FYI, I did the post last night and it disappeared. After many hours of work, it is so frustrating. I keep a brief outline in a file while I do it, but I am old, a 2-finger-typer and have not been sleeping more than 6 hours a night. (4 last night. Even with air conditioning) I had enough sleep so that I can say "oh well" as my mom used to say no matter what life threw at her.
If I make some mistakes, please forgive, or better yet, let me know and I'll correct them.
Credit to YayPickles for pointing out that there is an update on Mark Friesen! I figured that now that the update is 5 pages down on the main page, it would be lost from view for those people who check in now and again.
Here is the original SAV post
And some background not covered on the main page
He tells everyone he has an immune system. Well that outta be enough then!
He is very religious!
He is such a maskhole…
Mark Friesen, Nov, 2020 “I’m not wearing a mask — I don’t think it’s healthy for me.”
Mark was a fairly prolific anti everything candidate.
He called COVID the flu a year before he caught it, admitting he could give a shit about those who were susceptible. He could not care less that people were dying and he continues to this day to say it out loud.
And here again.
By Oct 2021, Mark was becoming quite infamous
… and then he caught COVID and was hospitalized in Oct. You may recall he was airlifted to Ontario as the beds in Saskatoon hospitals were full and he needed more personal care as he was dying. He was placed on ECMO, which saved his life. It is also likely he got COVID at one of his illegal events. (He exceeded restrictions)
In 2022, he was still adamantly anti-everything
In January, even as he was recovering he called COVID a cold. He now says he never denied COVID was real… even though he called it the flu/cold.
He got pushback... and from a relative no less
Mark tried to say it was only pneumonia, and only admitted he had COVID when he learned ONLY COVID patients were transferred to Ontario.
Mark lied
He denied COVID and DID end up wearing a mask! For such a deeply religious guy, he surely does have difficulty naming what he believes... How very tRUMPian. And no thanks for the caregivers who saved his life...
Mark remains a PPC (Ironically it means "People Party"!) candidate
and says not his job to keep people safe. That’s quite a party platform right there.
Not much changed
PPC grew into a shitty separatist party of FreeDUMB in several Provinces, Anyone who cared about others or liked socialist safety nets like our healthcare system or the NDP party are COMMIES!
The “People’s party” got no seats.
After running people in nearly every riding, I wonder what went wrong... He's the Grizzley patriot who loves Jesus, after all. You just know Mark reflected carefully on why he was not elected. /S
After a little reflection, a solution
That party was not tiny enough. Saskatchewan needed a Buffalo Party. It was also tiny but did okay for a shitty new party. They forgot to have a leader though and no one stepped up… so the gains were lost. It had real momentum for Mark, as you can see by the number of people interested. (Mark is now using an AI generated picture everywhere. It is such a …likeness … *rolls eyes. It actually looks like my CONservative brother, so I am double irked.)
It may not surprise you that his party platforms all sound like the tRUMP party platform…
Help me here
What is this from? And why are grown men using it on LinkedIn and XTwatter?
Mark was a very bad boy during COVID
by holding gatherings over the 10 person limit. “Friesen has fought the fines in a series of court cases, claiming the public health orders were invalid, violated his Charter rights, and that the police gave no warning that those gathering at his rallies might be charged.”
His gatherings felt like freeDUMB, even though against the Public Health laws to protect his fellow Saskatchewanites. In his appeal to another court, the dumbasses used the very same gobbledygook they tried in the first case they lost. The judge was ‘impressed’ by this brilliant move. “In his written decision, Megaw says “The appellants here have essentially advanced the identical arguments which were placed before the Provincial Court, and which were not accepted,” he said.
Mark Friesen turns to GiveSendGo. ‘It is not our fault we are dumbasses! Gimmee money!’ He said he had 11 tickets, and at $2,800 each, that comes to $30,800. He is asking for 100k, FFS! And he calls people commie for caring about others.
Mark says he can't work because of his lungs
but he can golf in the smoke... a few days before he was hospitalized. There is nothing like a beach and golf vacation at Shell lake with another family to soothe those aching 'haven't worked in 3 years' muscles...
There is probably a lot more new shit to mock, but I had to quit after seeing these 2...
A promotional video
of him being a “Grizzly” asshole with the freeDUMB *uckers in Ottawa.
Mark's next party
Part 2 is here
Part 3 is here
Part 4 is here
Part 5 is here
Part 6 is here
Part 3
I missed stuff, even after a LOT of searches...
Which auto-immune disease and what Doctors?
Not that I don't believe this paragon of righteousness and truth...
I did not know 6 patients died...
And yet the worst person survived. Proof there is no god.
Proof there might be a devil...
Mark's wife has made her Fecesbook private
you naughty SAVERS!
Another Mark Fecesbook exists where I see a few old SAVvers. Here's his Buffalo Party one. For some reason, Mark is not as political on this one...HILARIOUS, as this one is his new party! Best not to show the prairie folks who he REALLY is...
This climate CO2 hoax one is a laugh.
Read the comments on the bottom... The paper was first distributed in 2010. Note the name of the site... and look right to see why Mark visits there.
More on Bob Blayone
The fellow updating in XTwatter,,,supplies eqwuip,rmt to the opil and gas sector…so no wonder he wants less regulations, more fake “freeDUMB”, and calls climate change a hoax.
He is incredibly delusional
He is pretending that the CANADA Charter of Rights and Freedoms says he can do whatever he wants and fuck everyone else...which he did and does. It actually states that an emergency like a pandemic means the many outweigh the rights of the few. Our healthcare system is still recovering slowly from COVID and in his province, the Sask Party leader shut down the buses so rural people have no way to get to the city for dialysis, cancer treatments, surgery, specialists if they can no longer drive. I bet I won't find THAT on his social media. (The GIF only works when I click on it... not sure about you)
SOS: The comments are hilarious and many are SERIOUS!!
Toby is his rotund lawyer who wants to get paid!!!
These assholes are so damn superficial... FYI Mark worked for the correctional system and took early retirement...years ago. Wanna bet he gamed the system so that he worked overtime and was able to retire early on a semi reduced pension?? (Part of the public service sector contract means those working jobs deemed dangerous can retire early, and use a combination of years, salary and age to retire and it will be reduced by a percentage for years under 25)
His wife says he has no income... however
She sells expensive "health" crap likely without declaring income tax. He also has employees in his tree whisperer business, or so he says. How does that not provide income
Get better for the Diarrhea Doggies! (See main post)
Mark was "so immensely struggling so bad." But...she is commanding that god helps. That oughtta do it!
How many pneumonias and how many birthdays?
51? 52? You look young for 70...
WHUT? I heard Mark was back smoking
but what the hell is this? And what is he smoking?
His wife says, take off the O2 mask
and someone does. Then they turn down the oxygen several times while he is sleeping. GOOD IDEA! He might be taking a really really long nap soon! Did they chart that? I am sure his Doc will be thrilled, especially as the family was JUST warned he is in greater risk of a heart attack or stroke FFS. At least she is letting a Respiratory Therapist (RT) monitor his O2.
Plus, who is feeding him the Invermecton?
Taking a long summer nap.
Anyone his age who needs long naps in the afternoon is still mighty sick. (I am decades older and take zero naps unless I am totally unable to stay awake and even then it is maybe twice a year and I have long COVID)
Helpful people are flocking to make sure he stays asleep...
(Kim...Bruno is serious...)
Part 4 is here