(I changed the name back to what I originally had in my notes...)
They take a grain of truth and make a campaign of lies
No matter WHO or WHAT it hurts.
I have added 3 posts now on this subject (Cat eating in Springfield) and failed to delve into the story that has been out for 2 days. I am so sorry for being so remiss... PLEASE READ THIS OR LISTEN TO THE STORY if you are as well!
12 to 20 THOUSAND Haitians
were drawn into Springfield from the Haitian community as a lot of jobs opened up. The impact on the town, ALL of the resources, and the racism that it fomented… and a tragic accident that burst the hidden feelings into resentment that is now vocal ... are very real and very raw. And Vance, tRUMP and the GOP love to politicize stuff like this as we have seen, but not to fix it! No, they are doing it to WIN THE racists and bigots in the state.
And the MAGA population are just like tRUMP. LOUD and disgusting! And tRUMP gave them permission to be exactly like what you hear. Loud and proud of their bigotry and hate. This is a real complaint from a racist freaking MAGA MORON speaking at a town meeting.
Haitians will soon be the majority population in Springfield. Nowhere on the planet is it acceptable for another culture to create a majority population by replacing the native population.
The second one is historically thought to be 60 million, as though any of the murderers were keeping track. The nomad tribes did not keep track of their numbers because they changed seasonally.
“At this week’s presidential debate, Donald J. Trump went into an unprompted digression about immigrants eating people’s pets. While the claims were debunked, the topic was left unexplained.
Miriam Jordan, who covers the impact of immigration policies for The Times, explains the story behind the shocking claims and the tragedy that gave rise to them.”
Read: https://www.nytimes.com/by/miriam-jordan
Listen: Click HERE
I cried and cried and cried...
“The father of Aiden Clark, an 11-year-old Ohio boy who was killed last year when a minivan driven by a Haitian immigrant struck his school bus, said that Donald Trump and JD Vance were “morally bankrupt” and using his dead son as a “political tool.” What an amazing family!
The city of Springfield City Hall was swatted by some piece of shit and the bomb threat closed the City hall for most of 2 days. And guess who started this rumour?
Neo-Nazi group helped fuel rumor against Haitian immigrants
2 Former MARINES started this neo-Nazi group... Blood Tribe and are thrilled that the GOQ, tRUMP and the world are making them famous for it. These POS racists also STOLE that name from native Americans... https://bloodtribe.org (I hope they sue)
Vance and tRUMP and MAGA minions are doubling down
because they think this is a winning strategy.
tRUMP is a POS racist and Bigot
And I have a 120 page file to prove just how much.
No one wanted to touch this in 2020
*See more on this guy in Update1 below.
but Barron is an adult now...and daddy is using him in the campaign... What is it tRUMP says he loves about his religion and the bible? Oh yes... an eye for an eye...

The GOP as well
“You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nigger, nigger, nigger.”
By 1968 you can’t say “nigger” … So you say stuff like forced busing, states’ rights.” ~ Lee Atwater ~ RNC Chair, 1988. Atwater, Manafort and Stone… formed a firm together of dirty trickster slimeball GOP operatives who are still undermining the USA and all it says it wants to stand for… in the name of Republican politics. Party over country.
Update 5
When your cat goes missing, call JD Vance...
This is the woman who started it all...
Sassy was just being sassy!
What a piece of shit this racist man is...
No wonder tRUMP chose him to be on his ticket; they vetted him and KNEW his past
Vance responded to criticism of his post on September 10, writing: "In the last several weeks, my office has received many inquiries from actual residents of Springfield who've said their neighbors' pets or local wildlife were abducted by Haitian migrants. It's possible, of course, that all of these rumors will turn out to be false." He also encouraged supporters to "keep the cat memes flowing."
The JD Vance racism he cannot deny
Sept 10th. saying it is okay to lie and not check on whether what his constituents say is true as long as it aligns with the tRUMP/Vance racist and anti- immigration points… even though it was all a lie and made up stories, even though it was all contrived by NeoNazis and provocateurs like Jack Posobiec and other racist trolls, and even though the father of the child killed in the tragic accident asked them NOT to use their son’s death for their political gain. Deplorable and disgusting. J.D. Vance Defends “Migrants Eat Pets” Theory in Wildly Violent Rant https://newrepublic.com/post/185776/jd-vance-migrants-eat-pets-theory-violent-rant
Even this shitty MAGA Florida ‘radio station’ put the talking points in their broadcast before the debate because you all know Floridians care about OHIO! /S None of these people do. They could care less about Ohio, what is happening there, the bomb threats, who might be hurt or killed… and to these assholes, tRUMP blurting out the lies and not actually saying what the REAL problems were in overwhelming the town, was a good thing… not mentioning they were welcome and legal and bringing in businesses that rejuvenated the city. And they dare call the left evil and themselves religious? In supporting tRUMP, they say tRUMP has been pretty disciplined the whole campaign saying “being the former president, he has a command of the issues!”
