According to this obituary, Malissa Tippy Orr died on August 25, 2021. She didn't make her vaccination thoughts known, but her husband Kenny sure did. You're gonna love Kenny. He also got COVID but continued pushing against vaccines and masks. He sure did get over his wife's death too, as he seemed to level up his rate of politically motivated posts and anti-vaxx posts.

So this post is about Kenny. Let's see what he was/is posting on Facebook. He's a little different in that most of his anti-mask, anti-vaxx, and anti-Fauci posts are made AFTER he and his wife get COVID. (Pay attention to the dates of his posts):
Standard meme:

He, his wife and his daughter get COVID... he’s clearly pushing "alternative therapies" which we know don't work:


religious rant:

He thinks he's an epidemiologist:

Standard meme:

Pushing HCQ or Ivermectin...tough to say... either way it’s BS:


Wife in trouble:

His daughter is all about getting vaccinated:

Kenny is angry too but for a different reason than Katie:

Still shitposting as his wife is dying:

Still shitposting:

She died:

He's sad at least temporarily:

Back to shitposting:

RIP Missy.
Dude‘s Facebook page is still open for comments, just saying.
Could Kenny have avoided Covid because he doesn't sport a goatee? Little did his wife know that his shaving habits saved him and doomed her. I'm sure he's a great guy though.
There are at least 8,000,000 more of us! Vote .. because these morons do and their vote counts just as much as yours … probably more now that they are taking over the voting process in these places and are replacing Secretaries of State who certify the vote … we have to vote in numbers never seen before
He got the kind of wife “you can’t find these days.” 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 I can’t eye roll hard enough at that tidbit.
So let me get this straight...Kenny boy killed his wife with his crazy disinformation campaign!