UPDATE (11/5/2021): Jim made an appearance on a Sanjay Gupta segment on CNN yesterday to tell his story and how he now pushes everyone to get vaccinated. The tip about this story was from SAV commenter Jackie McDowall (Flo Knight), a healthcare professional who, because of this story, became friends with Jim online. She says he's really come a long way and is fighting his anti-vaxxer friends to this day. See the video of the CNN Interview here.
Original Post (9/10/2021):
Meet Jim Sells, a conservative councilman from Georgia. He too admits his conservatism and "self reliance" almost cost him his life. Now he's telling all of his conservative colleagues to GET VACCINATED.

I'll let Jim tell all you conservative yahoos who aren't getting vaccinated based on your ideas what fools you are:

He continues...

And finally he says...

Thank you Jim!!! Congratulations, you are a champion.
UPDATE (11/5/2021): Here is Jim's story on CNN:
Thank you, Jim! This shows the skeptic commenters on this site that people can change.
Carry on the fight!
So this guy will get vaccinated, and some of his friends might even do it, and then they can get back to their important work of destroying our democracy.
Their stance on Covid vaccinations were bullshit, but so is everything else that comes out of their worthless teaspoon of brains. So because their other bullshit isn't affecting their lungs, they aren't going to stop. They hate us. They always will, and after their vaccination, they will still maintain that Donald Trump is the Second Coming of Christ, because they saw that bellowing asshole on TV.
I wish there were a lot more stories like that of Jim Sells on this site. In fact, I sort of expected there to be because the site's name is "SORRY Anti Vaxxer". So I would expect there to be a lot of stories of people who were sorry about having been anti vaxxers. Jim Sells has integrity and courage! His circle of peers are willfully ignorant anti-vaxxers who are hostile to science. Yet Jim Sells is now telling the truth at the risk of offending them. (When *I* speak truth to anti-vaxxers, I'm not risking any friendships because anti-vaxxers are not my friends in the first place.) Jim, it takes a real man to admit that you were wrong. I hope…
Jim - Nurse Jackie (below) says you've fallen off the pro-vax wagon.
After reading Jackie's comment below I think Vaxman needs to edit the last bit in the post that says:
Thank you, Jim! This shows the skeptic commenters on this site that people can change.
Carry on the fight!
How many innocent people did he infect and kill on the way to his realization????