Scroll to the bottom to see updates in order, or, use the sort by: "oldest " button when you are in the comment section.
(Warning: I swear sometimes as this is my most hated SAV person. A pastor with a devil's tail) )
This woman, who had 2 abortions and contemplated a third, says anyone who is not anti-abortion is pro-abortion because she is a fool and a hypocrite. She also recently called for PUNISHMENT of women who have abortions. (SEE UPDATE 2)
Here is the original SAV post: She is a POS who blocked access to hospitals with her protests before she ended up in one, and is still anti-vax, anti-mask and anti-vaccine and anti-abortion.
She has the sads as Tim Scott has left the building... awwwwww
She really is a piece of shit...
This is disturbing... Holy shit!!
Her former medical advice: "All we need is vitamin D and C, and Zinc and Quercetin," before she hot COVID. What changed? Nothing, as she is still an antivaxxer asshole... but now, she is all about Ivermection and says that you have a choice. She says she survived because she was awash in the blood of Jesus and invermecton.
Her newest post...
She was home-schooled... and why am I not surprised...
She's a cowgirl on a couch! Her main Fecesbook was mostly scrubbed. She missed some that had remarks from SAVvers perhaps? I guess she couldn't get rid of her hero Rush's evil mug. He oozed it...
She has THIS on her main page - that she is "stepping up" to fill rush's shoes, UGH!:
She kept these too. Wanna bet she thinks she looks cool and that's why?
Horse medicine seems appropos here... given she used it and maybe still does. *On her main Fecesbook I did not even look at her postings except the last 2 months as she tells everything happening in her useless life.
And why would she remove this one after her immune system failed her? Was it not true perhaps?
And how old is this Avatar picture FFS? 30 years ago?
She has a new gig! She sells other people's new and used tack.
How many Fecesbooks does one person need to preach and whine on?
I bet there are more.
I don't have a clue WTF this is, but she is also griftin' and spewin' somethin' on Spotify. I am not linking as clicks might give her some $$$
It took her10 minutes to get up and go pee because her walker is too far away... AND she did a video of it. Her previous video was asking women what they bring to a marriage... which I will not watch. Can you imagine a life so desperate as to watch this woman preach at you that you are not as good a wife as she? Death warmed over is her new look.

Her husband does the shopping, she can't get to a church so she watches this online shit online daily and spends her days complaining about aches and pains and her emotions and lack of ability to walk to the garbage to put a banana peel in it. Then praises god for her good life.
And she is back less than 2 weeks ago, dissing the vaccine... and lying about Dr Malone's work and using old disinformation.
If she needs a transfusion she wants pureblood! She s getting surgery on her hips, so she has fears. The woman who called the people getting vaccines weak and fearful?

She is such a hypocrite!! The wicked and evil ones are people like her, who caused so many deaths.

Oh dear, you have lost her vote, LOSER45. He called her a lunatic for believing Mexico would pay for the wall. (She added the video and I had to laugh. He actually said it in a rally speech but he meant the media) She is now on team DeSatan!
She had the surgery a dew days ago and is recuperating and oh look, her daughter puts her on a crowd funding site for food. Make the food FOR HER you lazy f'ing daughter!!!
Can't afford to buy a meal? Then make one for her dammit!! This family of hypocrites and grifters can't function on their own, you know!
She was not only having abortions, she was an alcoholic. DU The hypocrite managed to turn her life around so needs to make others feels badly about real life saving choices... This bitch pissed me off more than the others highlighed on SAV. DUCK OFF Ayesha
Some saint. No wonder these assholes worship and love tRUMP. She was redeemed so is better than thou!
Of course Yaweh and the rapture are all she cares about... Some preacher! She says she loves everybody and yet, she sure spews a lot of hate on behalf of her religion!.
Woman who had 2 abortions 30+ years ago she said, and contemplated a third (now in university) says NONE FOR YOU THOUGH! (Older pic she is proud of and put up again. She was a street corner preacher with no church who grifted money on a blog site using a man's name who hated fake Christianity)

This moron is a preacher and wants to run for office... She speaks like she is 15... talking in circles ... and she says her abortions and others are all about "feelings." WT A F? From 2020
He husband is also a loon and both of them have hundreds of blogs. I refuse to give him more clicks! No URLs
Hubby says that Killing babies is a no no, as long as it was someone else's babies I guess... being he married her after all. These fake religious assholes are such hypocrites.
The Fecesbook page for her Frederick Douglass Foundation is closed down. I wonder just where the money from it and her GFM actually went, being they are now in Florida's Key West. The site is still there though.
