts were rejected as lame.
There was no mention made when real pedos were working in the tRUMP campaign in video/media and another as an advisor.
Baby pedo WARNING, Disturbing Content. Ruben A. Verastigui, PEDO Who Worked for tRUMP and GOP, Arrested https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2021/2/6/2014481/--WARNING-Disturbing-Content-Ruben-A-Verastigui-PEDO-Who-Worked-for-tRUMP-and-RNC-Arrested
Or of the these:
This person has made lists of Republican sexual predators, pedos, abusers…since 2018. There are now 48 lists HERE: https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook
Also GOP pedo ring 2 min video includes Gaetz : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vo3czL_UiU
It is entirely odd that I was looking for one thing and found another... but weird is the name of the game since tRUMP arrived to perform in the political theatre. I was looking into the 'convoy' in Indiana, to see if there was an update of any kind and I saw the name amd logo of the site of the person I had just been looking at and wondering why he has not yet been arrested for January 6th.
The 9 hour video was on the post 'Confederate "Patriotism" in HUNTINGBURG INDIANA - from which I added a clip: https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/forum/general-discussion/confederate-patriotism-in-huntingburg-indiana
These people are so intrinsically and inextricably linked that you can look under one rock and find the same characters under the next one... This character is David Valentine, who films hours and hours of useless shitty video, who also happens to be known to the Sedition Hunters as yellowsizzler, but may not have been arrested because he calls himself a “journalist.” Freedom of the press may have made the FBI leery of an arrest, but here's the thing... Valentine was videotaped cutting wires by ANOTHER fake "journalist ... but one who hated the violence and was not involved. Here is the clip - sound down.
Valentine should have been arrested for vandalism at the very least... I wish someone who is American would ask why not... Being FBI reports have been make, perhaps you rep is the next step. Here he is in a Congressional hearing of the Hunter Biden laptop. At this rate, he'll be running for Congress soon for the MAGA party...
I started the original post because someone asked what QAnon was all about. This forum was my attempt to explain the nuttery. I should have waited. The Q nutters explain it so well themselves. Here visiually is a depiction of all thing Q, above the Great Awakening sign. Our lefty "leaders" are depicted below the sign. Note that Putin and Kim Jon Un are in the "Good Place." Being best buds with LOSER45 has its perks!
Chuck Grassley is the new Q guy in Gov. He has been mentioned twice this week and something Q said 6 years ago has been matched to him! HAZAAAAAAH! Get the popcorn ready indeed!
I do hate to be the one to break it to you sane folks, but...tRUMP is still in charge. It must be true. She has done extensive Youtube research!
Conspiracy theorist charged with killing his children in Rosarito not competent to stand trial, judge finds
https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/courts/story/2023-10-12/coleman-competency-ruling-mexico-san-diego *See more Q murderers in updates 2 and 3
Flynn continues to flipflop on how he feels about Q. See also UPDATE #7 below. (The QAnon nutters figured Flynn must be Q originally. They still feel that he was the Trump liason in the WH who helped nurture the conspiracy and they would be right about that...
Flynn, your Q army is so confused...
More Q responce here, if you can stomach it
Flynn going against the hive mind and their response
It's been 10m, 6d, 15h, 18m since Q has posted. How do I know that? This Q nutter has embedded a counter and archived all of the Q "alert" posts. https://qalerts.app/
Just a reminder here that Q was a former US Army helicopter repairman Jim Watkins, a pig farmer in the Philippines that made a ton of money hosting porn sites INCLUDING CHILD PORN.
Both Jim and his son are now back in the USA and had to sell the pig farm. Jim has been declared an undesirable... which means if he returns he will be deported.
Jim's son, Ron Watkins, took over the Q persona for a short time, but is now likely in hiding (in Australia?) since Dad's deposition in the Jan 6 committee hearings and Ron's known interference as a designated "cyber expert" assisting with the illegal efforts to overturn of the 2020 election AND his lies about Dominion.... https://january6th-benniethompson.house.gov/sites/democrats.january6th.house.gov/files/20220606_Jim%20Watkins.pdf
Ron watkins, who worked with his dad to make troll sites and porn, including child porn, passed himself off as a "Large system technical analist" as he claims Dominion voting systems was used to steal the election from tRUMP. Watkins was so set to stand by his claims that he erased all of his posts when Dominion began to sue for defamation...
