See also:
Illustration: Joe Ciardiello
Conservative Supreme Court corruption
SCOTUS brought Citizens United which allows dark and foreign monies, Pacs, and corrupt elections; 80 school shootings in 2023 because Scalia likes guns and convinced his fellow gun-happy compatriats that the founders were thinking of guns much as he does; and of course reversing Roe and Wade because government needs to be involved with women's uteruses... and any other brief funneled their way via the Federalist Soxiety and Leonard Leo.
December 06, 2023 Justice Samuel Alito isolated in tax case he refused to recuse from
December 06, 2023 Gorsuch Warns Congress Is Coming For Your Savings The case actually threatens present and possible future taxation of the super rich.
December 05, 2023 Conservative Supreme Court justices let Leonard Leo do their homework
Dec 4, 2023 SCOTUS is making major decisions based on outright lies
Nov 14, 2023 Clarence Thomas scandal corners high court: New 'code' adopted over calls for reform
November 02, 2023 Senate Republicans endorse Supreme Court corruption
October 25, 2023 Most of Justice Thomas' $267,000 loan for an RV seems to have been forgiven, Senate Democrats say
August 30, 2023 The Supreme Court Has Always Been Terrible
Aug. 10, 2023 Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’ corruption is intolerable. Here’s what we can do about it
August 3, 2023 Senate Dems Ask Roberts To ‘Ensure’ Alito Recuse From Key Tax Case
June 5, 2023 The Supreme Court Is Corrupt Because It’s Conservative
tRUMP Says It Is 'Illegal' to Criticize his judges
I thought that LOSER 45 was mired in the feces that is below pond scum, but somehow he, manages to lower himself even further. tRUMPs courts, judge, laws and opponent's name calling could fill its own binder.
Well,tRUMP, you slimy, corrupt POS, I dearly hope that you and other corrupt assholes and judges who stand with you and protect you and dare so it under the auspices of "the law" soon get what you deserve. Some actual JUSTICE. Karma...mete it out FFS!!
Butting-in even on summer break
The RW SCOTUS are the ultimate tRUMP butt-sniffers.
‘Alt-right Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch just went on Fox News to THREATEN President Joe Biden and VP Harris and their efforts to return ethics and accountability to the Supreme Court. Michael Popok puts the outrageous appearance in perspective and analyzes the fall of Gorsuch.’ He is such an ass. He calls SCOTUS an INDEPENDENT judiciary, calls protecting tRUMP from the law important, and says tRUMP is being politically criminalized! W T A F ’ingF? It's the American way!
Corrupt MAGA SCOTUS justice Neil Gorsuch warns of federal law overreach in his new book about the impact of excessive federal laws on Americans in his new book, "Over Ruled: The Human Toll of Too Much Law. There are too many laws scooping up innocent people he says, citing shitty cases they have taken up because they are corrupt assholes trying to reduce regulations and make sure the rich get richer and stay out of jail.
This may be old, but the sentiment remains...
The Supreme Court Is Shaming Itself
Reddit had some great answers in comments
The justices have put themselves in a lofty position that is above the law as well. They are, by delaying tRUMP's criminal trials...OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE. BY agreeing with a tRUMPy judge's misinterpretation of the obstruction law, OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE. By dissolving Chevron, they have put themselves above all of the administration departments and tied their hands while giving Congress more work. (Not that the Republican Congress has been useful...) And in the last few weeks their decisions have made it okay to arrest the homeless if they try to sleep to rest and made bribery okay. (Being some of them happily take bribes, why not???) This last SCOTUS session was a hellscape.
It’s important to read more about Chevron:
‘We Just Witnessed the Biggest Supreme Court Power Grab Since 1803 The court has given itself nearly unlimited power over the administrative state, putting everything from environmental protections to workers’ rights at risk.’
And more here. The comments are excellent as well:
Sheldon Whitehouse@SenWhitehouse
"Our current situation should give Dems a rejuvenating chance to focus better on fixing what’s gone wrong in America. We face three huge threats: persistent internal attacks on our democracy, unbridled climate upheaval, and a captured Court with some deeply corrupt justices. Behind each threat is dark money; massive anonymous political spending by special interests who hide their identities from the public.
