According to this GoFundMe, Pastor Schultz, his wife Donna, and his mother in law all contracted Covid last fall. Pastor Schultz and his wife recovered. His 87 year old mother in law, Roberta Koenig died.

Pastor Ken Schultz is a pastor at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Elder, South Dakota. What was Pastor Schultz spreading besides Covid?
Ken hasn't posted on his Facebook page in a long time, but when he was posting, he was posting Covid misinformation. It sickens me when Pastors use their influence to spread misinformation to their flock. I can only imagine what he told his congregation and how many of them also got Covid and/or spread it. The Church should be a place of salvation, not an epicenter for spreading a deadly virus.
He shared this lengthy nonsense:

You don't have to read this whole thing but it basically says the Covid death numbers are all inflated and "the numbers show that 'staying home and saving lives' IS NOT TRUE."

Coronavirus guidelines are turning the USA into totalitarian China.

This one post says a LOT about the way he thinks about Covid!

Ahhh yes, Trump and his administration are more truthful with numbers than the CDC.

In case you were still wondering about Pastor Schultz's political stance:
Oh this stupid one again! By protecting people from a deadly virus you're giving up your liberty and safety? NO! You're taking away peoples LIVES because you think your personal rights are more important than their health! How Christian is it to not care about the health of others? And btw, Ken, you did a really bad job of protecting the health of yourself, your wife, and mother in law.

More misinformation and besides, I don't know why you would get health information from an anti-LGBTQ organization that pretends that they are really fighting for religious liberty. They also threatened to sue the Jacksonville Public Library for giving out "Wizard in Training" certificates during a release party for Harry Potter. Meisburg of the LCA said, "If they are going to pass out witchcraft certificates, they should promote the Bible and pass out certificates of righteousness." That's the kind of organization that Pastor Ken Schultz shares to his FB page.

On September 16th, Pastor Schultz tested positive for Covid. Cue the GoFundMe and the call for prayers!
Six days after testing positive he was in the hospital and wouldn't leave again for 50 days. His wife and mother in law were admitted to the hospital on September 25th. His mother in law died after a week and his wife was released after 8 days.

They received half their goal!

I included some of his health updates that were shared to the GoFundMe page. His body went through absolute hell and he almost died a couple times.

So, worshipping and praising are bringing the miracles...not science, doctors, and nurses?!?

Well, thank goodness they got a CHRISTIAN doctor, finally. (Sarcasm intended.)

He's finally off the ventilator.

Well, at least he's back to his high school weight! He also gets to relearn how to breathe normally. Sounds like fun.

According to his wife "the LORD brought him through..."
I believe she meant to say "the dedicated nurses and doctors" brought him through.

Because of Covid his body has suffered immensely. For 50 days doctors and nurses worked hard to keep him alive but he can't thank them, only the Lord, the people who prayed, and those who sent financial gifts. How ungrateful can someone be?

We haven't heard anything from Pastor Schultz in a while, thank heavens. I hope that when he does speak out he will thank the REAL heroes who saved his life and pledge to stop spreading Covid misinformation to his flock.
Get well Pastor Schultz and be sure you, Donna, and your congregation get vaccinated!
Damn, that's a long way to go just to kill your mother-in-law.
Did this bag of shit ever apologize for killing his mother in law? Or is he still hiding behind his Bible thumping political bullshit?