Persons usually featured here are the ones who are spreading misinformation, rarely you see someone here who was just not vaccinated. I like the irony of it all, seeing someone who says there is a 99,9% survival chance from covid (wich is totaly wrong), being in this 0,01% (in his own words) that dies. And i don't understand why you would like to have a site about abortion deaths, since the death rate is like 1 on 1 million if it's done correctly in an abortion clinic and not in some backyard cabin. Also the death rate for woman giving birth is like 100 times higher. (Don't know the actual numbers for both situations, wich you wouldn't believe anyway because you don't trust the CDC, the WHO or anyone else). In a few words, FUCK OFF DUDE, it doesn't make any sense to even try to have a reasonable conversation with you, as many others already said.