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Stop the Madness
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Got it going on
May 24, 2024
In General Discussion
For the last few years I've been telling people, there's absolutely no way the orange maniac would ever get into office again. He barely squeaked through in 2016, losing the vote by 3 million votes and he only made it through on the loophole of the way the electoral college votes are added up. (This desperately needs to change, but naturally the GOP is not going to support that.) And then in 2020 he lost by even more votes, losing by 7 million. And he never brought in the victories for his party either. A loser plain and simple. And then we've seen his multiple indictments, his fake elector scheme, his attempt to stage a coup to take over the country, and his stealing of classified documents. It boggles the mind how anyone could even be considering returning this guy to the white house. And yet it's possible. And we have to somehow not bury our heads in the sand, but think about what we'll do, how we'd react and even how to keep 'sane' if that were to happen. When he was "elected" last time, I felt this sick, quesy feeling that wasn't just for one day but lasted for months. It's as if the fox has broken into the henhouse and then declared himself president of the henhouse, and reassured us that well, don't worry because he's not going to eat that many chickens. Anyway I just wanted to put this out there and see what people are thinking and how to still keep mentally healthy if the worst happens. Of course we have SAV, but this site could go down anytime.
Stop the Madness
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Got it going on
Nov 29, 2023
In General Discussion
Such a pity the site is no longer getting updates. The site has fulfilled an important role over the past two years, warning anyone who would listen about the dangers of ignoring scientific and medical advice. We'll never know for sure but some llives may have been saved by this site. While I understand that anyone managing a site like this is likely to get burnt out, what I can't understand is just walking off and leaving the members with no news. Maybe I'm naive but it seems like appointing a couple of the most dedicated members as new admins would breathe new life into the site. (Looking at you, @Vaxman ). I understand that there is now the spinoff site FAFOChronicles, but the format of the site is more like the forums here and so far it hasn't really achieved the critical mass that SAV had. I'm still here for the time being but it's getting frustrating being stuck in a permanent Looney Loomer groundhog day. Given the lack of new posts, the writing is on the wall for the future of this site, unless something changes, which seemed doubtful.
Stop the Madness
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Got it going on
Sep 04, 2023
In General Discussion
Okay so I've gone so far as to set up a site on Wordpress. I created a quick three sample posts. Now we need a couple of volunteers to have a look and see what you think. If this site doesn't meet the mark, we can discuss what else might work. But I have no experience with any other blogging / social media type creation tools, so someone else might have to step in in that case.  My hope is that a couple of like minded individuals will be able to share the administration of the site, create new posts, and have a new home with exciting new posts on antivaxxers and related topics. So whoever is interested in checking it out, particularly those who might share admin / posting responsibility, let me know and I'll tell you the URL Keep in mind that I'm also just volunteering to do this to try to kick something off and secure a future for the SAV community. I'm trying to have this be a democratic process, with comments and feedback.
Stop the Madness
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Got it going on
Jul 27, 2023
In General Discussion
Hello Fellow SAV members, For some time now I've been posting messages inviting some discussion about the future of this site. With the departure of HCAMan about two months ago it's no secret that the pace of new postings has slowed to just a trickle. With no new postings the site loses it's 'vitality' even though there is still plenty of good commentary happening. (Do we really want to comment on Laura Loomer forever?) I've also had a look at Site Traffic and here is what it currently shows for the last three months: The original founders of the site seem to be no longer very engaged with it. Understandable as people do get burnt out on hunting down new material to post. One issue with the above is that the site was never well designed as a social media site. Posts disappear after a day or two as they get pushed further and downwards and you'd have to scroll forever to find one. Also, many people have developed semi-friendships on this site but there is no way to even send a private message. We don't even have a way of contacting some of the people who left, inviting them back. So in an attempt to start some discussiona around this topic, here are a couple of ideas: Add a couple of new mods who can at the very least re-post some profiles from HCA. Of course even these will start to slow down at some point, since the pandemic has largely receded. Allow some profiles other than just anti-vaxxers, since half the discussion here is on political topics. Or possibly consider moving away from Wix hosting:  Or, start a new discussion on a place like Reddit where we can have mods, pin posts, search posts, send a private message Start a new site that is more social-media based, and would include all of the current community of like-minded people. This would require a bit of work, and two or more people getting together to start it off. And it would also need a substantial number of SAV-ers to join. However for the above to happen, we need to have broad agreement on it. Otherwise we just end up with a site with a few members who then leave within a month because nobody else is there. So there we are. I just wanted to try to get the ball rolling on this discussion to see if it's possible to come to any agreement on what (if anything) should happen.
Future of SAV content media
Stop the Madness
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Got it going on
Jun 21, 2023
In General Discussion
Inspired by Ivanmectins forum post, I'm posting some of my favorite poems that I've created for SAV. Most of these have been posted only once, so this is a chance to relive a bit of SAV history without having to scroll through thousands of comments.
Stop the Madness
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Got it going on
Feb 26, 2023
In General Discussion
A new forum topic featuring the funniest comments.
Stop the Madness
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Got it going on
Jan 24, 2023
In General Discussion
In this forum I'm posting some of my favorite memes that I've created for SAV. Most of these have been posted only once, so this is a chance to relive a bit of SAV history without having to scroll through thousands of comments.
Stop the Madness
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Got it going on
Jan 05, 2023
In General Discussion
One of my favourite activities on this site has been creating new memes, a hobby I hadn't ever tried my hand previously until SAV appeared. Most of them have been posted just one single time. So, to commemorate and memorialse and possibly even amuse, you and future generations. Hope you'll enjoy seeing many of them again, or seeing a few you haven't seen before! If there's enough demand for them, I'll repost as many as possible here over the next week or so. UPDATE: I'm also going to start posting some of my favorite memes from other people, for which I will also give due credit. If you have a favourite you'd like to post, please go ahead. The only requirement is that it should be funny, sarcastic, ironic etc, and in more or less good taste.

Stop the Madness

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