The political class has reoriented itself to this new reality, pivoting to the big secret spenders. Voters notice they’re not so important anymore. An entire dark-money ecosystem has been spawned, with front groups, ‘Donors Trusts,’ coordinating 501c3s and c4s, and superPACs. This whole filthy bestiary of influence is new (or refocused and expanded) since Citizens United. It didn’t used to be this way; it doesn’t have to be this way... "
Read the rest of his comment here:
The GQP SCOTUS are assholes and pieces of shit...
and they prove they are partisan more and more every day. HOS added this yesterday and it is so appropos. Besides delaying tRUMP's criminal trials, tRUMP judges and tRUMP's SCOTUS are protecting him. DEPLORABLE!!
The wrench has been thrown into the works.
They could not give complete immunity so it is only for "official acts..." And who in their right mind thinks tRUMP is not going to declare ANYTHING he did and does as an official act.
He'll make Executive orders declaring anything he does an official act. He has already redefined laws. He already presumes he is innocent and has immunity for all acts.
Criminality is the new official act!
Official Acts...
Criminals speak about taking the 5th and immunity...
The President is now above the law!
The GQP SCOTUS are pieces of shit...
and they prove they are partisan more and more every day.
SEC VS Jarkesy
'The case started as garden-variety securities fraud. According to SEC findings, the radio host George Jarkesy stole from his investors by lying to them about his investment strategy, lying about his auditor and prime broker, and lying about his take. To protect the integrity of the financial markets, the SEC forced Jarkesy to disgorge his ill-gotten gains and banned him from the securities industry. It also fined him $300,000 for good measure.'
Yesterday, SCOTUS decided fraud is just fine, thank you very much, by stripping the SEC of some of their power. SCOTUS ruled that defendants in financial-fraud cases have a right to a jury trial, rather than the SEC's in-house courts. Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote in dissent, “the constitutionality of hundreds of statutes may now be in peril, and dozens of agencies could be stripped of their power to enforce laws enacted by Congress.”'
So Jarskey will have high powered lawyers who will confuse the jury and let him win and investors lose out... and many agencies will not be able to do their jobs.
Fischer v. United States
Siding with an obvious misinterpretation of a law because they can ,,, is nauseating. And ludicrous. And dangerous! And they do not deserve the respect that would normally be a given judges.
Fact Sheet: Fischer v. United States tRUMP and his Jan 6 criminal minions will have one less felony to worry about! FFS!!
This is meant to appease...
Lawyer Harry Litman explains the case and consequences
And the Chevron decision...JFC!!!!
Why defer to experts when you can let Congress make scientific, medical, public safety and environmental decisions? JFC!!!
'The Supreme Court on Friday upended a 40-year-old decision that made it easier for the federal government to regulate the environment, public health, workplace safety and consumer protections, delivering a far-reaching and potentially lucrative victory to business interests.
The court’s six conservative justices overturned the 1984 decision colloquially known as Chevron, long a target of conservatives who have been motivated as much by weakening the regulatory state as social issues including abortion. The liberal justices were in dissent.'
A Possible Fix for the Supreme Court
This is a thoughtful post with a decent idea. Sadly it isn't getting much traction because the trolls are too busy denigrating Biden and telling everyone to give up. I recommend you give it a read.
David Bossie bragged that he was able to finagle a case about a cat all the way to the Supreme Court. And from it you now have Citizen's United that hobbled the FEC, PACs that anyone and their cat can make and dirty money buying elections.
I have too much to do today, so here is today's SCOTUS
Opinions rendered:
Scotusblog Tiktok
Oh FFS... the live feed ended just after I published this as only 2 decisions were rendered today. She will update later here:
Or here
That decision on bribery today had a statute number of 666 and looks as though the devil had a hand in it, as you see a bribe is made BEFORE an official act, whereas a gratuity is a payment after the official act. The statute also had both the words “rewarded” to “influenced” in it, so SCOTUS needed to make a DICKtionary ruling again. Kavanaugh, who likely had too many beers last night, delivered the opinion. I wonder how many doors were left open with that one!
I was going to go shopping as I only shop once a month. Should you wonder why I am back so soon, the rain we were supposed to get today never happened and I had to water everything ... I was about to make a meme but was sure others already had and lo...
POS POTUS are delaying the most important decisions
I can't wait to see what the drama queens have in store. Delaying decisions only further shows the bulk of the judges are partisan hacks working for tRUMP as they happily await their "gratuities" that will send them on their bribe paid for vacations soon. OOOPS! Not bribe as the free vacations and "gifts" are awarded AFTER they ruled!
TRUMP V. UNITED STATES (2024) - This is the Trump immunity case which rules whether the President enjoys immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct alleged to stem from official duties of the Presidency.
