According to this obituary and this obituary, both Marcus and Brenda Smalls have died from COVID. Brenda died on September 6, 2021 and Marcus on September 13, 2021. They were married in 2017. They leave behind 7 children.

Looks like they were getting sick around the 29th...

Then they were gone.

By the 13th they were both gone.
RIP Brenda and Marcus.
7 children left to the kindness and capriciousness of strangers. For no reason other than hubris and stupidity. so sorry for the kids and the folks who have to take care of them.
Leaves seven children?Well isn't that just a fine how do you do ? Can't fix STUPID.
The day my daughter was born , It was no longer about Me.
Checks all the boxes of being a Cult!
This is the height of irresponsibility. 7 kids left at the mercy of the US Foster Home System!!