According to social media posts and this obituary , Georgette Colson, 57, of Eastpoint, Florida has died from COVID on Sept 1, 2021. Georgette and her husband Joe share a Facebook account so it's difficult to tell which one is posting. However, either way, her brother almost died from a COVID infection and she still didn't get vaccinated, and then SHE got COVID and died.

Her brother gets off the ventilator on June 2:

She posts that she's not getting vaccinated on August 1st:

She posts an easily fact-checked bunch of conspiracy lies on August 3rd:

She dies on Sept 1st.

She died on her birthday. It was her birthday yesterday (Sept 1):

Some things don't make sense.
"Nothing is too hard for god" - Hmmm... apparently that's not true.. shocking. Good riddance.
Rough-looking 57
She looked every one of those 57 years. Get vaxxed and stay out of the sun!
Happy birth…er, deathday, Georgette. 🎂You’re where you always wanted to be, forever and ever, amen. 🙏🏻
Funny how they got to the hospital to be pumped with all kinds of medication they have no idea what is in them. Make it make sense because I just don't get it!