Compare what they are SURE tRUMP will say in the debate and what he actually said.
"Clarification" on the Vance stance...
is like any GQP clarification. They could take a dump and point to it.
J.D. Vance's bid to clarify admission about 'creating stories' backfires. https://www.rawstory.com/jd-vance-create-stories-backfires-springfield/#comments_section_start
The f*ckers are still at it...
Some real Haitian cuisine
AND here it is...
I wish it were likely to survive... but bad people walking - especially the rich and famous - is far too evident in the states. In Canada, this would be a chargeable hate crime. https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-46/section-319.html
So Springfield was thriving in manufacturing in the 60s &70s. GEE , I wonder what happened in the 80s. Republicans are a scourge .
Update 4
J.D. Vance offers ‘proof’ of pet-eating, but it’s proven false with 1 phone call
Vance insists he has a responsibility to share what his constituents tell him and it is the media's job to find out if it's true... Can you imagine the lies he may have told to protect the Marines, being his only job before being a suck up to Peter Thiel was a media correspondence "journalist" for the Marines.
Vance Says Haitians Are “Illegal”
'Because He Doesn’t Like the Legal Program That Admitted Them.' This man and lying POS could be president and serve 2 terms...
Update 3
Springfield school closure in third day, 33 separate BOMB THREATS later and tRUMP feels this is the issue that will propel him forward so he plans to visit?
A Tale of many perspectives
Whoa... the pattern is all showing up once again. Like the Felon D'Souza and other unhinged RWNJ's documentaries and books before this, Jack Posobiec and Bannon planned this long ago. See the pattern unfold here in planning disinformation, racism and more future talking points and fear mongering... https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/forum/general-discussion/nazis-organized-charlottesville-trump-bannon-d-souza-sought-to-capitalize-on-the-clash (When you hear the RW talk about "Public relations" and "campaign strategy" this is what they do. RATF*CK! And the SCOTUS is in on it as well...woven into the the same patterns... and that is even MORE disgusting!)
This POS campaign has been in the works for awhile. The ratf*ckers are all busy making it still come together as planned in spite of tRUMP and Vance. Jack Posobiec is 'end wokeness' (A nasty RW account linked to him as a sock puppet), is one of the original pizzagate lir originators and spreaders...and Q conspiracy theorist and major asshole adding this as fake ”evidence.” Like the many Jan 6 criminals and MAGA, he is former Navy Intelligence who works closely now with the likes on Vannon, Mike Cernovich, Roger Stone...
And oh lookie...Hack Posobiec wrote a book
qith another POS that calls people on the left and immigrants UNHUMAN. The forward is written by Bannon. All of the usual characters behind the scenes ratf*cking and baiting the press. This is another one tRUMP messed up, trying a little too hard to take attention from his own son killing small animals and disastrous debate no doubt. (See main post and updates below for Barron and other sons killing animals for sport...and also QAnon; Origins, Q murderers & more and also )
UK did investigative journalism. Hurrah!
'We deserve better.'
A Haitian perspective from Springfield, Ohio
Bring in the clowns…
As Proudboys and other alt-right terrorist groups are marching in Springfield, a few good people are stepping up to help and support. https://www.wyso.org/news/2024-09-15/springfield-shows-haitians-support-amid-4-days-of-bomb-threats-canceled-events
Mayor Rob Rue is an ass
He went on racist and bigoted and lying FOX to blame the Biden border policies.
You think FOX people who love tRUMP are going to HELP? Not even Vance helped FFS!! Being part of a rumour mill and helping the far right get riled up and sending more hate to the town is THE MAGA FOX loving MAYOR’S FAULT. He made the situation VOLATILE. He and the GOP are making it seem as though the border is open and anyone can just waltz through! They say it every day to make Biden look bad and it worked!!
He’s confused
Businesses cannot just build and set up in Springfield FFS. The Mayor and his town council saw dollar signs and “let ‘er rip” so it was their folly and lack of common sense that created the problem.
The racist FOX people reacted just as they always do. With anger and hate because Limbaugh types, tRUMP types and the FOX management MADE it that way purposefully.
