Just a reminder here that the last time they debated, tRUMP came with COVID, likely hoping he would infect Biden... and his POS family took their masks off and refused to wear them or pit on new masks they were provided... against the debate rules and probably for the same reason.
tRUMP was wearing one ... and never took his off

Last time, tRUMP also told the Proud Boys to stand back and stand by and so they took it as a call to disrupt the January 6 counting of electoral college votes. That day went well...

Debate rules. or as tRUMP calls them. the TTC
Here they are
Does anyone think LOSER45 intends to keep them? Threats of jail and a gag order didn't work. He will still yell and interrupt. To stay calm, put your hand up and make a shark fin with it and follow trump's face as it moves.

tRUMP started his whining early on as his debate prep. His MAGA minion morons too ...
I am just hoping someone brings up sharks.

He said he invited his VP. It is a chance for LOSER45 to distract the viewers and get the press to polish his turds AGAIN. You just KNOW he invited all 3, will hold a press conference and then let them talk about HIM and kiss his ass until the debate begins. And the press will eat it up. They adore their steady diet of shiny turds.
It will be a hoot hearing him review his agenda of a dictatorship and a revenge tour should he win. Look for him to deny he said all the things he said... and repeat those lies.
One thing for sure he has been preparing. His stance!
He may still chicken out... because he really is a thin skinned chicken at heart.

Sadly, this will not happen...

But we know this will...

In lieu of the real thing, may I recommend

And brace yourself for tRUMP to be on his worst behaviour. Whatever low you think he might go... double that.

Look for tRUMP to keep looking into the camera as there is no audience. Staying on track will be essential and tRUMP is used to pandering to his audience and trying to be "funny." He is always a clown and a joke, so no need to despair. Anyone with half a brain will see through him. Let's hope...
I recommend no drinking games or bingo if you are working next day!
There, now you are also prepped...
Remembering 2016

