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Tonya Wise, 51, Woodbine, MD, Anti-vaxxer, Dead from COVID

Updated: May 17, 2023

Does Tonya live up to her last name? Stupid question really. This is SAV after all. Let’s begin.

As always, another Trump Humper who allowed politics to dictate her health choices.

Wishful thinking.

Oh Tonya, you should care.

Let's fast forward to 2022.

The vaccines? Banned?? In October 2022??? What alternate dimension is her friend living in????

Hmmm. What’s this about?

Won’t someone think about the children? 🙄

Tonya is one of the chosen few…apparently.

Too funny. Considering we know where this story is going. 😂

Tonya is sceptical.

Uh oh!

A week later. 😬

We'll have to wait and see.

5/16/23 update - Sadly, Tonya didn't make it and earned her Herman Cain Award.

You can find more anti-vax stories on our new Facebook page at Herman Cain Awardz.

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Nov 13, 2023

The dead have no regrets.....


Aug 28, 2023

Haven't been here in a long time. Sort of sad to see idiots still dying over a simple vaccine.


Jose Eguizabal
Jose Eguizabal
Jul 16, 2023

I am guessing that the hoax was true after all. So true, that it took her ass when it could of been prevented by her. Alas, I don't have sympathy for idiocy, and this is idiocy.


Jun 30, 2023

This nasty wench lived near my elderly parents. Glad she's gone.


TCZ Barbed-Wire Bat
TCZ Barbed-Wire Bat
Jun 16, 2023

So, for Tonya’s friend Lynn, the nurse who worked at the hospital, the big takeaway of watching her lifelong friend die was that she needed to get into a different line of work. Nothing about the simple vaccine that could have saved her pal or many other patients in the hospital; nothing about any other countermeasures. The denial even in the face of death is astounding.

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