According to this article Dr. Vanek died from COVID on October 12, 2021 after an eight week battle in the hospital. Dr. Vanek was a respected Orthopedic Surgeon in Merced county California. He had his own clinic in Atwater called Advanced Orthopedics. However, he was an anti-vaxxer, which is concerning not just because of the influence he had on his own patients, staff, and social media followers, but also because the City of Atwater made him the medical advisor for their pandemic response. That's like the fox guarding the hen house (I think I got that old analogy right).

So how much of an anti-vaxxer was Dr. Vanek?
This one has to be a joke...

Maybe all of his posts are jokes?

Never mind. He's serious.

Sharing false info on vaccines...

Of course, he's anti-Fauci...

Tucker and that guy who falsely claims he invented mRNA vaccines:

The debunked conspiracy theory:

Dr. Vanek's own thoughts on the matter: losing 50,000,000 people is ok with him, apparently. Also, they didn't have a vaccine available during the pandemic back in 1918:

How did Ed Vanek get licensed to practice medicine?

Another false post (debunked):

He sucks at math.

Anyway, this happened. (Even this eulogy calls him out for being politically opinionated.)

Doctors like Dr. Edward Vanek are a dying breed.
Full disclosure - I first used this comment on Dr. Abilio Ramos‘ SAV profile. It’s not beneath me to recycle material.
Dr. Ed here was my first attempt a a limerick.
Here comes the good Dr. Ed
Denied himself into an ICU bed
When it came to Med School
He was in the shallow end of the pool
And now, quite rightly, he’s dead
I don't know if I've gotten better, but here is another.
Ed was not getting the shot
Was he a real a doctor, or not?
Well for this coot
The point is moot
Because he drowned in his own snot
People go to D.O. medical schools when they can't get into M.D. schools. The GoFundMe shows what little regard these people have for others who truly need help. Every orthopod I know makes over $500K a year.
Interesting. I was born in Atwater, CA. Twenty five years later I went back to learn how to fly B-52s. I heard they closed Castle AFB in the 1990s… surprised anyone is still there. Wasn’t much going on there but the base.
So, in addition to being a Covidiot, he was a slimy grifter, too, hoovering up our tax dollars paid by blue states. This guy was an MD. Anyone who followed his medical instructions & got sick or died could sue his estate.