I did a live tweet thread for the Clinton/LOSER45 debate and it was a real hit as I had a multitude of memes prepared. Mr sniffle wrinkle pants did not disappoint. I was whooshing about so fast I didn't see 'til later that my posts were trending more than any news stations. It's the only thing I miss about XTwatter. Sniiifffffff!
He said he would take a drug test before, but as soon as it would be over he would be hitting the Adderal...
They are allowed only essentials... A pen, notebook and water...
Look for those bits to fly out of his nose and for him to shove another up there when he drinks...
I had to stop the live feed and come back to it little by little. There is only so much of LOSER45's lies and grating voice I can take. Why oh why did they think not fact-checking was a good idea? Oh right, this is the "news" network that let tRUMP lie his ass off in an interview...
CNN Clown Hall Questions:
COLLINS: Did you ever show those classified documents to anyone? tRUMP: “Not really. I would have the right to.”
COLLINS: What do you mean? tRUMP: “Not that I can think of… I have the absolute right to do whatever I want with them.”
Addendum: CNN does have a fact checker and he was used AFTER the debate. Too late, you pieces of shit! The CNN fact checker is Daniel Dale, a Canadian much beloved by Canadians, but wooed away by money I suppose. Here he is:
A complete list of every lie Trump told during his debate with President Biden
A list of 50 provided by the Biden-Harris campaign https://meidasnews.com/news/a-complete-list-of-all-of-trumps-debate-lies
Bash and tapper sucked the big one.
Moderators of a debate are supposed to have some f'ing rules, not just timers. I will continue to block anything from CNN as much as humanly possibly, but these assholes made sure I will be ultra cautious before when I look for reputable sources.
Yes, Biden was out of sorts, but if voters changed their minds and vote for tRUMP because of a bad night, they deserve the hell on earth they will unleash. tRUMP was bad and evil, but at least a FEW of the people in his orbit pulled him back. Next time the answer to "Can I nuke a hurricane?" might be sure yes sir, whatever you say sir, being tRUMP says he will only hire loyal yes men.
My favourite thing to see today was a bitch who hated me on Daily Kos and help get me booted say she was done with Biden. (She hated me because I got on the Recommended story list a few days after I joined and she was PISSED. Tough noogies, bitch) She got an earful, but not before she convinced a lot of people she was right... And some of those she "convinced" were trolls who had been on the site for up to 10 years but only come out of the woodwork to mess with minds ... ACK! The mods there suck. Look at our own site and the comments and likes. Sigh...
Anyhoo, I made these....
And it looks as though I erased the third one, dammit. Ah well... it can't have been that good as I can't even remember what it said.
Thanks for the astute and amusing one liner @Mike Large
And thanks for this @HOS
Hi All - I've missed you!
Everybody have their Jiffy Pop ready?
Gotta love Jeff T - such a way with words:
<<I have some debate questions for Donald Trump
what the fuck is wrong with you?
JUN 27
Mr. Trump, can you name all Ten Commandments?
ok then, can you name five of them?
wait, did you just say that the Second Amendment is one of the Ten Commandments?
do you know where Melania is right now?
here are six photos of teenage boys. which one is Barron?
what the fuck is wrong with you?
Upgrade to paid
a shark leaves Cleveland traveling east at 20 miles an hour. a boat leaves New York traveling west at 40 miles an hour. how long before the battery in the boat causes it to sink?
here are two photos. which one is Nancy Pelosi and which is Nikki Haley?
how does a bill become a law?
how much does a bitcoin weigh?
is Hannibal Lecter a real person? is he alive?
is Frederick Douglass a real person? is he alive?
John McCain. was he a sucker or a loser?
the soldier who took your place in Vietnam. was he a sucker or a loser?
here are two photos. which one is Ivana Trump and which one is E. Jean Carroll?
let’s say you lived too close to a windmill and you developed noise cancer. who would you want to treat you, Dr. Ronny Johnson Jackson, or the guy who diagnosed your imaginary bone spurs?
here are some drawings of animals. which one is the camel?
let’s try that again. which one is the camel?
who did you pay to take your cognition test for you?
which is better at curing covid, Clorox or Lysol?
no, seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?
as the debate draws closer, the screeching from the howler monkeys grows ever louder — and ever more incoherent.
here’s Congresswoman Sporkbrain, dropping in on one-man maggot incubation zone Steve Bannon’s podcast.
“I spoke to president Trump just a little over an hour ago, absolutely love him. I love him. I have so much faith in him. I have complete faith in that he is going to hit a home run, but he is walking into a trap, he is walking into a rigged debate, he is walking into an arena filled with people that want to MURDER HIM. he’s going to stand ten feet away from Joe Biden, who wants to put him in prison the rest of his life, wants him to die and rot in prison.”
dial down the hysteria a little, you three-toed freak of nature, you’re drooling.
this is the level of discourse is in wingnutville right now. DEAR LEADER IS INVINCIBLE AND WILL FUCKING DEMOLISH JOE BIDEN but also Dear Leader can’t possibly win because it’s rigged.
this way the numbskulls get to have it both ways. if Donny Fucknugget manages not to embarrass himself on live TV, that’s because Donny is A WINNING WINNER WHO ALWAYS WINS — and if, as is more likely, Donny makes a total fool out of himself, they get to scream how it was RIGGED! RIIIIIIIIIIIGGED!!!!! at the tops of their lungs, for the rest of their lives.
yo, Stevie Three Shirts, can we talk? you have to report to prison in four days. time is precious — and it’s dwindling, bro. why would you waste even five minutes of your remaining freedom in the company of this empty-headed embarrassment?
go outside and touch grass, my dude. it’ll be a while before you see it again.
you gotta love it that Donny’s quote-unquote “debate prep” includes bullshitting on the phone with low-wattage twits like Marge.
oh. and speaking of standing ten feet away from someone who wants to MURDER their opponent, does anyone remember the 2020 debate where Donny tested positive for covid, but went out to stand next to Joe Biden anyway?
does anyone remember that a covid-carrying Trump infected his entire debate prep team, and Chris Christie almost died as a result?
so tell me again, Marge, about how Joe Biden wants to MURDER Donald Trump. it’s such a good story. by the way, isn’t Donny the one who never stops talking about retribution and revenge?
here’s more performative fucknuttery from one of the Very Serious People who populate the dipshit wing of the Republican Party — by which I mean the entire GOP.
the fine citizens of Kentucky’s 5th District sent Andy Ogles to Congress to do the people’s bidding. unfortunately for them, this is the ass-hattery they’re getting instead.
“by the way, I have my bill the ‘No Jeecee— No Juicing Joe’ which would require him to divulge, to report to the American people any time that he takes a mind-altering stimulant like we know he’s gonna half to do before this debate. they’re gonna have him juiced up and jacked up on some sort of cocktail so that he can be lucid and take on, or at least try to debate Donald Trump.”
stand back everyone, Andy Ogles has a bill. I guess it’s game over for Sleepy Brandon.
Congressman Ogles, I have a question: do you even know how a bill becomes a law? you’re introducing a bill right now to affect something happening tonight? is Holy Mike bringing it to a vote this morning? is Chuck Schumer bringing it to the Senate floor this afternoon? will Sleepy Brandon be signing it on Air Force One en route to the debate? what the fuck are you even gibbering about?
by the way, I did a search of Congress’s web site. of course there isn’t any “No Juicing Joe” bill. it’s just something Ogles pulled out of his ass so he could have a sound bite for Newsmax. you knew this and I knew this, but every credulous dope out there in MAGA-land now thinks there’s actually something out there called the No Juicing Joe bill. how do these easily-played rubes get the fork to their mouths without stabbing themselves in the eye?
and Jesus H. Christ, you utter fucking clown, at least give your dumb-ass imaginary bill a name that you can say without stumbling over it.
shit is getting real. as I sit here finishing up this post, it’s about ten hours until the debate starts at 9 pm eastern time. see you there. I’ll have a chat thread open so we can yap about the debate as it happens. stay tuned.>>
How to watch in the US
How to watch in Canada