According to this obituary Katie died from COVID on September 26, 2021. Katie is the founder of Anderson County Republican Women's Club, and a onetime candidate for state senate, but she lost in the GOP primary. The story of her death from COVID has made the rounds, but what people really want to know is...was she an anti-vaxxer? We'll answer that here.

Well, she was certainly an anti-masker:

Ok, here comes the anti-vaxx stuff. I'm pretty sick of this argument. You shouldn't get to "choose" to use a seatbelt either. MANDATE IT! It works to save lives.

And then she caught COVID and died.

And in the comments we get more information:

So it seems a bunch of neighbors got COVID, Katie, unvaccinated, died, but he has next door neighbors who were vaccinated and have COVID and they are actually out doing yard work with it.
RIP Katie.
Always nice to see people leave the Republican Party.
She deserved to go simply for that "Vote the Bible" shirt.
And just curious.... how long had she been dead when that photo was taken?
Personally, I am for Traffic freedom in this country. Traffic lights should be completely voluntary.
If you like to stop, great! If you don't like to stop, also great!
Hi, I bet you have been waiting to see me. I bet you are saying to yourself, "Where is Jesus, now that I am dead, I expected to see him."
Katie, you will not meet me. You are dead because by refusing to vaccinate you denied the inherent truth of my love for you. I loved you enough to die for your sins, not so you could deny the divinity of science.
You will spend eternity wondering "What happened to me? I was so close to to Jesus in life, why has he abandoned me in the after life?"
Let me tell you something--you were not close to me in life, and I want nothing to do with you…