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Brittain Willey, 39, Wilmington, OH. Millright, Anti-Vax, dead from Covid.

Writer's picture: VaxxyladyVaxxylady

Updated: May 31, 2022

According to this obituary and a post by his mother on his Facebook page, Brittain Willey died of Covid at the young age of 39. Brittain was a father of two daughters, and a millwright who loved camping, cars, and motorcycles.

How did Brittain come to be on SAV? You can probably guess, but let's have a look and see what Brittain thinks about all sorts of things!

I'll start off with his stance on vaccines and masks, but make sure you look at all the posts so you really get to know who Brittain was.

Brittain lost his liberty, health, and safety when he lost his life because he wouldn't take a shot.

Brittain didn't trust vaccines OR mail-in voting.

Click below if you want to witness this scientific "genius" in Vandalia, Illinois "educate" the educators on how dangerous masks are. Then it spirals into a bunch of blathering stupidness. I feel slightly dumb from watching this. If you really want a trip, look at the comments on the video on YouTube cheering her on and calling her "professional." I don't think they know what the word professional means.

Ahhh, the old "tyranny" meme.

No, the White House isn't waging an aggressive war against the unvaccinated. They're trying to SAVE people!

Yes, healthcare workers DO see an absurd amout of stupidity as they're trying to save the lives of all the people who refused a simple shot!

We've seen this one SO many times before. Did your immune system save you, Brittain? I don't expect him to answer this question for obvious reasons.

He supported Gov. Abbott opening up the state of Texas and ending the mask mandate.

Now that we've established that Brittain was clearly anti-vax and anti-mask, let's get to know him on a more personal level.

He wanted everyone to know that he is, I mean WAS, a "great fucking person."

Did he have multiple women competing for his affection? Maybe he should have applied to be on The Bachelor.

I'm not sure where he was going with this. Maybe he was dealing with some "baby mama drama." Whoever made this can't spell. Women are "loosing" their uniqueness? I didn't know uniqueness could be loosed. I had to look up "Single Mother Syndrome" (not "Sydrome" -- whoever made this stupid meme can't spell), and according to the "ever-reliable" Urban Dictionary, it means:

When a single mother begins to dwell on being alone for the rest of their life and starts paying more attention to men than their children.

Pro-Trump, Anti-Biden:

He thinks that guns are going to be taken away. so he supports using illegal, unregistered guns and laying down suppressive fire? Did I get that right? Wowza.

He was selling his "white privilege card." I wonder how much he got for it or if he had to take the trade. Where can you sell one of those anyway, on Ebay or Facebook Marketplace?

The last post that Brittain made was on October 23rd, 2021 and on October 27th his mother announced that he had passed. Covid took him quickly.

There is a GoFundMe for his final expenses with any excess going to a trust for his daughters.

Two daughters without a father. A mother who outlived her son. Covid strikes again.

It didn't have to end like this.

RIP Brittain.

His Facebook page has pictures of him and his daughters. As a friendly reminder or notice to new SAV readers and commenters, kids are strictly off limits. This has always been a rule, nothing new, it is just a polite reminder so nobody has their comment removed. We appreciate your cooperation.

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Aug 24, 2022

Boobies made this guy so happy he decided to grow a set for himself


Sativa Rose
Sativa Rose
Jul 26, 2022

JACKASS. I like to backtrack sometimes. It’s funny to see these dead idiots


Jun 13, 2022

No sympathy for him or his family.


Jun 13, 2022

Covid has faded as no one cares anymore including many liberals and now liberals are turning on Biden for all kinds of reasons. Even my liberal circle is done with it and saying they won't lock down again -- well all but 3 of us -- so I hate to see the aftermath of fall 2022. That said, the dying based on the right-wing wackos shown on this site are often significantly overweight and my doctor says that pre-diabetes/diabetes is a major comorbidity with Covid-19 so if you are stricken with that that take extra precautions! Especially now that covid fatigue is hitting the left. I made the argument to a liberal coffee shop owner wondering how are we…

Jul 10, 2022
Replying to

Yeah, seeing how people in general are responding now.... People who say they're being careful routinely posting Facebook photos of them in large crowds with no mask, a friend who said she had "been so careful" and had no idea where she may have got covid from after she just flew cross country not wanting to do a home test and taking uber for a covid drive through test (yeah real fucking careful and concerned for others clearly)....

So, BA5 and Centarus are apparently more contagious and more likely to evade immunity than previous variants, but I have no compassion left for people who are choosing not to take precautions for themselves or others. If there ends up being …


N. H. Moreno
N. H. Moreno
Jun 12, 2022

It is a SIGNATURE MOVE of the powerful to PROJECT.

"They" are after "your freedoms".

Go "fight them by ______!"

And the wealthy, safe ones stay safely behind enemy lines and get that sweet GDP from all the dead and keep sending "thoughts and prayers".


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