LOPER BRIGHT ENTERPRISES V. RAIMONDO - This case will determine whether Chevron will be overturned. Chevron was a decision that gave broad powers to administrative agencies to interpret the text of laws passed by Congress.
[Affects the environment/climate change/medication approval/ pollution and many more regulations that will resonate for generations. They already squealed on themselves during oral arguments that they reject science and expertise and oligarchs will win this one]
FISCHER V. UNITED STATES - January 6th rioters were charged with a law criminalizing the obstruction of Congressional activities related to investigations and evidence. The rioters challenged this charge and this case will determine whether they could be charged with this law.
[And hey, this one is also a charge against tRUMP so win/win for all the criminals should SCOTUS decide this misinterpretation of a clause stands, and they likely will.]
MOYLE V. UNITED STATES - The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act requires hospitals receiving medicare funding to perform stabilizing care for emergency cases regardless of a patients' ability to pay. The Department of Health sued the state of Idaho which placed a ban on most abortions saying that the law conflicted with it.
[Leave them to die, like in Texas]
EMTALA. MURTHY V. MISSOURI - The Biden Administration requested social media companies to remove content that they alleged was misinformation. Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt sued saying that this violated First Amendment rights and was an act of censorship.
[ liars lying are the bedrock of the GOP and the tRUMP MAGA movement, so it is anyone's guess where this one will go... ]
RULING: The Supreme Court on Wednesday threw out claims that the Biden administration unlawfully coerced social media companies into removing contentious content.
In reaching its conclusion, the court overturned an injunction that would have limited contacts between government officials and social media companies on a wide range of issues if allowed to go into effect. The Supreme Court had previously put the injunction on hold.
Now why would Republicans vote for something that aligns with the rule of law, justice and the pillars of government when they have SCOTUS right where they designed them to be?
Unethical and Corrupt
Bumping more lives off per second is just fine... just fine
How in the world can a just system rescind a law that helps stops killers from being able to make killing machines that assure many more children can only be identified by the shoes they were wearing when killed.
Corrupt and immoral
I believe SCOTUS needs more of this kind of reminder that they are corrupt and immoral ... and are obviously working for tRUMP, the Republicans and Oligarchs and NOT all Americans.
I missed flag day...
Did Alito's wife?
I took her bigoted thoughts to heart... (The last one is the "sacred heart" she would fly during pride month, because she feels her religious beliefs are more important than someone being able to live their life as the person they were born to be.)
The audio, for anyone else who may have been under the weather or a rock
There are tapes...
Hear them yourself... including the view of the media by the "justice" himself...
"When this over"
Your Jesus is not behind bigotry or your chosen one
Alito's reply to the Senate Judiciary committee request for a hearing
Here is Lauren Windsor, BTW...
Leaving you with a Jordan Klepper laugh!
Reminder that 6 SCOTUS are partisan hacks
And that Nixon was brought down by republican nominated justices with a swift and ethical response. tRUMP's SCOTUS have been stalling so that his other trials do not occur before the election and that he may be granted immunity by simply pardoning himself. He may also grant pardons for all of his MAGA cohorts including Jan 6 insurrectionists. Of elected, he has administration slots to fill! For anyone saying none of that will happen I have several bridges for sale. Do NOT expect these POS to do the right thing... as the Nixon SCOTUS eventually did...
And there are MANY more case decisions to be dumped soon... I expect the worst because even with supposedly "good" decisions, their motives have future implications. (See the Abortion pill ruing as one example. They will just need more amicus briefs and choices that include proper standing... and see why this was passed ...
OOPSIE! Clarence is clarifying
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas accepted gifts worth millions of dollars over 20 years; analysis:
This chart is astounding
We had already read about it, but seeing him admit he was bribed and seeing the numbers is still jaw dropping.
They included the last 20 years because that is how long these grifting partisan corrupt "justices" have been free from such scrutiny.
See a list of all the gifts here.
Hiding behind the flag is so passe
Since update 6, where we knew little, there has been a SECOND flag pertaining to the MAGA/Christan Nationalist movements, sickening news that WaPo sent a reporter but the story did not run, Alito writing a whopping 3 page reply blaming his wife and now the Alito lies are splayed in the competing NYT...
Justice Alito won't recuse from Jan. 6 cases, cites wife's 'right' to make 'her own decisions.' He obviously means HIS WIFE, not yours!
