UPDATE (5/25/22): Still traveling around and busy. Another conservative host from the early days of SAV. Again, only 19 comments on such a famous Anti-vaxxer. I know there are recordings out there of Marc saying he wouldn't dare get vaccinated. If you find them let me know and I'll repost them here. In the early days my posts were really short — I honestly didn't think there'd be so many anti-vaxxers with so much to say!
UPDATE 8/29/21: Marc died.
Original Story:
According to this story, Marc was recently hospitalized with complications from a COVID-19 infection. Marc has made his anti-vaxx feelings known on his radio program.

Bernier suggested the government was "acting like Nazis" by urging people to get vaccinated.
Get well, Marc, hopefully you'll come back and be a vaccine Nazi yourself, and use your program and inform your audience about the reality of COVID-19.
UPDATE (8/29/21): Marc passed away from his infection.
I contacted:
Contact Us (marcberniershow.com)
And asked them to comment on Marc's death and stance on Covid.
It might be fun if other SAVers commented too and we got that taken down.
Marc....I am so happy for you!!! How is Hell?
I know it’s a cliché, but man, good riddance!!