EDITED: I originally posted they retired to Florida, however, they may just be there while Ayesha has her surgery and is recuperating. She was originally from Missouri and raised in Key West and her sister still lives there. I had not delved past Oct to see what she has been up to.
Some members... Recognize anyone here?
Does she not know that Frederick Douglas was no fan of "christians" who were hypocrites and not at all Christ like?
Reserved space... I still had her MEMEorial. Live Free or die was her motto before she got COVID and she scrubbed that as well. Why? Because she almost died?
2013, talking about "values..."
She is one weird and full of shit woman!
And one last one that sums up who and what she is...
I took a peek into Ayesha "the anti-abortionist who had 2 abortions" Kreutz, She is so full of shit. Thankfully, like so many of these POS assholes, her views and likes are way down... but she is black and Juneteenth is important to her, so she is out to "educate" in her usual dis-informed and in denial way...
*It is goad...not goat...
so let me add her uneducated MAGA moronic way.
Ayesha ignores facts and truth.
Like most asshole far right MAGAs,
In 2020, tRUMP pledged to make Juneteenth federal holiday in bid for Black voters
In reality
What actually happened. LOSER45 planned a rally for the date, bashed and demeaned black people in many racist posts and then ignored the day entirely after changing the rally to another date...
Besides saying no one even heard of Juneteenth before he 'made it famous,' tRUMP also took credit for Martin Luther King Day.
In that same "educational " thread, Ayesha replies to herself several times, including this lie she has on her blog.
Ayesha says fuck those facts. She did not know about the democrats once being Republicans and damned if she did not say history has been rewritten as she “researches” no doubt from a’holes like Dinesh D'Souza, and other liars like the Prager "U", who coordinated with the White House on his Book which misrepresents civil rights and the Dem/GOP switch to coincide with the Charlottesville fiasco. (chumming the waters for 2020…)
In Ayesha's “history” research, she decided not to read anything written by historians, whereby she would have learned of the Civil Rights activists switching sides…
Speaking of actual Historians... here's one.
Princeton history professor Kevin M Kruze to D'Souza...
Although he tried to save face, D'Souza came back for more many times... name calling and being humiliated every time.
What should worry you most?
She lives in a Bubble in the Twilight zone...
Although "ordained" she calls herself a Chaplain, Now we know why.
She needs to be beneath men. The bible, written by men, says so!
This POS does not like the idea of a woman actually working and having goals. She doesn't have any, so you can't either! I guess that is not biblical? There is nothing that this woman has accomplished that was not paid for by others and subsidized by the government she hates. Unbelievable.
She added this for some reason. (And a second one as well right after) I am not sure what the message is as she did not write one. Is it that she was able to shop all by herself? The message it sends to me is that she is about to be 51 in July (as per her mugshot in Update 1) and looks as though she may not make it. How is she only 50?
We KNOW why the previously addicted Ayesha added these ... because this is what fake POS hypocrite "christians" do in their spare time...
The antiabortionist does not want equal rights for women. It is not biblical.
And WTF is this? What exactly is her "christian" message here I wonder? That the person she dislikes immensely and yet will vote for... is imperfect but god chooses imperfect people to do his work? (That is the christian logic... and a line she likely tells herself often) Who the hell knows?
The Fecesbook for her 'non profit' foundation is back up. It is now private. I wonder if some naughty people from here where letting her members know more about her?
Oh, and she isn't done with the COVID misinformation... and is still getting her "medical" advice and information from Rumble videos...
In May she added this. It needs a title. I suggest, "The one she let live"
Being this was added on the same day, I guess it is "I did not abort you day" for her eldest.
Remember, this is an ignorant woman who has created her own clout by founding a non profit that she made to feel better about her self after aborting 2 children starting at 14 and contemplating a third, is a fake religious bible thumping, anti-government political activist and "christian" zionist who became a pastor to preach to others how not to be like her... and yet, to be just like her, who will vote for tRUMP even though she would prefer Tim Scott and does not like tRUMP, is as ignorant a hypocrite that I have seen on SAV, and yet thinks she should run for office...
AND SHE (like so many MAGA nutters) VOTES!
Karma, you had one job!
I went to have a peek to see what Ayesha may have to say about Tim Scott and his ridiculous and loud kiss-ass to be VP... Instead...
It's just a head cold, sure, that's the ticket... but let's take the anti COVID protocol just in case... and then go see people because whatever she has, she could give a shit about anyone else getting as sick as she says she is. (INCLUDING her grandchild from the mother whom she almost made her third aborted child) What a "christian!"