Trump and Vance Are Actively Harming Springfield
In the 4th day of bomb threats, a stunned city wonders - why them
As City Hall, hospitals and schools are targeted by bomb threats and now college campuses, Springfield shows Haitians [a smattering] of support amid the 4 days of bomb threats, canceled events and utterly racist harassment with racists handing out cards telling Haitians to “go home ”
The POS RW MAGA racists triple down on their lies. On YouTube the comments are 90% MAGA trolls helping fuel the hate of their chosen one! How very Christian they are! https://www.wyso.org/news/2024-09-15/springfield-shows-haitians-support-amid-4-days-of-bomb-threats-canceled-events
My Perspective
Springfield is now the city of racism and a tRUMP / Vance target
And you will be first on tRUMP’s list to deport the legal immigrants! Way to go Mayor and city manager. You literally asked for help from the people you should have KNOWN are the worst of the worst. You literally for what you ASKED for! And you certainly got what you voted for…
The Haitians do deserve better and I am now not caring they leave the damned city and find decent and welcoming and SAFE homes elsewhere and that that businesses leave and the jobs leave, and good people leave and you crumble into the pile of scrap and shit hole that were already sliding into because you are obviously MAGA morons… and I am guessing many are the usual fake “Christians.”
I have very little income but helping people with any monies I have left at least twice in a year to feed the hungry and help with good causes. I almost sent a check to the City to tell the mayor to make sure it went where it could do the most good and use it as a way to spark more help. I am so glad I waited!!
What an f’ing gullible fool and moron the Mayor is to not know…
Everything tRUMP touches dies
Everything tRUMP touches dies
Everything tRUMP touches dies
Ohio Sheriff who loves controversy
After Portage County Sheriff Bruce Zuchowski watched a Fox “News” broadcast with chyrons blaming Harris’ for “open borders destroying small towns” and fueling a “migrant crime wave,” this POS wrote on 2 separate Fecesbook accounts these disgusting comments that should be ELECTION INTERFERENCE and HARASSMENT and by someone who is supposed to uphold the law and protect people. UGH!!!
Warning: TOURISTS, immigrants, any sane people… please avoid the USA and OHIO especially… because these mental midgets are ARMED! I sure as hell will!
Update 2
JD Vance admits he CREATED THE cat eating LIE AND STORIES!!
Besides the constant lies that the borders are wide open, and that any immigrants and criminals are being let in by the caravan full…which DRAWS more people FFS … the GOP and tRUMP blame Harris and Biden for the border woes.
Here Vance argues and fumes and lies and denies and then 💥BOOM 💥... at 7 minutes he tells the truth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsVc6GhU29g
I added the whole video because Vance just breaks down like a 3 year old...
It is REPREHENSIBLE, Vance and YOU are as well
NOTE: Vance has done nothing to HELP or FIX the situation he's known about for a LONG TIME
Update 1
Telegraphing the lies
Here is the original Facebook post by Erika Lee in the private “Springfield Ohio Crime and Information” group which sparked the vile and viral rumour.
The press are also lying/too ignorant/shitty at their jobs/partisan shills/all of the above to have checked to see where the rumour began and are saying Vance has just become concerned recently, whereas tRUMP and the MAGA morons have been concocting the memes and stories for some time! The Springfield gossips in this group are racist POS. Read more Here:
And now, Mr Weeks spills more tea...
Weeks says he has evidence and there is more coming, but now that he has been named, and is openly gay, he is likely being targeted with violence since these posts. Like Noel Caslor who spilled the beans on tRUMP saying the N word on set multiple times, needing his diaper to be changed often... and addicted to drugs like Adderal... when you have the receipts tRUMP knows he can't sue, because he will have to make a deposition under oath.
Receipts galore...
Interesting that this is also the time you saw tRUMP pay attention to Barron, saw pics of them together and he introduced him to in a rally. He even called him his son. (Remember when he said Barron was Melania's son? Barron was likely vaping, and maybe even having lung troubles from it, and suddenly tRUMP cared about vaping...)
Immigration lies are the foundation of MAGA campaigns and tRUMP fomenting hate. Don't feel badly about adding the stuff I have here. The schools and city hall in Springfield being swatted and Haitians being harassed and their property damaged, however lawsuits are unlikely to be successful unless people are killed.
THIS is why Canada has anti-hate LAWS... where you are liable for your public incitement of hate... (which many of our own white nationalists hate and tried to prevent passing)
And now, for the third day...
The MAGA minions are swatting an entire city!! Bomb threats forced lockdowns at 2 Springfield hospitals. The likelihood that someone is going to be killed because of this is INCREASING daily, FFS. https://www.whio.com/news/local/bomb-threat-locks-down-springfield-hospital/CV3NS5VKUREVNGNYIDXPQE3J2Q/