Let’s meet 55-year-old Brian Winograd of Red Lion, PA. He’s the founder and director of "In His Service Ministries” and retired from a transmission shop that he owned and operated. He's married with five kids, two of them still at home.
Buckle up, it’s a long one. Jump to comments here.
He started off the pandemic not believing the numbers. He also wasn't worried about a mortality rate of .5%, which is roughly 1.6M Americans.
07/30/20 - He blessed us with a TED talk about his mistrust of the COVID numbers.
He continues on.
9/21/21 - He thinks he has bronchitis and his wife has strep. His wife won't go to the doctor because they'll just claim it's COVID.
Well, it wasn't bronchitis or strep. It was COVID. He's feeling pretty confident and started bragging about achieving natural immunity. He then goes dark two days after this.

GoFundMe was activated. Like most anti-vaxxers featured here, he needs financial help. They never save for a rainy day.
He then went on a ventilator and they finally ween him off by 10/24/21.
Two months after bragging about his natural immunity, he comes back on FB with a hospital selfie. It looks like it's been a rough two months.

By mid-November, he's transferred to rehab.

2 days later.

On 11/23/21, he shared this.
Ready for some TMI?
Could the hospital be short-staffed because it's being overrun by anti-vaxxers? This is when COVID was causing major havoc and Herman Cain just couldn't keep up.

We all know Steve is gonna be just fine. Good try, Brian.

Now, he's just bragging.
He'll take this but wouldn't get vaccinated?
After 100 days hospitalized. He's finally home. What a way to achieve natural immunity.

Remember that 99.5% survival rate he touted? According to the CDC, nearly 1 in 5 Americans who have had COVID, still suffer from long COVID.

Who do you think is paying this bill? Socialism.
His wife's relative passed away due to COVID. I'm pretty sure he would have mentioned her vaccination status if she was actually vaccinated.

Over the next few months, he shares a lot about his health struggles.

I know this is rare on SAV or HCA but Brian finally came around. He finally received his first COVID vaccination. Some of his friends still haven't learned from Brian's mistake.
More health issues.
Not only did he get his first shot, but he also got his second one. Good job, Brian!

Long COVID continues.
He's not an antivaxxer? 🤔 How many times have we heard that before? He also needs a new healthcare professional.

Brian has provided us with some fun entertainment after we initially featured him. We do wish him all the best in his recovery.
After a 6 month run as Herman Cain Awardz, Facebook recently unpublished our page. This was all because of two or three old posts that we shared from an antivaxxer's timeline that were marked months later as misinformation. It takes FB months to actually mark a post as "false" but the damage is more than done. We're still waiting for FB to review our dispute.
In the meantime, we're now telling stories back on our OG name. You can find us on Facebook at Herman Cain Awards.
Why on earth would people have to pay for treatment in a hospital? I thought that the USA is the self proclaimed best country in the world, but they can’t even look after their own citizens. I am American myself, but the larger portion of America (Canada). I just find it sad that people have to beg on Go Fund Me, when their medical expenses should be covered through their taxes like any modern, progressive country.
I wonder how many hospital bills will go unpaid and left for the rest of the insured population to deal with.
Why is it that the omniscient, omnipotent creator of all things and who knows all things (including every single human thought) cannot ever come up with CASH when his believers need it most?
A pastor named Brian got COVID
And spreaded misinfo - how sordid!
An anti-vaxx jerk
Who now can't work
Because he thought vaccines were stupid
What a dumb fuck. All of this could have been avoided. Now he's an invalid for the rest of his shortened life.