According to this obituary Elmer Louis Cobb, who went by "Cody", died on Sept 9, 2021. He leaves behind his wife and two young daughters. As you'll see, Elmer was anti-vaxx and this apple didn't fall far from the tree. Elmer's father Lou is also an anti-vaxxer and posted anti-vaxx memes throughout Elmer's illiness (and is still posting them). Pay attention to the dates of the posts. This makes me think that there is no hope for the anti-vaxxers.

Elmer was a anti-vaxxer meme spreader through and through:

We've seen these:

They love this one!

Ok.. so Elmer gets COVID and on July 18 he's not doing well, according to his wife:

Now we move to Lou Cobb, Elmer's father:

Here are back to back posts in the same screenshot. One updating Elmer's struggle with COVID and the other bashing the CDC.

On August 2 we're approaching 2 weeks since Cody has been on the ventilater:

Another back to back update and Fauci bashing in the same screenshot:

Next day he posts:

August 10, while he's son is still in the hospital:

Quoting Ted Nugent on the same day:

Another update on son fighting for his life:

Followed by an anti-vaxx meme;

Post on August 20:

Loses his son to COVID on Sept 9:

And he posted this on September 15, five days after losing his son:

I don't know what to say.
RIP Elmer.
The death of his son had no impact on his logic.
I guess he found out the difference between lawn darts and an invisible murderous little pathogen that doesn't care what you think about it as it kills you slowly. I honestly think there's a lineup in the afterlife where people who died of cancer or in car accidents can beat up people who died of something THERE IS A GOD DAMN CURE/PREVENTATIVE MEASURE FOR.
Elmer--are you still dead? How are those of us who are vaccinated doing? That is right, we can hug our loved ones.
Way to go, Elmer. Now you’re going to miss wabbit season. What a cockwomble.
Elmer, thank you for dying for your beliefs. Your death is a great service to the United States. By dying of COVID--for your beliefs--you have removed one Trumptard from the voter roles in Florida. Thank you for your willingness and courageousness to sacrifice your vote for your beliefs by dying before the votes could be cast.