According to this obituary, Frank died on June 23, 2021. Frank loved to ride his "trike" custom Harley. He loved freedom and was a big Trump supporter. It was his anti-vaxx stance that cut his retirement early.

What were Frank's views, you ask?
Frank was against COVID vaccination before it was cool:

He seemed to know a lot about where COVID...wasn't...

Okay, okay, then what happened?

Calling all Prayer Warriors:

Didn't make it.

RIP Frank.
At least his friends will take heed of Frank's death from COVID and get vaccinated right?
Awe Franky, Guess you should have stayed 6'1" away from everyone and spent more time protesting and looting.
I noticed that a few of these douchebags... erm... victims (*cough*) are motorcyclists. I wonder if any of them caught COVID at the Sturgis, SD motorcycle rally -- a known superspreader event.
RIP, Frank. By definition, 50 percent of people are below average intelligence; too bad you were one of them. God'll make it right, I'm sure.
All of these freedom-advocates now no longer have to worry about going to work everyday at a job they dislike. They don't have to worry about what to wear. They don't have to worry about politics. They don't have to worry about how to feed and clothe their families. Seems like they have finally got what they wished for.