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Funds Divesting From Fossil Fuels
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SAV Patron
SAV Patron
Jun 08, 2022
@TheyShouldHaveVaxxed Yes - very helpful. Thanks for that EIA website link. I don't know much; I know that natural gas plants can spin up fast, so they pair well with renewable sources -- but of course, that's a fossil fuel. Hydroelectric is another source that can be turned up or down on on a dime (provided Lake Mead hasn't gone dry -- droughts are gonna kills us out here in the west). So hydroelectric is a natural companion to renewable energy. One thing that intrigues me, which people often forget about, is geothermal. Two potential problems for geothermal: 1) Earthquakes. I understand they abandoned a geothermal project in France, after an experimental installation caused multiple small earthquakes. Evidently it was causing some kind of seismic instability. 2) Doesn't work everywhere -- or not easily anyway -- depends on local geology. I see that EIA has a whole section devoted to geothermal -- it starts at a very basic, elementary school level, here: But there are many more pages on geothermal on that website -- here's a DOE map showing where geothermal is most potentially viable -- (mostly the western U.S.): I love that California has been producing some of its electricity -- a small proportion to be sure, but some nonetheless -- using geothermal -- since all the way back in 1960: I assume for more generalized geothermal energy production, very deep drilling and pumping water and then powering a turbine using the resulting steam would be required. I'm sure it's quite the massive technical undertaking.
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How is Russia invading Ukraine different from the US invading Iraq?
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SAV Patron
SAV Patron
May 31, 2022
What a terrific discussion -- I enjoyed reading it.


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