Alito rejected recusing by excusing their actions as non political
A find from HOS:
Alito upside down flag
Martha-Ann Alito plays Eve in the Constitutional Bible version of this originist sin tale.
Justice Alito blamed wife and went to FOX to whine "it wasn't me."
Durbin calls for Alito recusal from Jan. 6 cases over upside-down flag flew at his home
He then called for passage of the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency (SCERT) Act legislation that the Senate Judiciary Committee advanced last July.
Brett Kavanaugh says unpopular rulings can later become 'fabric of American constitutional law
Your 'legacy' is "I like beer" and you will be remembered for shit like this...
tRUMP, gun owners and Jan. 6 rioters: Tough-on-crime Justice Alito displays empathy for some criminal defendants In recent arguments, Alito, a former US prosecutor usually the harshest on criminals cases expressed sympathy for tRUMP, Jan. 6 insurrectionists and gun owners.
And you, Sammy boy, are no Law and Order "originalist."
Clarence Thomas on critics and the “nasty lies…” 'It's not me ... it's YOU! Sniff'
Money is “speech” and corporations are people!
The corrupt court will be remembered...
Clarence Thomas Broke the Law. Why Is He Not Being Prosecuted?
Indeed! And why would I add more when someone writes this well on the topic and cites the law while doing so?
Michael Popok of Legal AF discusses the Washington Post reporting that Thomas hired a young woman who used to work for his wife’s MAGA extreme PAC, used to live with the Thomas’, and has used anti-Black and Arab slurs on her social media. The implications for the future are also outlined.
U.S. Supreme Court of asses will decide if Trump can be prosecuted for election interference.
Having not yet decided whether tRUMP is above the law, they have taken up tRUMP's claim that president's have absolute immunity.
Justices to hear arguments in late April - decision likely to come no later than end of June
tRUMP owns them... and SCOTUS is obviously working for only him and not the US.
This is what should happen...
That is a big win for tRUMP as can delay the freaking case into next year... and as tRUMP plans to steal the next election as he has decided he must...being he can't win votes legally... then will pardon himself, declare himself king and set about to dismantle the government and country until it suits resembles the shambles and shithole of Putin's dreams. (Think this is hyperbole? Go read about his revenge tour and the 900 pages of project 2025)
tRUMP is taking a victory lap already in his Lie Social posts...
Dissecting Trump's desperate SCOTUS plea to give him immunity for his crimes - or at least a delay
Dems need 67+ seats in the US Senate to impeach the Supreme Court Justices
@Pat Rice wrote a very brief synopsis on how to rid of some meddlesome bums in cloaks. It should be more difficult to put them in... and easier to get them out. With the Federalists calling the shots on who is on the nomination list, as well as having Leonard Leo introduce them to their rich handlers/benefactors, it makes it imperative to stop the gaming of what is supposed to be an esteemed bench and highest arbitors of the law.
(As well as one of the so called pillars of goverment... that is supposed to assure that shit tRUMP's crimes are called crimes and are punished - not happen NOT faciltate them! UGH!)
Some lawyers just love criming presidents. 2019, Donald Trump's lawyer claiming a president cannot even be investigated, let alone prosecuted, for committing a crime while in office, even if he murdered someone in public.
House Democrats ask Clarence Thomas to recuse from Supreme Court review of Colorado ballot
Billionaire Gifts To Thomas: Generosity Or Taxable Income?
If billionaires’ largesse was designed to keep the justice on the high court, experts say the money could be considered a taxable payment. [Or a freaking bribe, FFS!]
A post on Ginni Thomas
Ginni Thomas INFO: PLUS More Emails Show Wisconsin was also in her sights to pressure.
Clarence Thomas’ Private Complaints About Money Sparked Fears He Would Resign
The "poor" baby knew he would never become the gazillionnaire of his dreams as a judge, and was heavily in debt, so sought sympathy for his plight from those who were filthy rich...and there are documents:
What a piece of shit... as are his support network and Leonard Leo.
As someone who has never been in debt and bought their first home at 23, back when woman were considered a credit risk and forget about mortgage loans to a single woman (Ugh, how sad I had to be a pioneer activist to get rights men have always had) ... I would like to know how banks loaned 100k to Thomas, on top of a 514k mortgage... after putting down only 8k... without a cosigner... or, shall we say, one of his "benefactors."
The 90's: high mortgage rates, a recession...the S&L Crisis, and giving huge loans to people already in debt ...