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Deanna C
Do I look sick?
Do I look sick?
Jun 29, 2022
In General Discussion
Why did Donald Trump throw his plate at the wall? He wanted to look tough on China.
Deanna C
Do I look sick?
Do I look sick?
Jun 21, 2022
In General Discussion
I’ll start. rolled my BD gift, and I’ve had some wine, and I just started thinking of some of the funniest conversations I’ve had with SO, John. I was in the kitchen one day, making a salad, and he came out and started just jabbering to me about how we got some of the neighbors mail, or which night was garbage night…or some such. Suddenly he stopped and said “You’re not even listening to me!”. I said, “Yes I am!”. He said, “No you’re not! You’re just standing there, slicing your tomato and not listening to me at all!”. I laughed and said, “Busted! You’re right. I wasn’t listening.” He kinda‘ wailed, “WHY??? Why aren’t you listening?”. I just said, “Sometimes what I’m thinking about is more interesting to me than what you’re talking about.”. He said, “I’ve been waiting all my life to talk about these things and now you’re here.”. And then we both cracked up. But it was sweet what he said. Or just show me a sweet kitty. Either way.
Deanna C
Do I look sick?
Do I look sick?
Jun 06, 2022
In General Discussion
I burned a bridge at about the only place I ever hung out at regularly, about 10-12 years ago. I had been online with these people since 1999. They were there when my husband died. When President Obama was elected, things started to change there. A very few flipped from their previous stance, and seemed to be glad that he was President. Some were more vociferous in their scree against him. I just tried to lay low on the politics, there. I know who my people are. I tried to stick to regular topics like what’s for dinner, pics of pets and kids. There was one woman though, who was loudly anti-Obama, but in so many other ways a nasty person. She was a middle aged woman returning to nursing school. Daily she shit-posted about her classmates. “X is a lousy mother, so she’s sure to be a lousy nurse!”. “Y was late to class AGAIN! I told the instructor she was late and the instructor said she’d handle it. But I guess she didn’t, because Y was in class again today!”. And I pretty much told that bitch off. I was permanently banned. So, that was sad for awhile. But I was right to tell her off, and I’ll never regret it. I post at Crooks and Liars sometimes, and always love the animals at Bored Panda, but I don’t speak up much. I am not entirely comfortable just yet, but I am trying. Because I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me.
Deanna C
Do I look sick?
Do I look sick?
Jun 05, 2022
In General Discussion
So, this is a terrible thing to admit, but I have drawn mustaches and also devil horns on Trump photos on the cover of certain tabloids while in line at the grocery store. I‘ve never even told John I have done this. I do feel contrite. I’m 60, not 12. Also, I felt so satisfied in the midst. any bad behavior you’d like to tell about?
Deanna C
Do I look sick?
Do I look sick?
Jun 05, 2022
In General Discussion
Buster. Bose, sleeping with his paintbrush. Speckles Lloyd i am a terrible photographer. Everybody has such good photos.
Buster, Bose, Speckles and Lloyd content media
Deanna C
Do I look sick?
Do I look sick?
Jun 03, 2022
In General Discussion
I hesitated to post this, because I cannot find the commercial online anywhere to post it here. We have such a cool ad here. It’s very schoolhouse rock! The music, even the singer…the animation. Add a boost to the vax you’ll be safer that’s a fact! Vax! Mask! Test! if you’re out in a crowd wear a mask that’s not too much to ask! Vax! mask! test! if you’re sick, take a test protecting others is the best! Vax! mask! Test! (let’s put Covid to rest) Vax! mask! Test,
Deanna C
Do I look sick?
Do I look sick?
May 29, 2022
In General Discussion
to save families. Dude. I’m 60, my bunbun is 60. Porn is saving this family. They’ll ban everything but guns. Abortion? BANNED! Voting? BANNED! Marriage equality? BANNED!
Deanna C
Do I look sick?
Do I look sick?
May 28, 2022
In General Discussion
So, I have ‘Brand New Key’ by Melanie playing in my head all day. Been singing it. Other day was ‘Chick-a-boom, chick-a-boom! Don’t you just love it?” Recent, ‘Spill the wine!’. Worst ever is ‘Clap for the Wolfman”. Does music play in your head from the minute you wake up? What did you hear this morning?
Deanna C
Do I look sick?
Do I look sick?
May 25, 2022
In General Discussion
MTG won her primary. Why, Georgia Why?! I have never before seen such a hateful person. Honestly. There’s evil, and then there’s MTG. people don’t find her disgusting? Why? Why don’t they see what I see? She’s not hiding. She opens her filthy mouth every day. Harassing people through their mail slots, following children who survived a school shooting down The street screaming. Crying about baby formula, so she can vote down support for Ukraine. THEN, voting down support for acquiring baby formula. Can someone help me here? Am I crazy?

Deanna C

Do I look sick?
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