And this may be another really long cat bounce... who knows?
These silly people STILL haven't figured out you need more than 3 high fives to heal
I went to see what Ayeesja had written about Tim Scott's tRUMP ass-kissing would sound like to this weirdo CONservative, instead I found SAV's worst hypocrite is still at it... and this conversation is nutso!
And more...
The anti-abortionist who had 2 abortions and contemplated a third, was an alcoholic, has a criminal past, was and still is anti-vaxxer/amti-masker who helped kill a lot of people with her nasty memes, videos and repeated lies from various nefarious sources... was totally forgiven her sins so that she can preach to others and rake in money for iffy causes. Is there any wonder you can barely move without bumping into a lying preacher in the USA?
UPDATES, especially 1, have more on that...
I am so glad the forum is crawled and therefore searchable. If you do run for office (UGH, so many weirdos, Q extremists, insurrectionists, bigots and fake "christian" nobodies running for Republican office) people can find these posts that see who you really are... although those who would vote for you are likely fake "christian" grifting POS like yourself.
I see you are doing some year-end "charity work" asking for donations for yourself. How much of this supposed "charity" money goes into YOUR pocket, "Chaplain" Kruz? Meanwhile, I worked my whole damn life since I was 12 and have a small pension to live on. I have never grifted in my life, volunteered my entire life and I do give to charities (Your grift is not one... not even remotely) ... especially the homeless and down trodden. How have you helped anyone besides yourself? How have you actually HELPED people NOT get abortions or end up in jail ike you did, you hypocrite?
And you seem to be loving war and that it kills people. Wow... you really are a piece of work. You are so into it... you refer to Isrealis soldiers as "we?" Nice Christmas wish, you hypocrite. WTF is wrong with you?
I am almost 2 decades older than you, bitch. I look 10 years younger than my age and you look my actual age. I don't wish you dead. I DO wish you to continue to enjoy what karma has wrought for antivaxxers like yourself. You deserve it. I would add picture side by side, but unlike you, I dont add my personal life and struggles and prefer to keep some privacy.
Is there nothing about you that is not hypocritical? You switch from Traitor tyrant tRUMP to DeathSantis. Both are proudly freaking authoritarian , FFS! How ignorant can a person be?
I was on my feet for over 12 hours the last 3 days and will likely work again 'til midnight tonight. And I have long COVID. I could barely walk after, but I am also fully vaxxed, fully boosted and can honestly say that I have worked since the pandemic to keep people safe. Not just myself and my family, but my community and blogged to give info and stats here and elsewhere. Meanwhile, how many hundreds of thousands died of COVID because of fake "christians" like YOU?
And you are still an antivaxxer and antimasker, but you have cleaned up your Fecesbook since you were featured here on SAV. Why? Because you are a hypocrite!
You ? You can barely get to the washroom by yourself. And proudly write about it on Fecesbook. I am pretty sure that getting COVID again is about the only Christmas gift HYPOCRITES like you deserve.
I went to see what the bitch is up to and my oh my, here she is misconstruing data to suit her agenda. She should be cited as a disinformation troll on Fecebook! This antivax disinfo is about children and babies. And it was not a study... it is data analysis, the precursor to a study.
I only quickly scanned the CDC URLto find out where she got the info... and it seems that she has pulled snippets and did not read relevant parts, like... in spite of vaccines being recommended, few parents did so. The children who were vaccinated were more likely to be immune conpromised... and who were more likely to end up in Emergency wards or the hospital and be included in the study. Also, the children who were vaccinated only had the initial vaccine, as the boosters were not approved for young children. The analysis was done when Omicron was the main varient circulating, so that also weakened the overall effectiveness of the vaccine. In spite of that , the vaccine still showed a 40% efficacy.
That is what I got from a quick read, but my long COVID addled brain may be wrong as well. If anyone else wants to chime in, please do! If I am correct, would those who are still on Fecesbook please report her. (You can X out of the sign in page to read the post)
Even though children mostly just had cold symptoms... they also may have had internal damage that will only show up later. The COVID protocols protected children from all kinds of illness, especially respiratory... but once those ended (too early because of pressure from assholes like Ayesha) it is highly possible that even milder COVID caused lung and other tissue damage, heart and circulatory damage that will make them more susceptible to illness in the future. For example:
And here we go... Fom Pubmed...
J F C!
39 people agree? WTAF, America?
OIC now... they want to know how this person can make money from the government and also make money tax free...
