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Lyndsi Sullivan, 27, West Monroe, LA. Med Sci-Tech, unvaxxed, 37 weeks pregnant, dead from COVID.

Writer's picture: VaxmanVaxman

I wrote this story last November but at the time decided not to post it. This is extremely sad, and I didn't feel and still don't feel that Lyndsi fits the SAV mold. Plus, I didn't want to have to monitor or even shut down the comment section because of comments that might attack Lyndsi. The Reddit HCAs were pretty insensitive and didn't look closely at the circumstances. (As you’ll read below, throughout most of her pregnancy the CDC was pretty wishy-washy on recommending vaccinations for pregnant women, and didn't put out an emergency declaration until after Lyndsi got COVID). Recently, however, one of our members sent me this article in the New York Times entitled I lost my baby. Then antivaxxers made my pain go viral. The author, Amanda Makulec, who was vaccinated while she was pregnant, had a baby who died 3 months after he was born. Autopsy showed it WASN'T due to her being vaccinated, but that didn't stop the anti-vaxx crowd from attacking her. She takes the position that someone’s pain shouldn't be used to push an agenda. Obviously, I disagree with that point, as long as the truth is being told and facts are being pursued. She does mention how these lies might impact other pregnant women’s poor decisions about the vaccine. SAV is using truth to help people make lifesaving decisions about the vaccine. Anyway, I've decided to post this very tragic story of Lyndsi as a warning to other mothers who might be struggling with the same decision.

Original Story (11/30/21):

According to this obituary, Lyndsi died on 11/6/21. She was 37 weeks pregnant when she was hospitalized on September 19, 2021. She underwent an emergency c-section that delivered Olivia Kaye Sullivan at a healthy 6 lbs 11ounces, and the next day was intubated. I've resisted writing blog posts about women who were pregnant, as COVID vaccine hesitancy is very understandable for a pregnant woman, especially since the CDC was vague about it's recommendations until August 11, 2021, when they upgraded their recommendations. They didn't put out an emergency declaration urging pregnant and breastfeeding women to get vaccinated until September 29, by which time Lyndsi already had COVID. Lyndsi did share some posts that were anti-mask, and one anti-vaxx, but that's normally not enough to earn a spot on SAV. I can only justify posting this because of the extreme tragedy, for such a young mother and her daughter who will never know her. One of the reasons for this site’s existence is that tragic stories can help prevent more tragic stories from happening. In a perfect world, every vaccine hesitant pregnant woman who reads this will understand that it's more dangerous not to be vaccinated than to get vaccinated. Granted, another big mistake Lyndsi made was having a baby shower during a pandemic at the height of the Delta variant wave in Louisiana.

As mentioned above, Lyndsi did re-post some memes that were anti-mask and one that was anti-vaxx:

She would've been about 6 months pregnant when she reposted this on June 16. Again, at this point the CDC was not clear on their recommendations for pregnant women. This is the only anti-vaxx post I could find :

She was against masks, which means she wasn't taking the pandemic very seriously. We've seen this meme many times. It's a meme, of course SHE didn't say this, but it does show ant-mask sentiment. Also, please understand this was in August of 2020:

Another one from September of 2020:

So, that's it. Like I said, these statements don't qualify her for a spot here.

She had a baby shower on September 11:

Its almost certain that she caught COVID at her baby shower as she tested positive three days later: She had an emergency c-section to save her baby Olivia.

Olivia is a beautiful little baby girl:

Her 20th day on ECMO:

There was humor and hope:

She made it through the night? Hoping for a miracle.

Looking better...

Less than 8 hours after the post above, Lyndsi died:

Lyndsi's sister Melody is raising Olivia. There is a go-fund me for Melody and Olivia. It'd make me happy if we could get the donations over their goal:

RIP Lyndsi.

NOTE: This is one of those stories where I might have to close down the comments. We'll see.

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May 15, 2022

So sad the antimask, anti-anything that would infringe their freedumbs crowd is leaving so many orphans. I feel sorry for the kids.

Republican leaders who led the charge against masking, distancing, and vaccines should be tried as criminals and accessories to homicides.

May 15, 2022
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I'm pretty sure the number has passed 210K orphans. Heartbreaking!


May 15, 2022

This young mother was educated, worked in a field based in science and had lots of family support. Yet she deliberately chose to ignore the pandemic, even though she was pregnant. Vaxman is being quite generous with this one but Lyndsi was clearly AV! She posted her most egregious meme on the day of her doomed baby shower.

Sad? Yes! Stupid? Certainly!

May 15, 2022
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For me its not just the memes it's the action, and hers was definitely AV.


Cordelia Biscuitbarrel
Cordelia Biscuitbarrel
May 15, 2022

This is a heartbreaking story. My first grandchild was born safely in Berkeley, California, to my vaxxed DIL at the end of November. Her grandfather and I flew out to visit her—and attend her in-home, Jewish naming!—in mid-December. She wore a fine white lawn outfit, complete with silk socks and kidskin Mary Janes, that for more than a hundred years had clad all of her paternal forebears during their ritual circumcisions. Since naming ceremonies for girls formerly were uncommon, she was the first girl to wear this outfit.

We receive texted photos—and even short videos!—of her often. In a few weeks, the little family will fly East to visit both sets of doting grandparents. We can’t wait! Still, despite the…

Catticus Feline
Catticus Feline
May 15, 2022
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beautifully written.


May 15, 2022

I bet she had no problem getting epidural shot.


Jolly Rodger
Jolly Rodger
May 15, 2022

I understand her indecision to get vaccinated while pregnant but having a baby shower at the height of the Delta variant is enough to label her along with the other stupid dead AVs. Good riddance.


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