Well, this is the dumbest thing I've ever seen anyone do.
According to this article in Time magazine online we're basically fucked because:
The most immediate domestic consequence may be that if the U.S. is not privy to the WHO’s database of changing influenza strains, more Americans could be hospitalized and die from flu infections, says Jha. “Right now 30,000 elderly people at high risk for influenza complications die every year from the flu," he says. "If we are not making vaccines, or our vaccines are not as good or effective, then we are going to see those numbers go up.”
By not being a WHO member, the U.S. would also lose access to the global database of health information that includes surveillance for new and existing infectious diseases, which could make the country more vulnerable to microbial threats from around the world. “It means we are going to see a lot more disease outbreaks become regional and global, and we will see more disease outbreaks from other countries coming into the U.S.,” says Jha
Oh well, we live in an Idiocracy now.
I missed this community.
Trumptards are back. We need a new supply of Herman Cain Awards to present to them.
Wow! Welcome back Vaxman and thank you. We (and I) missed you bigly! This website is very very important to us, especially since the most vicious, heinous, deluded, lying antivaxxer, RFK Jr is about to be confirmed as Secretary of Health!! I'm already checking out Canada and Mexico as places to go for my annual flu shot, and other health needs (as a medically vulnerable senior). What I really fear is another pandemic or two. Pertussis is increasing and I'm going for my DTAP shot tomorrow since a bout of highly contagious whooping cough (pertussis) would definitely kill me.