(I provided this info to the Jan 6 committee, along with 10 other pages of info. Being these 2 POS are not named in any suits and will not face consequences for the damage they have done worldwide, I can take a little pride in knowing they are now named as Q conpirators in the Congressional records. Who knows what underground damage they are continuing to do out of the spotlight, sigh)
Ron Watkins, (@codemonkeyz), Twitter, Nov. 19, 2020 12:45 a.m. ET, available at http://web.archive.org/web/20201121092200/https://twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1329299640848584710 (archived); Ron Watkins, (@codemonkeyz), Twitter, Nov. 19, 2020 12:46 a.m. ET, available at http://web.archive.org/web/20201201175413/https://twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1329300069623820289 (archived); Donald J. Trump, Twitter, Nov. 21, 2020 11:30 p.m. ET, Nov. 21, 2020, 11:31 p.m. ET, Nov. 21, 2020, 11:32 p.m. ET, Nov. 22, 2020, 3:35 p.m. ET, available at https://www.thetrumparchive.com/?searchbox=%22dominion-izing%22&dates=%5B%222020-11-20%22%2C%222020-11-24%22%5D (archived).
This was Ron Watkin's deleted post celebrating tRUMP retweeting his appearance on OAN.
Ron Watkins now?
I saw this post from 7 months ago on Reddit that prompted this update reply. It is a RWNJ page with a fake liberal name, 'libsofreddit.' The question asks 'what is QAnon,' and the RWNJs say it is the Liberal bugaboo ... when it is sadly anything but imaginary and even their GodKing tRUMP Tweeted and retweeted posts from the Q Qult. https://www.reddit.com/r/libsofreddit/comments/11yol0k/what_is_qanon/
There may be no Q updates but the QAnon minions are still in the cult and inventing new ways to be relevent and support tRUMP, with many of them running for office and winning... UGH... (See main post) and that includes Marjorie Taylor Greene.
From r/Qult_HeadquartersL
When you have a Q Qultist for a landord and he believes Oct 4 is a really, really bad day... so he makes sure everyone shares in the consequences of his deep dive into the rabbit hole of insanity... https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/comments/16y2elq/its_truly_spreading_far_and_wide/
Rge origuinal poster says there are 100 apartments involved. https://www.reddit.com/r/Landlord/comments/16xbckq/tenant_usa_is_my_landlord_allowed_to_do_this/
Jim Stewartson's background in psych-op games gives him a whole different look into the QAnon mindset,... because they copied his methods in creating an alternate reality. H/T to Beam Me Up for introducing him.
Although I add some of the people and their involvement, he tells you why and how they target and manipulate the brains of your family and friends. You can tell he feels some responsibilty for the madness and wants to help. https://www.mind-war.com/p/american-mindfck-the-qanon-documentary
He also blogs here: MindWar: The Psychological War on Democracy
Kash Patel is suing him for 10m. tRUMP has shown that the way to get people to stop telling the truth about you is to sue... Who is Kash Parel? He is the person who told tRUMP he could declassify with his mind.
"He served as chief of staff to the acting United States secretary of defense under President Donald Trump. Patel has worked at the National Security Council and U S House ofRepresentatives and was previously a federal public defender, a federal prosecutor working on national security cases, and a legal liaison to the United States Armed Forces.
Patel has widely been described by news organizations as a "Trump loyalist." As an aide to Congressman Devin Nunes, Patel played a key role in helping Republican attempts to fight the investigations into Donald Trump and Russian interference in the 2016 election." Pramod "Kash" Patel: WIKI
QAnon Behind JFK Conspiracy, Michael Protzman, Died in dirt Bike Accident
Is anyone surprized his followers, who believe JFK and JFK Jr are alive and well and working with Q, think it is a hoax? https://www.thedailybeast.com/michael-protzman-qanon-devotee-behind-jfk-conspiracy-theory-dies
This is one of the more horrifying videos of former national security advisor for tRUMP and QAnon peddler Michal Flynn. WWIII is in the future because of the "biological weapon called the Covid vaccines." The comment from the MAGA morons who believe in Flynn are terrifying as well... https://twitter.com/AccountableGOP/status/1623781272022548480
Meanwhile, the family is denying that they have anything to do with Q! Here they are handing out stickers...
Q sent me... Plus Flynn had a Q store FFS...
Feb 10, 2023: CNN suspects Michael Flynn’s family deleted communications, demands ‘forensic search’ of phones' (Remember the pledge to Q the family made on July 4 a couple of years ago?) https://lawandcrime.com/qanon/cnn-suspects-michael-flynns-family-deleted-communications-demands-forensic-search-of-phones/
Some good news...
Delusionalmale Posted in this comment:
It is a pic, so the URL to the story is here: https://www.aol.com/news/trump-hosts-event-featuring-qanon-182728215.html
For a cult formed to expose pedos, they are doing an awful job... especially as tRUMP eyed his daughter as a piece of ass as a child and teen.
