According to this story, Tanner died too young and left his wife and two kids behind.

Even as her husband lay dying of COVID, Shelby felt the need to explain to her fellow Arkansans why she was getting vaccinated, "Today I did something that I was totally against 3 weeks ago, I got vaccinated. Let me tell you why I did it, as I sat there watching my husband fight for air I felt my heart get ripped out of my chest. I was helpless. The longer I sit in the ICU with him, watching a machine take every breath for him, the more I feel like somehow it all could have been prevented. This post isn’t intended on starting a debate It has been heavy on my heart to share in hopes no one else has to go through this. We are young, Tanner was healthy, it CAN happen to you!"
What's up with Arkansas?
Very sad indeed but kudos to his wife for getting vaccinated to be there for their children!
Come on Arkansas! Grab Cousin Sissy and Uncle Daddy and get down to the free clinic for that jab. It will save your life.
The longer I sit in the ICU with him watching a machine take every breath for him the more I feel like somehow it all could have been prevented. Somehow...
Keep self-culling, inbred yokels. The world doesn't want you.
infecting each other??