UPDATE in comments
This is as disgusting and ridiculous as you can get... I do hope some Americans have some shame left. How can people want this snake-oil salesman to be "president" again? But they reall, really do. The KeK peepeefrog troll Bros have gone all out to prove that they are loyal to LOSER45 as one idiot bought the signed shoes for 9k. It is horrifing. A MAGA Moron says it proves tRUMP is appealing to the youth. Taking 500 bucks plus tax from young people is a good thing?
I love the memes on the main page so made sure I made a few more to add.

Forgot traitor... added; thanks Mary!
In case you missed it yesterday, here is the video of a woman who jumped on stage after tRUMP was booed... *It is at the beginning of the cideo, if you missed that as well, then screamed like a sick banshee that tRUMP is her messiah and should be yours too... or something to that effect...
Feel free to use any of the above freely and often, if you wish.
Some of these cartoons from last year are relevant again...
I wish I knew how to add golden sneakers to his feet in this...

As happens at his rallies, I bet some bad actors handed the MAGA Morons money to buy these
Some MAGA is trying to aleve tRUMP's debt by posting a Go Fund Me. As you can see, the sheep are blindly oBAAAAAAAAAAAAying. Being there are MAGA sheep all over the world... it will continue to rise. I wonder where that money is going to go? Being this judgement was attached to a criminal judgment for tRUMP Org (found two Trump Organization companies guilty on multiple charges of criminal tax fraud and falsifying business records) and it was ruled as FRAUD, GoFundMe is abusing its own rules again!
Feb 22. These people are nuts. They are the same people who say tRUMP is rich... And the rich people giving can afford it after getting amazing tax cuts...
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The grifter who has her name on the GFM seems to have gotten eich the same way Melania did... a "model" who tells other people how to get rich and gets rich doing it.
“My name is Elena Cardone and I am a wife of Grant Cardone, mother and an ardent supporter of American values and an advocate for justice, I stand unwaveringly with President Donald Trump in the face of what I see as unprecedented and unfair treatment by certain judicial elements in New York.The recent legal battles he faces are not just an attack on him, but an attack on the very ideals of fairness and due process that every American deserves," The grifter writes...
Report a fundraiser
Mary has more on Elena Cardone on comments or click Here: https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/forum/main/comment/2c24acd5-357d-49b9-a78f-08abb476d8fd?postId=65d3d415c6556c001004b144
The wait is nearly over!! The one person in China making them is hard at work...
People need to stop letting assholes decide what they "need."
Gaudy, Gauche, Vulgar, and with a Fake Veneer
Talking about tRUMP or his sneakers?
Elena Cardone is a right winger who has some tie to CA disgraced GOP congressman Dana Rohrabacher, rumored to be a Putin puppet.
The pathetic woman screeching "He's a good man!" is comedy gold.
RFK Jr's largest campaign donor is also one of Trump's largest donors. Bloated recipient of part of the Carnegie-Mellon bank family fortune, Timothy Mellon.
RFK Jr now parrots Trump slogans like "Take back our country" and kneels for the GOP.
Sneaker Con. It's a perfect description of the sneaky imbecile con man's latest business venture. Labeled with a T for Tacky and for Traitor.
The new shooflyshoos tRUMP sold will not even be available until June, with a wait for shipping, yet are also for sale on Ebay...
tRUMP is thrilled that his ugly show buyers are also rip off artists!
Here is the only person who now has the shoes. A MAGA minion Moron who bid 9k for the signed ones and won... "Roman Sharf, the founder and CEO of luxury watch dealer, Luxury Bazaar, walked away with an autographed pair of Trump’s golden “Never Surrender high-tops.” Winner? More like a Weiner!
There really is a sucker born every minute... and trump knows it.
Hos added this wonderful cartoon on the main page... by cartoonist Pia Guerra