A "QAnon influencer" is a registered child sex offender designated as a Sexually Violent Offender. "David Todeschini, 70, goes by the name of “David Trent” online where his thousands of fans listen to him opine on any number of conspiracy theories related to the broader QAnon movement." He accuses Dems of being pedos. https://lawandcrime.com/awkward/qanon-influencer-who-accuses-democrats-of-being-pedophiles-is-identified-as-convicted-child-molester-designated-as-sexually-violent-offender/
Nov 2022, QAnon influencer Phil Godlewski, when he was 25 and a high school baseball coach, repeatedly had sex with a 15-year-old girl from 2008 on. Godlewski groomed her after her boyfriend killed himself. After the story came out he also tried to silence her. Saying he did not care that she was underage, he wrote up to 300 times a day disgusting sexual intimacies and self-incriminating texts like: “Why are we so compatible? I’m 10 years older than you.” As though that were not enough, “Godlewski also profits from encouraging his fans to sign up for financial arrangements like a multilevel marketing scheme that sells silver. Earlier this year, Godlewski used his QAnon earnings to buy a $1.7 million house.” He is also a real estate agent… “We’ve probably had sex in like 40% of the homes in northeastern Pennsylvania,” the now woman responded to a text… https://www.thedailybeast.com/qanon-leader-phil-godlewski-has-sordid-past-of-his-ownincluding-a-conviction-for-corrupting-a-minor
‘Republican Q-Anon supporter in Louisiana was arrested on FOUR counts of possessing child pornography. Ben Gibson, 34 is an airman who had pornography of children under 13… https://wgno.com/yleh/bafb-airman-unsuccessful-gop-challenger-in-la-dist-4-race-charged-with-child-pornography/
*WARNING, Disturbing Content.* Ruben A. Verastigui, PEDO Who Worked for tRUMP and GOP, Arrested https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2021/2/6/2014481/--WARNING-Disturbing-Content-Ruben-A-Verastigui-PEDO-Who-Worked-for-tRUMP-and-RNC-Arrested
Not mine… This person has 39 stories with lists of GOP sexual predators, pedos, abusers… https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/11/27/2138682/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-39
The Pizzagate conspiracy of Pedos did not stop there. It converged with the antisemetic Nazis and the so-called deeply religious. It is being soft-pedalled by the GQP and the Talibangelicals and pedal-to-the-metal on Der Sturmer sites...
Making people "other than" is the root of bigotry, prejudice and racism. And often, genocide. https://www.justsecurity.org/72339/qanon-is-a-nazi-cult-rebranded/
The Neo-Nazis helped make QAnon popular all over the world and get tRUMP elected and tRUMP was embracing it all publicly. The leader of what is considered a powerful nation was embracing every faction of every hate group. https://www.adl.org/resources/reports/qanons-antisemitism-and-what-comes-next How could it, and the hate, not expand exponentially? https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/forum/general-discussion/anti-vaxxer-anti-semite-blames-jews-for-covid
God and tRUMP spoke to them in code and puzzles and clues. What fun! They have solved the puzzles, so must be brilliant. And they have one over on you and those other "elites." They know something you don't know. JFK Jr is not dead, Biden and Obama and Hillary are clones and their real selves are in Gitmo, and tRUMP is a truth-teller fighting Pedos. (And thousands upon thousands of other lies they believe are truth) Their fear and ego brought them here: (Long article to delve into on a cold winter's night reading by the fire... https://econtent.hogrefe.com/doi/10.1027/1864-9335/a000306
Imagine Marjorie 3 toes calling the left demons and witches... VIDEO: https://twitter.com/galenker/status/1574523109377335296
The evangelicals would never admit that many of them are the porn freaks, pedos, evil and hate-filled entities they project the left to be ... and desperately want to hide that somewhere safe. The slogans and camaraderie of cults allows them to feel free and safe in a tribal setting, listening to the gibberish of Q and tRUMP also makes them feel secure in their leadership being as "smart" as they are. The bible comforts them with cherry picked passages and lines like this...
Rick Perry helped.
Here are more tweets of them trying to convince each other ad naseam that the sexual predator in chief was a vessel of God... https://twitter.com /search?q=God%20uses%20vessels%20tRUMP&src=typed_query&f=top
God's plan, and you have to "trust the plan." https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/06/qanon-nothing-can-stop-what-is-coming/610567/
White House and QAnon
‘Former Republican congressman Denver Riggleman presented a graph he called "the monster" to the January 6 House Select committee, showing how several groups were communicating at around the time of the Capitol riot and feeding QAnon conspiracy theories directly into the White House.’ https://the7.news/denver-riggleman-ties-qanon-to-white-house-with-the-monster-jan-6-graph-88415.html
The call came from inside the house...
