And to prove it, presidential candidate RFK Jr. has hired an anti-science conspiracy theorist and POS antivaxxer to be his campaign's Communication Director.
Del Bigtree leads the conspiratorial, anti-vaccine Informed Consent Action Network, which alleges (against substantial scientific evidence) that childhood vaccines cause autism, and that myriad vaccines — from chicken pox to Covid jabs — “should never have been licensed.” Bigtree is also the producer of a controversial, 2016 vaccine-alarmist “documentary” called Vaxxed.
Bigtree and Kennedy have long swum in the same anti-science waters; ICAN is the second-best funded anti-vaccine nonprofit, trailing only Children’s Health Defense, which Kennedy led for years before embarking on his campaign for the White House. On New Year’s Eve, Bigtree announced he has taken the role of director of communications for the Kennedy campaign, calling the post “my greatest opportunity to date.”
In a open letter, riven with conspiratorial thinking, Bigtree describes his new job as a calling, and he likens Kennedy to a gift from heaven: “In order to stop the globalist’s New World Order, we need a miracle,” Bigtree writes. “I believe Bobby is that miracle.”
If you send them $1000 each, he will have the money he needs to “allow me to start making messages for television so everyone can hear the truth.” 🙄 Sadly, recent polling shows RFK Jr. is drawing attention and monies from Dems in almost equal numbers. I dearly hope that polling is crap...

You can read how RFKJr's campaign to "save" children from vaccines has fueled the rising incidents of childhood diseases like measles, and killed children, here:
Can you imagine the damage he could do as president?
More on this POS antivaxxer and campaign spoiler:
Calling RFK "anti-vax" shuts down conversations?
Anti-Vaxxers are Happily Killing More People
In main post, as well as updates 2 and 3.
RFK, Jr., the new Ross Perot, is a Qbot antivaxxer
RFK Jr and his ilk Caused a Huge Outbreak in Samoa 2018
Anti-vaccination advocates double down as measles kills 50 Samoan children
How RFK Jr. Falsely Denied His Connection to a Deadly Measles Outbreak in Samoa
Adding RFK Jr to LOSER45's advisors and cabinet
is not just a LOSER's move, but a huge risk for the future of America. RFK Jr is angling for Health Secretary... and has advocated for dismantling core functions of federal health agencies. Even being an adviser who is an anti-vaxxer is bad enough.
He's an F'ing MORON!
From 2023 ‘I’m a Full Anti-Vaxxer Now
How the Conspiracists Are Winning Over Fresh Converts.” Trusting willy-nlly internet searches and a “trusted” MAGA neighour over science was brought to Washington before by RFK Jr, his political anti-vaccines organization… Children’s Health Defense Fund… hosted the ant-vaccine mandate event.
He was already doing a shitty job of "making America Healthier" but was gangbusters at making Measles great again! More in U.S. Accept Covid-19 Vaccine Misinformation, and Willingness to Vaccinate Has Declined
Send in the clowns. Don't worry, they're here...
I will show how President Trump betrayed the hopes of his most sincere followers. [...] He let Big Pharma and his corrupt bureaucrats run roughshod over him as President. He promised to cut the deficit and ran up the biggest debt in history. He promised to run the government like a business and then closed down our businesses. He promised to drain the swamp and then filled his administration with swamp creatures. He promised to protect our rights and then torpedoed the Constitution – Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Apr 27, 2024 –
There is also more about RFK's sexual advances and harassment here …
I just realized, my 2 updates showed how the assholes in the world seem to have very short degrees of separation.
Brainworm has no memory
and no morals or ethic pr principals with convictions as he likes prove constantly...
The internet remembers...
These next 3 are all one post...
This sounds illegal...but not for the rich?
Kennedy's Running Mate Admitted They're Trying To Help Trump ‘I think this proves once and for all that the Kennedy campaign was always just MAGA in sheep’s clothing and that it was actually designed to hurt the Democrats.’ That was just 8 days ago and yes, I guess that an admission is pretty much proof he was always Kanye II ...
