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Post your best "refute an antivaxxer" memes
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Jed Rothwell
SAV Patron
SAV Patron
Oct 21, 2022
Here's your other chart, that pairs with this one:
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Post your best "refute an antivaxxer" memes
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Post your best "refute an antivaxxer" memes
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Post your best "refute an antivaxxer" memes
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CDC data shows greatly reduced deaths with 2 boosters
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Jed Rothwell
SAV Patron
SAV Patron
Sep 06, 2022
They allow dissenting opinions because this is a small part of larger group, and most of the discussion categories are conventional scientists where academic decorum is observed, so it observed here as well. Some typical exchanges today were with a person who claims that every single scientist in the CDC has been cowed into following orders and producing fake data. Quoting this person: "They all fallow the orders from higher up. just like any job." My response, which may amuse you: "Every one of them? Every single public health researcher, hospital, and nearly every doctor follows orders from higher up? I do not think you are acquainted with these people. It happens that I am. Some of my neighbors work at the CDC, and I have known scientists, researchers and doctors all of my life, starting with my late mother. Let me explain something to you -- These people seldom agree about anything. They never follow orders from above. Or below, or sideways. They don't follow orders at all. They ignore them. They are the most ungovernable people on earth. Trying to get them to do anything as a group is like herding cats. You can always find a scientist who disagrees with all the others. There are biologists who believe in creationism. There are doctors who think vaccinations do not work. However, if you examine the data, you will see that vaccinations do work. This data is not fake. It is not dictated from above. Even if it were dictated by nefarious powers in the U.S. to the CDC, those powers would have no way to dictate to the European, Japanese, Korean, Chinese or South American public health agencies. . . ." He came back again, a glutton for punishment: "They are paid to do what they do or no money.. Jed. unless they talk on the internet about what they see and we all know it gets deleted or worst most of the time." Me again: "Nope. Scientists and researchers are paid to do whatever the hell they want to do. They have tenure. If a high up muckety-muck were to start calling around telling them: 'I want to you change the data,' 99% of them would hang up, and 97% would go to the press and report that upper management was interfering in scientific research. That would be roughly as acceptable as if someone from upper management at MacDonald's were to go into a store, unzip his pants, and piss on the food and cooking areas. Or if a high official from Delta Airlines were to start pounding on the door to the cockpit on a plane in flight, demanding to be allowed to fly the plane. It is absolutely unthinkable. It would cause an instant brouhaha and denouncements by every professional in the business. It is inconceivable that any official in charge of the CDC or at any level of government would try to dictate to the scientists there. Even in an imaginary world where that might happen, the official would have no power to dictate to U.S. hospitals, or public health scientists in Japan or China, or hospitals in Chile. There is no reason why every single top official in the world would want to participate in a conspiracy to lie about vaccines. . . . Your notion is so far removed from reality, I am amazed you believe it. Apparently, you are extremely gullible and trusting and you believe any damn thing the anti-vaxxers tell you." . . . These people lack self-awareness. Their version of how scientists work comes from pot-boiler thrillers sold in airports.
Covid deaths no longer overwhelmingly among unvaccinated as toll on elderly grows
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Hospital boredom
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Jed Rothwell
SAV Patron
SAV Patron
Jun 28, 2022
Yup. Large, flat lenses.
Hospital boredom
In General Discussion
Jed Rothwell
SAV Patron
SAV Patron
Jun 28, 2022
Fresnel lenses. (Ever the pedant.)
This Pandemic is Not Over
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Jed Rothwell
SAV Patron
SAV Patron
May 02, 2022
I do not have the expertise to judge, but some articles I have read indicate that we can eradicate COVID. Or that it might go away on its own like the 1918 influenza. I believe that new mRNA vaccines could be modified quickly to target the latest variants. If these vaccines were quickly distributed worldwide, they might drive the virus into extinction. Apparently, the virus that infects people cannot lie dormant outside the body. A reservoir of it might live in some other species, such as bats or deer, and it might once again cross over to people, but perhaps it can be eliminated for now. The problem is that this would call for around 16 billion doses. Manufacturing and delivering would cost a lot of money. Nowhere near as much as living with COVID will cost, but governments are dollar smart and penny foolish, so they probably will not spend it. It would all have to paid for by first world countries. Russia and some other reject it. The GOP would do all they can to stop the U.S. from participating. I doubt that governments will eradicate COVID, but I think it is physically possible for them to do it. However, there is one scenario in which I am sure they would. If a more dangerous variant emerges, and it starts killing children and young adults even more than it now kills 80-year-olds. I am sure governments will do all they can to stop it, at any cost. Even the GOP would probably agree to stop it, after first blaming the Democrats for the new variant.

Jed Rothwell

SAV Patron
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