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Anti-vaxxer Family Members Blaming Hospitals for Covid Death

Writer's picture: HCAmanHCAman

We've recently come across a group of spouses/family members of someone who passed away due to COVID. They're spinning their loved one's death on the so-called "hospital protocol" or "COVID malpractice". They’ve even create a blog called "Protocolkills" and a private FB group called "Covid Malpractice and Negligence".

I don't know the vaccination status or story of most who have been featured on these blogs or FB groups, but we do have a few confirmed anti-vaxxer stories from them to share.

Today I'm going to give you one of these stories and then we'll add a few more later.

This was how we first learned about one of the FB groups. Jump to comments.

We continually find families blaming ventilators and Remdesivir for their loved one’s death.

Texas State Senator Bob Hall of District 2 is also supporting and sharing stories from those claiming the COVID protocol is killing people.

The first story that I'm going to share today is about 44-year-old Andrew "Andy" and his vocal wife Jenna Ouano. Andrew was a high school teacher and Jenna was a stay-at-home mom who took care of their four young boys. Jenna was part of the “Protocol Kills” group, so you know where this one is headed.

Name: Andrew "Andy" Ouano

Age: 44

Home: Cypress, TX

Work: High school teacher

Died: September 11, 2021

Condition: Covid

Jenna's mother, uncle, aunt and cousins were all stuck on the Diamond Princess cruise back in February 2020. I've seen the HBO documentary on this cruise and I can't even begin to imagine what they experienced.

Andrew and Jenna started a website to share stories from those who were stuck on the Diamond Princess.

Jenna's cousin did this interview with KHOU 11 in Houston.

This is the start of Andrew’s COVID journey as his wife Jenna was private on FB before this point. She shared the anti-vaxxer's favorite doctor, Dr. McCollough. She's claiming that it can take up to nine months to see adverse vaccine reactions. I guess I'm all good then.

Andy is hospitalized due to COVID and she hasn't heard back from the lawyers. I wonder what the hell is going on?

Here it is. She's trying to get him Ivermectin.

As one of our HCAz readers stated, "he's sedated and intubated but she thinks ivermectin will have him dancing out of the hospital".

Now the Texas Right to Life organization is helping her out. This organization claims to be legally, peacefully and prayerfully protecting the God-given right to life of innocent human beings from fertilization to natural death. I wonder if they're working just as hard on getting people vaccinated as they are on abortion. Wishful thinking on my part.

She finally got to meet with the judge but now she's debating even moving him. 🤷‍♀️

I wonder why they want these folks out of their hospital? 👀

This is the "covid hunter" who is now overseeing Andrew’s care.

I feel so bad for all the healthcare workers who are dealing with demanding family members on top of overloaded hospitals.

Andrew is now on the "magic” medication that cures COVID.

Andy has been hospitalized for 15 days and was on a ventilator for eight of them. She doesn't like the "short & simple" messages that she's been receiving from the doctor. Just imagine how busy this TX doctor was back in the summer of 2021. Ugh!

Now, she's advising everyone to refuse Remdesivir. Remdesivir actually saved my own sister's father-in-law's life. This was way before vaccines were available.

Good ole Dr. Richard Bartlett. If you recall, he claimed to have the silver bullet for COVID.

It took her a while to get ahold of a nurse. I wonder why?

This now marks 3 weeks in the hospital for Andrew. I don't think she understands that when a hospital is full, nurses and doctors are taking care of patients and unfortunately don't have a lot of time to update family members. Not ideal, but they were in survival mode.

It looks like she has some new friends going through the same thing. "Be ready to fight".

She now has an advocate helping her.

Prayers are needed.

She goes private on FB and then one of Andrew's friends lets everyone know that he sadly passed away.

The story doesn't stop there. She goes dark on FB for almost 4 months and then shares this. She’s now part of the "protocolkills" group. She seems to have a lot of friends interested in joining the group too.

And the doubling DOWN begins.

She's even sharing her story on her family blog page.

We did receive a ton of hate mail from family and friends of Andrew. We also received a few messages from friends/family that did NOT agree with Jenna's story but still asked that we take down their story.

Jenna did share her entire story on her family blog here. You can also read below.

We have a few more stories from this "protocol kills" group that we'll share next week.

Get vaccinated. Get your booster.

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Unknown member
Jul 18, 2022



May 28, 2022



John Newman
John Newman
Jul 08, 2022
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Critical thinking is not the strong suit of AVs. Infantilism is, however.


Apr 19, 2022

- Don't believe or trust science

- Go to the hospital because you didn't believe in science, and ask people who graduated with science degrees to help you survive because you refused to believe them

- Blame science for the death of a loved one out of denial

Now that's a true idiotic, dumb asshole. And the saddest part is that most of them have children


Apr 15, 2022


I liked it better in the old days, when these braindead lunatics were called "The SILENT Majority" by Nixon, of course. However, now, as then, they were NEVER The Majority.

They KNEW they were considered "fringe crazy right wingers", so they weren t too vocal,., except for a select few




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