The lying liars all deserve each other.
He is NOT dropping out because
then he has to return any unused campaign monies to the donors and grifting pieces of shit do not DO that.
RFK jr campaign slogan
Like tRUMP RFK Jr is a
Disinformation spreader, a liar and a moron.
Speaking of sociopaths...
Trump shares a post describing he and RFK Jr as a “ticket.” Poor JD...
The campaign spoiler just came out and admitted that is what he is...
RFK Jr 'Absolute Fraud'
RFK Jr. to Drop White House Bid and Endorse Trump: " — Just one disingenuous conspiracy theory-monger joining forces with another." No news for any savvy Dem or savvy SAVver. The main problem is that he is trading his endorsement for a cabinet position. BLEAH ...more brain-dead assholes should tRUMP win.
It's the real deal...
I took the worm pics from one which likely made his way to the dim brain of fecal eating moron RFK Jr.
RFK Jr. is not alone. More than a billion people have parasitic worms.
‘The World Health Organization estimates over a billion people are infected with parasitic worms. The implications are often serious and lifelong.’
Here is fact checker Daniel Dale, a Canadian gem
'Daniel Dale fact-checks Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s long history of anti-vaccination claims, including testifying to Congress under oath that he is not anti-vaccination.'
RFK Jr.'s son leaked Dad's video speaking with tRUMP
Tucker Carlson, who also had his hand in getting Vance the VP post, helped broker a meeting between RFK and LOSER45 just before the RNC under the auspices of getting RFK's endorsement. The 2 spoke on the phone since, and Brainworm RFK neglected to understand that having a videographer recording him during a chat with tRUMP might not remain private.
In it he provides proof again that Barron is likely mildly autistic as he speaks about seeing the result of childhood vaccines. He also says the bullet was a like the bite of a giant mosquito. Really? Given the pouty victim-hood look last night you would have thought he was returning from the battlefield and deserving his coveted purple heart.
He also says "We're" going to win.
“I would love you to do stuff and I think it’d be so good for your and so big for you. And we’re gonna win. We’re way ahead of the guy.”
That sounds like collusion with his spoiler to me...
This was the now erased post...
Thank goodness Brandy saved it...
He's mortified
RFK Jr once compared vaccine passports to the actions of Nazi Germany and Apartheid South Africa.
RFK Jr. linked mask mandates to Hitler using the Gestapo to murder artists and poets.
His next book tour is going to be lit.
This is fine... (5 more...FIVE MORE! So he is saying he is sure he ate some before?)
Coming soon!
This year will not end soon enough... and time is flying by...
Oh, and RFK Jr.'s new "influencer" hire, Zach Henry, who downplayed the Jan. 6 insurrection was also there... at the Capitol.
Holy SHIT!
I was reading the trending posts on Daily Kos and this came up... RFK, Jr. Assures Voters That Worm Eating His Brain Is Dead
It seems that RFK Jr revealed a lot in a divorce settlement deposition that discussed his health and income restrictions because of it... A LOT!
A. He was a drug addict and used syringes. But he was a young buck then... and had hep C likely because of A... but it is cured!
B. He says he had Afib.. a fairly common heart condition but it is okay because although he did not have the operation which can cure it, he has not had an episode for 10 years. OK? Okay!
C. He ate a lot of predator fish and got mercury poisoning. But chelation therapy cured him and he has no more effects!
D. He has spasmodic dysphonia, a neurological disorder that causes his vocal cords to squeeze too close together and explains his hoarse, sometimes strained voice. But it is okay now that he has a titanium implant!
E. is for EEEEEEK! He had a brain worm that ate a hole in his brain and that affected his memory and cognitive function. But the doc said it is dead now so he is OK! Okay?
F. is for failure. The 40 or so woman he crowed about in his diary (The bevy of sluts who coerced and seduced him, a married man of faith and distinction, into having sex and likely gave him one or more STDs was not mentioned /S)
His brain is fine now! Okay!
