According to this story, Hughes County Commissioner (Oklahoma) and Anti-vaxxer Tommy Peak has died of COVID.

Tommy LOVED to repost anti-vaxx memes on Facebook. (We've seen all of these before with other fucked anti-vaxxers):
The "it's political" meme:

"New strains my ass" meme:

The "THEY are only doing this for fear" meme:

The "if it's so important that this is free, why isn't all healthcare free?" meme. (This one is really ironic given that people like Tommy here don't want universal healthcare.):

The "if you have to be persuaded..." meme:

The comparing getting vaccinated to the Holocaust meme:

Now Tommy Peak himself is a meme.
Here's an OK facebook group full of potential...
â–ª b i b l e
â–ª t h u m p e r s
â–ª m a g a
â–ª t r u m p e r s
â–ª c o n s p i r a c y
â–ª c r i e r s
â–ª s c i e n c e
â–ª d e n i e r s
â–ª a n d
â–ª o t h e r
â–ª s u c h
â–ª g e n i u s e s
â–ª w h o
â–ª l u s t
â–ª f o r
â–ª r e v o l u t i o n
â–ª a l l
â–ª g e t
re-bury Tommy Peak
These morons want a Civil War? They'd be slaughtered. Battle takes tactics strategy and intelligence. These fools wouldn't last 5 minutes before they shit their pants or walked into a bullet.
The Nazi comparisons are just insane. That last meme. The truth is that the vaxed are liberated from death.