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SAV Sleuth
SAV Sleuth
May 31, 2022
In General Discussion
I live in Scotland. I am 65 years old. Until 1987, when I was 31, the UK had never experienced a mass shooting. However, on 19th August of that year, we had our first one (Hungerford) where Michael Ryan shot 16 people dead, then turned the gun on himself. This was in a small town and didn't include any of the schools. The next one was the Dunblane school shooting, in 1996. (16 children, 1 teacher and the gunman Thomas Hamilton died). We haven't had another school shooting since then. In 2010, a man called Derrick Byrd shot his twin brother and the family solicitor dead, then a work colleague who he didn't much like, before roaming around Cumbria and shooting randomly at people. There were 13 deaths, including Byrd's suicide. That's it. I just SMH over the vast number of shootings in America. They just don't happen here, and our police are unarmed, too.
SAV Sleuth
SAV Sleuth
May 27, 2022
In General Discussion
It looks like @Vaxxylady has decided to step back - for now, anyway. She has worked tirelessly and (sometimes) thanklessly on this site and has had to put her own life on hold at times, just to keep the peace on here and to keep us supplied with "fresh meat." I am sure that everyone on here is very grateful to her for all her hard work. I certainly am, and I am hoping that people will use this thread to tell her how valued her contributions to this site have been. Many, many thanks to you, @Vaxxylady You deserve a rest now. TREBLES ALL ROUND!!!
SAV Sleuth
SAV Sleuth
May 26, 2022
In General Discussion It's just right-wing bullshit at its finest. "Trump was right", says Crowder. FFS. This man needs to be locked up. Crowder, not Beto, obviously.
SAV Sleuth
SAV Sleuth
May 22, 2022
In General Discussion
You know, right from the beginning, Trump was responsible for his supporters' beliefs. He delayed even announcing that there was a pandemic. He refused to wear a mask (because he claimed it would make him look "weak") and he told lie after lie after lie about where the pandemic was going. He denigrated Dr. Fauci and told people that Covid was no worse than the 'flu. He claimed that the vaccine had not been available until five days after the 2020 election so that Joe Biden would win. But he sowed the seeds of doubt in his supporters' minds, that social distancing, mask-wearing and being vaccinated was for weak-minded individuals. They believed that Covid was a left-wing conspiracy and that the vaccine was dangerous and that Bill Gates wanted to put a microchip in everyone, right from the beginning. It made no difference that he then told people that they should get vaccinated and boosted - it was too late, and people started to boo him at rallies where he said this. Truly he has blood on his hands.He only did a U-Turn with regard to vaccinations when he realised that his supporters were dying off in droves.
SAV Sleuth
SAV Sleuth
May 18, 2022
In General Discussion
You know the kind of stuff - "White Hats" "Adenochrome" "Tunnels under the White House" "We The People" "Patriots" etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc What's your favourite QAnon bullshit terminology from the QAnons?
SAV Sleuth
SAV Sleuth
May 18, 2022
In General Discussion
Dayum. These antivaxxers have one thing in common, don't they? They publish their little memes on FB, and they share them, and copy them, and then accuse us on the Left of being sheep. Seriously? Nobody does "following, copying, sharing and using unoriginal material" better than these damned antivaxxers. They have nothing new to say themselves so they share all the BS that someone else (months, if not years ago) dreamed up. But we're the sheep?
SAV Sleuth
SAV Sleuth
May 18, 2022
In General Discussion
Obituary Walls - My Favourite Way To Troll AVs. Hello, fellow vaxxers. I have a terrible confession to make. I have started to look forward to the possibility of trolling people's Obituary Walls. Does this make me a Bad Person? It is so enjoyable, so satisfying - whose wall did y'all enjoy trolling the most? I was hooked on David Gollaher's, until Bill Sardi (who was a Grade A Cunt) managed to die. Sardi's Obituary Wall was splendid. I got so much pleasure from writing on it, and from reading the comments the rest of you wrote. Thank you, thank you, thank you. But stay! There are, among us, people who think this is a step too far - that we should not do this - OH DEAR, I do not agree. What do y'all think?
SAV Sleuth
SAV Sleuth
May 17, 2022
In General Discussion my opinion, anyway. We've seen quite a few who manage to find themselves a new woman within a couple of weeks of the demise of their previous, luckless, Covid-infected wife. Actually, these men seem to be compelled to find themselves a new wife, don't they? Looks like they need a woman around to cook Christmas dinner, or Thanksgiving dinner, or to do the washing, or the dishes, or mow the lawn, or (cough) provide bedroom services. How can they? If my husband died I couldn't imagine getting a new one so quickly, if at all. Some of these men have been married for many years, and post interminably about how wonderful their sick wives are, and that they'll miss them dreadfully if those pesky doctors at the hospital refuse to use Ivermectin/HCQ/Vitamins to make them better. Fast forward to the Dead Cat Bounce (HURRAH!) and then the "Announcement" that so-and-so is now with Jesus (HURRAH AGAIN!) and that if anyone wants to donate to the GoFuckMe (I DON'T) please give all your money immediately (I WON'T). Humph. A little further down the line (i.e. a couple of weeks) they shyly announce that the Holy Spirit has found them a new wife! (HURRAH!) I just don't get it.
Antivaxxers Are Terminally Unfaithful content media
SAV Sleuth
SAV Sleuth
May 16, 2022
In General Discussion
No, I am not going to contribute to any GoFuckMe's for any of these antivaxxers. I spend any spare money I have on people and organisations who deserve support, not feckless individuals who should have had a couple of jabs in their collective arm. That's it. The end.
SAV Sleuth
SAV Sleuth
May 16, 2022
In General Discussion
I am so sick of seeing pictures in which pictures of naked women are posted and people (presumably men) discuss them and salivate over them. It is not acceptable and it makes me very angry. When I objected to such a post a few days ago, some idiot asked me if I liked a picture of a semi-naked man. The answer was a resounding NO. Why would I want to look at a picture of a semi-naked man? It just demonstrates the undeniable fact that men equate pictures of the human body with attractiveness and sexiness. Men do not appear to realise that women don't find men's bodies, naked or otherwise, the sina qua non of how a relationship gets going. Attractiveness, from a woman's point of view, has more to do with a man's personality and sense of humour than his physical characteristics. In any case, it is absolutely not acceptable on any site to see pictures of naked or semi-naked woman. It's misogynistic and sexist.
SAV Sleuth
SAV Sleuth
Apr 29, 2022
In General Discussion
After long and careful consideration, we bought an air fryer last week. Today I offered it for sale on the village Facebook page, as it is not capable of making chips. What is the use of a fryer which cannot make chips? Surely that is the number one reason why people buy them? Rant Rant Rant I hate air fryers. The End.
Air Fryers Are Shit, Aren't They? content media


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