Do you know what causes a border crisis to worsen? Asshole RW leaders of a country declaring that the border is "open" for political points, and worldwide, people are rushing to take advantage of this invitation! Then, have a former president declare nothing should be done because it is his biggest campaign selling point and he wants credit! (Even though he did little other than bluster and have his followers shout back "Mexico" when asked who would pay for the non-existent wall when he could have done so much more)
I first wrote about this in an update to the GOP madness, but it needs more context. If you haven't read it, it is here:
Who is yelling to the world “We have open borders?” The GQP

The border crisis is real and ongoing, but to RW extremists, this is a grift opportunity to drive home more fear, sell tRUMP merch, and make money on GoveSendGo. It was not an ordinary grass roots campaign by any means.
The Texas leg of the trucker convoy heading to the border is being run by ex-Green Beret Pete Chambers who calls Colonel Waldron's One Shot distillery where he works headquarters for the grift.
Alex Jones happily had him on to discuss and share important manly man grifting, bigotry, violence and more
Pete Chambers says he left the army to join the 'army of god'
Chambers denied Army of God talk with Robert Agee, after saying he and Mark Anthony attended Gen Flynn Reawaken tour. It's a "spiritual war." (Watch for this new buzzword to appeal to the Talibangelicals... in 2024) They heard that pastors were going to the border to preach tolerance and to denounce their 'god's army' nonsense, so it was then declared a 'Take Back Our Border' convoy.
TX convoy leader Pete Chambers says convoy is not about Army of God. That's crazy talk! He then threatens lawsuits. (Forget what I said! DARVO!)
There is a connection between Michael Flynn, this border fiasco and the Awaken Church targeting school boards in Southern California and of course Pete Chambers. This video is from their Emerge Men’s conference militant component of America’s Christofascism problem. Staged in their "church."
Josh Feuerstein, radical RW preacher running for a seat in the Tex state leg say that if CPS ever shows up at his house, they will be met with the Second Amendment. He has 6 children. Now why is he thinking CPS might have to show up at his door in the first place? He vowed to be at the border with his like-minded murderous lot... guns ablazing. He likes to make himself and his fellow "christians" victims even if he has to stage it!
Sarah and Ted arrived! Talk about bringing in the "big guns."

Meanwhile... this is an arial photo of the convy. That's a few less than the initial 700k they initially promised were attending...
Read the other part of the story to see how Keith Self made the totally "organic " border convoy "news."

Joy has a solution for all of this!
Meanwhile.... they are doing border baptisms and a few are having trouble leaving.
GQP Who Screamed About Crisis On Border
Oppose Plan To Fix It - Gaslight, Obstruct, Project.
tRUMP, who relies on immigrants to man his hotels, golf clubs and resorts, is totally pissed! He wants to become president again and PRETEND that he cares about the border while flapping his gums and hiring all the cheapest labout he can get.
LOSER45, many GOP and reps are urging their party to reject the bills tougher enforcement because protecting tRUMP's only campaign tactic, and impeaching Mayorkas on his border policies without evidence as per the norm, is the top priority for the political nutjobs. Speaker amd religous fake "christian" Mike Johnson declared the Border bill as dead in the water as the immigrants sliced by razor wire in Texas, and managed to pretend he was on his phone 24/7when being questioned by reporters.
2 GOP reps appear sane. Nice change...
House leaders immediately dismiss border deal with lies
A summary of the proposed legislation is here:
From Daily Kos:
Pete is pretending that they never intended to go to Eagles pass! But first they have to spead the Q version of the border problem ... it is human traffickers, pedos and drugs they are keeping out and this is all about that and not the bigotry and MAGAtry and money they are making from this nonsense. I liestened to these assholes talk every RW talking point so you don't have to.
Note they show the previous actual truck convoy because there was not one truck in his newest version...
Pete says in that last one he saw 12k people trying to cross in ONE DAY ... Sure ya did Pete!
Here'a shocker.
MAGA "convoy" finally reaches Southern border and are SHOCKED to find... nothing
HAH! The grifters charged 500 bucks to be "baptised" in a horse trough.
LOSER45 once said, it's the job of congress to solve the border...
At Texas border rally, fresh signs the Jan. 6 prosecutions left some participants unbowed
This story reminded me that everything I write about here... Antivaxxers, COVID, LOSER45, QAnon, fake "christians," the GOP and their hypocrisy, politics... are all connected. They converged on the border last week at the border convoy rally.
Several Jan 6 insurrectionists were there... including Ryan Zink.
I also hinted in my other post that there was a Russian connection in that the source of the "grass roots" growth has Russian links. WIRED reports there is a coordinated Russian disinformation campaign where state media, influencers, bots, and others claimed the Texas border crisis was pushing the US toward civil war. What Tucker Carlson did was provide Putin with 'direct access to spread propaganda to millions in the US and around the world.'
Ohio Senator JD Vance, the hillbilly elegy "author" was on TV yesterday implying that Trump can ignore SCOTUS if he is returned to office. Etc. He is a globalist with fake farm boy outfits that he wears for photo ops with bales of hay and a dog.