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Gina Joan McMaster, 61, Granite Canyon, WY, Jan 6er & anti-vaxxer, dead from COVID

According to this obituary, Ginacat (nickname) died on December 19, 2021. She died from COVID. She and her husband were at the Capital on January 6th, and of course both were rabid anti-vaxxers. Ginacat was also a cancer survivor, so she should've been more trusting of medicine. I meant to post this one back in December but I think I got distracted by the Angie Reynolds saga or something. Anyway, time to make it up. Here is Wyoming cowgirl, "Ginacat".

How much of an anti-vaxxer was Ginacat?

Well, first let's get past the fact that she and her husband were insurrectionists and were at the Capital on January 6:

And the fact that she’d had surgery and radiation for breast cancer:

Very popular meme in August 2021:

Wasn't going to get the shot, I guess...

Got to post her anti-Fauci stance:

Nope, she wasn't going to get that damn shot!

I'd post more, but I'll let the SAV community fill in the rest since her Facebook is still wide open.

And of course, she got COVID:

Her husband James weighs in...

He got angry at people suggesting she should've gotten vaccinated:

And we know she died on December 19, 2021. So...Jesus seems to have picked a side, James.

RIP Gina.

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