Riggleman says on 60 minutes that one call was traced to a Jan 6th insurrectionist
Read more on that here: https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/forum/main/comment/2de30660-d4ce-49d8-b812-f1bcbb9a40b0?postId=6331df905089330012eb624f
tRUMP has significantly embraced QAnon in the last few weeks... Here, he added a video including QAnon symbols and lies galore...
*** potential Killer Q Jan Stawovy was arrested at a Pennsylvania Dairy Queen (DQ) with a loaded handgun, for threatening to kill Democrats. He was wearing a clown wig when placed in cuffs and 2 more loaded guns were found in his vehocle. Stawovy, 61, had made several posts about QAnon and the Great Awakening. DQ. Is that the new pizzagate? Donald Q? https://t.co/1WswPdNRyL
A stochastic terrorist reposted this pic and has been reposting Q memes and more on his social network. It is not a surprise, then, that the loser's followers felt alerted... They have been waiting for the signal that this, this is finally is the day he arrests Hillary and hundreds of others, and takes his place back on the throne.
His church also expelled him for wearing clown outfits to service and frightening children. He also added this to his letter from the Pastor to Fecesbook, seemingly happy that he was ousted.
Just Today: QAnon's Dave Hayes, aka "The Praying Medic, 'says the military must step in and order that the 2020 election be redone while also insisting that "it's not a coup, because a coup is when the military removes a duly elected president."'
Who is Praying Medic? I would give you his Rwitter accounts, but for some reason he is banned... BIO said :Paramedic ★ Author ★ Teacher ★ Dreamer ★ Q Researcher ★ Patriot ★ Child of God ★Acts 4:20 ★ Love Wins ★ Enjoy the show
He has several sites, plus YouTube and is one of the original grifters pretending to be Q
The dangers lurking in the Q rabbit hole... (PS: I do not have a TV and did not go looking for these articles. There are likely many more I have missed)
KillerQanon Murderers
*** Killer Q Just yesterday, Sept 11. 2022 ... after killing his wife and their dog and seriously injuring a daughter, another daughter states…
*** Killer Q Bryan Riley "A Marine veteran charged with the murder of four in a Florida home, including a 3-month-old baby, targeted the family because he believed they were holding a child sex-trafficking victim — a victim that authorities say was a 'figment of his imagination.'" https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/suspect-florida-quadruple-homicide-falsely-believed-he-was-saving-sex-n1278832
*** Killer Q Liliana Carrillo,the woman who killed her 3 children was deep into the q rabbit hole… https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-04-17/mother-unraveled-in-depression-qanon-style-conspiracies-in-months-before-she-killed-3-kids
*** Killer Q: Matthew Taylor Coleman drove to Mexico with his 1- and 3-year-old kids to murder them, the FBI says. He told the FBI he was "enlightened by QAnon." He said his wife passed "serpent DNA onto his children" and he was "saving the world from monsters." https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdca/pr/santa-barbara-man-indicted-san-diego-killing-his-children-mexico
*** Killer Q: Michigan man, Troy Burke, shot and killed his wife after being convinced by QAnon that she was a child sex trafficker working for the CIA. https://www.businessinsider.in/international/news/prosecutors-say-a-michigan-man-shot-and-killed-his-wife-after-being-convinced-by-qanon-that-she-was-a-child-sex-trafficker-working-for-the-cia/articleshow/89495430.cms
Update #1
The pizzagate conspirators that begot "Q"
I have a ton of files/info/URLs sould anyone have questions... but for now ... I was not the only one watching these SOBs evolve...
*Long list of names… https://daniel-ed-morrison.medium.com/how-q-came-to-be-7b05e7b10ab5
*Q hunter… https://twitter.com/jimstewartson/status/1349580433114226688
*Daily beast journo on trolls and Q https://twitter.com/willsommer
*Twitter: https://twitter.com/PokerPolitics/status/1301190572745658368
*QAnon report on the alt right and Q https://twitter.com/travis_view
*Q Anon timeline layout by Bellingcat https://www.bellingcat.com/news/americas/2021/01/29/the-qanon-timeline
* Jan 2021 The Making of QAnon: A Crowdsourced Conspiracy https://www.bellingcat.com/news/americas/2021/01/07/the-making-of-qanon-a-crowdsourced-conspiracy/
April 4, Ron Watkins let slip he is Q in the new Netflix series… https://twitter.com/nowthisnews/status/1379643343303507969
Wow! The more I hear about Q Anon the crazier it sounds. Actually, the first time I ever heard about it was on this website. I live across the pond and I don’t really keep up with everything anyway. I listened to a BBC podcast series about it called ’The Coming Storm’ which was good but your pics and videos make it seem more real, even though I still can’t really get my head around it. Their ‘map’ looks like the scribblings of a mad man, and the people involved in this cult are vile. The last video was disgusting and since watching it I will never again refer to a woman as a B****