Weird at Christmas, must be the vaccine
This insane thread is a must see. Were I not still suffering from brain fog,,, I would have had a12 days of Qhristmas song ready to add, sigh... Click on the arrow on the right to get the full thread.
An excerpt: We all have one eye smaller than the other!! I say that with a stone blocky straight face
Sarah Slanders is going to die suddenly!

Finding your tribe is like Qhristmas! A lot of hype, stuffing, disguised by pretty wrapping
When the "Mainstream news" is just a couple of gossipmongers tittering and quoting Joe Rogan... while dissing only Democrats. The Hill leans so right wing its tilting at windmills. And no, I am not embedding that garbage...
The COVID vaccine killed this woman in 2015
After all that research, the antivax Qult is really in touch with COVID
Sorry to hear about your ex. Wishing you and your son well!
The madness is being taught to their progeny ... to assure it continues for generations. These people voye! Holy hell, Idiocracy was so right on...
The "Purebloods" think they have a money maker...
The 'superior' blood grift - FRESH or CANNED!
/S "Vaccines are to blame for all sudden deaths, I have no idea how the internet or searches work , and Stew Peter's bots and "documentary" of the same name making numbers rise is irrelevant... please ignore my willful ignorance and believe me..."
These loons like tRUMP because they are just like him.
All of the present dominant COVID subvariants in the US and most of the world are still rampant because they are more likely to bypass the immune system and are more transmissible.
Everyone featured on SAV had an immune system.
MAGA MORONS are surprised FOX is updating COVID info... (Frankly, so am I) being to them it is a political hoax.
JN.1 is news to them so it must be a brand new subvariant because...well, because... and if they DO GET the "hoax" it is nothing but a cold...
The continual denial of covid vaccination is sickening. A friend's father had covid in summer, 2022, and at age 62 in March, 2023, he developed a massive cerebral aneurysm / subdural hematoma the size of a golf ball, which hemorrhaged. He was airlifted to a stroke center and they saved his life but he has hemiplegia and may recover 90% after a year. It's just now occurred to me that perhaps he developed an arterial issue secondary to covid (this type of hematoma is very rare).
My mentally unstable sister caught covid in fall, 2021, ignored her problem, was found collapsed, and taken to the ER. And, now she still uses a walker at age 59.
Many casualties.
In the past few days, the same old lying antivaxxers have recycled old lies that began in 2020 and are going viral again. This one is about the vaccine being a bioweapon being used to depopulate. I will remind that that same lie caused real world threats and violence, including the exlosion that blew apart the Georgia Guidestones last year. Here is one 2020 debunk. The problem with these lies resurfacing is that no one is debunking anymore, and XTwatter is more likely to have Musk repost the lie than to be removed as disinformation...
"Natural news" is the site regurgitating this disinformation, and people like Josh the "truthseeker" pass it on. I will not add his thread to give him more clicks... BTW, Natural News assholes make their living selling non medical substances, alternative medicine, pseudoscience and conspiracy blogging. They have amassed a huge network... and Josh makes a living the same way as part of that network and with his own disinformation sites.