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Robert Martinez, 62, Tulsa, OK, Dietary Specialist, Anti-vaxxer. Death via COVID.

Updated: Jan 25, 2022

According to this obituary, Robert Martinez died September 5, 2021. He leaves behind his wife and four children. Robert was an anti-vaxxer aficionado as you'll gather from his posts.

As you see, "Science" really ticked him off.

Even though he was proflific meme spreader, we'll start with his posts in July...

He hates the word SCIENCE

Doesn't like Arnold telling him what's up:

Doesn't like Scientists much more than Science:

This is interesting. He admits he has COVID...

But then posts this...

And this on Sept 4 (remember he died on Sept 5):

And his last post ever was also on Sept 4:

How did he have the energy to post like this before he died? Here's why:

RIP Robert. Science could've helped.

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