But it was only fantasy
The wall was too high, as you can see
No matter how he tried, he could not break free
And the worms ate into his brain
The read at Daily Kos is good, but the comments are hilarious! I laughed a LOT! (It reminded me of the old site here when lots of people added humour) And then watched the video someone recommend... a Twilight Zone episode called... "The Caterpillar."
Doc says memory loss is not a typical symptom of a brain worm, but surely is from mercury poisoning. (An 'environmentalist' purposefully making himself sick by eating mercury laden fish daily sounds as fishy as his stories. Is this all true or was he trying pay less child support? Who knows what is true when this weird Kennedy speaks)
New party!
And here is an interview saying tRUMP and Biden as presidents are "similar"... and may also pardon criminals from Jan 6.
As the worm turns ...
First thing I thought of but holy shit... what a find.
RFK, Jr. Is Now on the Ballot in Michigan
I hate to be the bearer, but this is bad news. Unlike the hastily and badly cobbled together Kanye run in 2020, this one is pulling away more voters. Voting like your life depends on it is becoming ever more apparent as we steam closer to election time. It is also evident that many young people tend to care less about their communities and others and new voters are for the most part too young to grasp the significance of a bad vote ... and using ageism as a deciding factor until it is too late.
See so much more in this Daily Kos article:
This is a purposeful a ratfucking by tRUMP's campaign. RFK Jr. is not a Democrat, or an Independent; he is a Republican. Or even more specifically, a QOP...
RFK Jr. campaign as right-wing policies and Trump-supporting staff come into view
March 2024: Presidential Candidates' Top Contributors
A top donor to both is one and the same... Tim Mellon. Until recently he gave the same 5m to both PACs, but...has now upped his donation to RFK to 20m.
PAC American Values 2024
Under the guise of being for family values as they spread misinformation about the vaccines in their campaign, they are going to cause another measles epidemic and kill more people...especially babies and young children. The PAC was formerly 'the People’s Pharma Movement.' It i s a hybrid PAC which affords them all of the loopholes, perks, bells and whistles that the corrupt SCOTUS allows them.
Fox and the RW media are propping up JFK's run...
RFK's VP pick
RFK's running mate is also an antivaxxer tech lawyer. Like junior, she pretends she is not an antivaxxer by saying she is just asking questions... Here is Nicole Shanahan comparing a life saving vaccine to a baby crib recall.
Shanahan's $4 million contribution was also a huge help in making the 7m Superbowl ad shown in UPDATE 2 below. She is also a rich QANON loon, having once been married to a Google co-founder. She also "does her own research." All obviously fine qualifications for VP /S
She is also a POS. Nicole Shanahan's liked video showing her striking Joe Biden and RFK Jr. shooting Elizabeth Warren and kicking Trump:
One good thing is that the Kennedy family has vocally, physically and publicly endorsed Biden... Watch and listen here:
I did not watch the Superbowl... as I am not an American football fan. I did watch the hilarious and hokey 7 million dollar ad that a rich tRUMP benefactor paid for. Watch for the cobalt blue eyes painted in for even more laughs.
I am sure there are no shenanigans there being RFK Jr has not even managed to be on the ballot. Oh wait... he's on one now: Utah. This guy is so full of himself and is a skirt chasing lying SOB. He certainly can change his stance in a heartbeat...
His Kennedy relatives were already pissed at him for abusing the family name, but reconstructing a 60's JFK ad brought about more criticism... but hey look, RFK Jr. apologised.
He says he is a serious candidate and not a vote stealer... "The independent run is an invitation to everybody to say, 'I choose independence. I choose an independent platform.'"
September 4, 2000:
Scumbag antivaxxer and fake free speech offiando RFK Jr. has lost his libel case against a Daily Kos blogger. The poster was literally paraphrasing a German story.* May Karma continue to make 2024 a banner FAFO year.
Kennedy is a lying fraud. Let's hope he drops out of the race soon. Sick narcissists like him always use a rationale and portray conviction that is compelling to the ignorant. The posse of "scientist" moms and "natural healers" who bought into the Andrew Wakefield lies back in the 1990's spawned a tsunami of instant health experts.