A government she hates, BTW.
She is up and walking, cooking for herself and watching someone's tiny infant only a couple of weeks after major hip surgery and is still bitching... and talking about her pee. I dont wish her dead, but where are you karma? I do wish her a throat punch... or two... or how about another bout of COVID pretty please.
She calls herself mayor of Realville in 2 of her Fecesbooks. I just read that Limbaugh called himself the "mayor of Realville" after being told he would die of cancer. That this piece of shit worshiped such a vile SOB is so telling... Bride of christ? Oh please, bitch.
WTH? Ayesha said she founded the NY Foundation!
Oh wait, she still says she is the founder ...WTF! The picture
So just WHO is Peter Vazquez. If you clock on the social media "links" they have on there... you get closed accounts and his Fecesbook is private. Nice links!
We know that she campaigned for him via her Fecesbook posts... but who is he? I searched for Peter Vazquez - President – FDFNY: And here he is...and not a WORD about the foundation... wierd!
Hey. Ayesha! What was the result of this discussion?
They have a talk show Together... and he has his own Gee is Next Steps also a nonprofit 501c(3) Tax ID?
They are featured "personalities" on this RWNJ radio personalities site. Note the contrast of reality VS her bio:
Besides writing grants she still seems to be incharge of the fundraising and scholarships and is the only name I see on any articles...
Here is where she sends people to be "educated" and get "facts" about abortion. A blog. An anti Biden blog. US Taxpayers should be more than a little livid about this crap.
This "foundation" is requesting donations when you "sign up" to thank Tuberville for being an asshole. Don't click on the supposed URL to go sign up...the click is the signup... so the grift is still active even though the supposed founder and President are not...
Missed this! Is she racked with guilt?
Nah... her religion means she can sin and be forgiven and sin and be forgiven and sin and ...
The picture on the main post above with Rand Paul was removed from the site... WTF? Maybe Rand Paul did not really want to be associated with another lying Tea Party POS with a criminal (See UPDATE 1 below) past?
(PS: the main site comments at SAV are not searchable, but the main posts are and forum posts and comments are crawled and thus also searchable. Someone is keeping tabs...)
Give teeth, larger fines and sufficient employees to the FEC, IRS funding, Election security.
The T-party was angry and felt targeted by Obama’s IRS and said they were being looked at unfairly. They were not! There are just so damn many of them FFS. EG: Toilet Paper USA and Charlie Kirk, AKA USA@tpusa, which is a non-profit for no GOOD reason and is not required to list its donors. Its mission? The group’s motto is “Big Government Sucks”; its mission, “to identify, educate, train, and organize students to promote the principles of freedom, free markets, and limited government.” TPUSA recruits “free market activists,” creates “innovative grassroots messaging,” puts out publications and hosts conferences.
I figured I was done with Ayesha, but as I was cleaning up my bookmarks, I saw a URL I had not yet visited... and checked up on a few things. A few may, or may not surprise you.
This one made me chuckle. Guess what hubbby does for a living?
The URL I had missed...
After very little searching of her maiden name... the very first image
The anti-abortionist who had 2 abortions and contemplated a third, was an alcoholic, has a criminal past, was and still is anti-vaxxer/amti-masker who helped kill a lot of people with her nasty memes, videos and repeated lies from various nefarious sources... was totally forgiven her sins so that she can preach to others and rake in money for iffy causes. Is there any wonder you can barely move without bumping into a lying preacher in the USA?
Foundations can be political and not charitable, WTF? The mission statement. That is where the dark money lies.
It sounds as though she still using foundation money to give grants to whomever she wants to... as she is offering to help with grant paperwork right now on Fecesbook. She doesn't have a church! How the hell else can someone called by Jesus to preach make money? /S
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand this is who certified her Chaplaincy. Their online site is from the 90s and the "review" site they link to is the same as their mission statement... made by members. WTAF? And that piece of paper got her a lot of GOP access.
Perhaps instead of religion, Ayesha should be reflecting on how much more real Karma is. I just noticed that this rally blocking access to a hospital was where she likely got COVID! Less than 2 weeks later, she was on a ventilator in that same hospital.
Here is Ayesha preaching about Christmas: The replies are ... as bad.
In case you had not heard, Ayesha is a bible thumping, anti-government political activist and Christian Zionist. Her new Fakebook theme...
Here she is yesterday! Killing for Christmas!
Karma, you had one job!
Holy shit . Just holy shit. I'm dumbfounded. I mean I truly try to find empathy for people but damn, that ones of the hook.