UPDATE is in comments
I did NOT find this person... SAV member Vaxxed2themax saw it and posted it on the main page HERE: https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/post/laura-loomer-28-mar-a-lago-ish-fl-hate-speech-artist-has-covid-is-death-looming?commentId=e9c06db8-b450-4544-8fa8-35afbfadacfb
I am adding it here for several reasons. I found more info; entries and info will become lost in the sea of posts and are not searchable; entries here are searchable, crawled by Google and some are easy to find by checking out the prolific and much missed Dark Angel posts. https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/profile/darkangel/forum-posts I have a few as well but will be MUCH harder to scroll to find. https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/profile/trumpisapissbaby/forum-posts
The site has been acting up for me a lot in the last fews days... How sad that the site may be dying out just as COVID is creeping back. HCA on Reddit has been busy ! https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/
This obit is less than a week old. Kirby lived in British Columbia, Canada, which is presently the hotspot of canada for filling up the hospitals with sick people who have respiratory illnesses. See UPDATE 16: COVID ain't over & it doesn't care that you think it is

Oddly, the chair is the central point in the pic they chose to feature. Very, very weird, but then so is the obit. No one has made a comment or added more pictures or memories. Not even his family. I guess his golf buddies were really shitty friends... https://www.dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/kelowna-bc/kirby-mcrae-11626503
They let him enter one more picture. What a family. As you may have guessed, he is the one who dies, but the SAV POS featured is his daughter. She has been a loud mouthed antivaxxer/antimasker loon since the beginning.
Tish is a personal trainer. She is in great shape and looks good for her 40's but uses so many different filters, which is she now? WHO THE F KNOWS? She did say that the first one was in the 20s, the one third from the right is her a dozen years ago and some people wrote that they preferred that look to now... and it pissed her off.
6 years ago. Before filters. Before her lunacy went into overdrive.
She will not be vaccinated, but she will be tattooed. Both arms, back, side... She reverses a lot of pictures, so good luck finding which arm and what side... She has shut down her instagram accounts. Even her work ones are private. (Don't feel bad for her. She has 20 to 30 clients online who pay over a100 bucks a month and is married and able to afford Kelowna, so they must have money... and will be coming into a lot more soon) https://www.instagram.com/strong_bodies_by_tish/ and https://www.instagram.com/trainwithtish_/ But her work Fecesbook is still available. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1103710840100748&set=a.411770539294785
She seems to love her dogs more than humans and had no kids. Good choice, IMV. She is so freaking selfish and dumb, and we don't need more of those on the planet.
Common sense and kindness are very important to her. (Well, she repeats it a lot...) She forgot selfies and selfishness which are far and away at the top of her list.
She kept her Twatter open as well... so we get to see how kind and loving she really is! Gee I wonder what side she is on. The side of 'truth and data' ... of course! Gee, I wonder where she gets her truth and data from?
No one said you were unhealthy; we said you were selfish morons, you extreme nutter
Here she is showing the love to our Canadian Prime Minister. She says throwing gravel and attacking him makes her happy.
You were and are the fringe minority. Training with TRASH might be a better name for your business...
Natisha AJA Tish Duffy and spouse Neil
(All is posted online... I did not even need to use a people finder)
Hubby is an asshole loon as well...
Mom is also a loon. The flu vax, fine, but our daughter has a degree in kinesiology so... (W T F?)
More FreeDUMB, whereby the assholes congratulate each other for their assholery... !
For an accountant, Dad had a lot of money. BC is expensive and his house was huge (worth many millions), and they might have owned a part of a winery being they showed pictures of it and the mom had a winery in her instagram posts signature. Being all 3 of them had more pictures of themseves and their dogs than family... they seem a selfish lot. My mind wanders and wonders... Here is Tish admitting that she helped killl her poor old dad...
Tish joins a chain of losers having a pity party.
Sounds like she got shunned by a lot of friends and family... but COVID was a "blessing," I hope she lost a lot of customers.
She has an opinion about masks again. I find myself hoping she did anabolic steroids at one point. That newest and highly contagious subvariant and karma might need to teach her a life lesson. Oh wait! They already did!
OKAY LOSER! You are on the WRONG side of history.

The only banned supplements are those that can and have killed people because idiots abuse them. Or does she mean Ivemectin?
Fire, floods, and heat: Alberta saw record-setting weather events in 2023 https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/fire-floods-and-heat-alberta-saw-record-setting-weather-events-in-2023-1.7058530
It is the anomalies that are demonstrating climate change, you moron. And the "unusual and rare events" will be happening more often because of science denier morons like yourself.

Her "friends" are all antivax nutters. What a blessing?

The next 2 posts are a hoot. These are the same "friends." They seem to have met at one of their bitch sessions...when she was in Calgary...yesterday? WTF? She and they keep moving back and forth. Perhaps they should have kept their jobs, gotten vaccinated and not had to move and find other jobs.

Dec 18 OOPPS! Something has happened... It sounds as though the parents may have had one or even 2 vaccinations but no the boosters. (Yes, found on Reddit they had the first ones)
Tisha is the one who needs to be called out for her bullshit. The reason why you need boosters is that the vaccinations were waning and did not contain as much protection from the subvariants... ALL of the remaining circulating variants are from the OMICRON strain. The Bivalent booster was recomended for all people ages 5 and up and the latest booster for those who are most vulnerable... like her DAD!
Dec 31 2023. Dad has been hospitalized for 4 days. An anti mask brag to admonish the poor hospital workers...
Oh! Dad is a maskhole POS as well... January 3, 2024. He is looking a little thin already... and who needs an O2 mask? *Not him!
*He has a cannula...
The masks drive this POS mad! It is January 6, 2024
MAD! Mad as a hatter. January 9 and look at what this POS is saying. Yes bitch, it is wasteful, sadly but, they saved countless lives no matter what your selfish brain is telling you. It was one of many ways we looked out for ourselves AND each other to mitigate the risks and viral load.
Masks are part of the Swiss cheese protection that the antivax/antimask rats keep chewing through...

BYE BYE... so long and may your wishes come true!

From Reddit... it made me snort laugh...
Masks been worn during the 1918 flu epidemic

The End

I went to her X account and her self-pity party post about all the mean people and her dad's death has over 500K views. I guess she'd rather post on X than think about what she did. Her fake capped white teeth a la Hollywood are telling me she's a total narcissist. I liked the comment below that someone made. Oh well! Mom's next. Get the $, and fake tears.
"Enjoy posting your right wing garbage from now on. I’m sure your father would be proud."
I always appreciate a MEMEmorial! 😂
I had to refresh 4 times to get the comment box up...sigh...
I figured that because she made almost all of her online presence private, that there was no more to be seen. I was wrong.
I see now why the parents moved to a smaller place and away from their huge home overlooking a golf course that they had only lived in for 3 years (The mom talked about it on her instagram) , and likely sold their winery because they could no longer take on the burden. (Their name is not mentioned in the winery owners list but both had pictures of it)
So it seems that Tish and her husband moved from Calgary to Kelowna to be close to them and maybe even take care of them. (although none of that was mentioned and she seems to care for herself only) Instead she seems to have been a huge help in their demise, being an elderly spouse is more likely to die within months or the early years of their spouse dying. The mom may also be the terminal one. I found no info saying which it was. (If you find out for certain, please make a comment)
Given the shakiness of the site I made what will likely be my last MEMEorial. I will still add posts as long as I can, and as long as people come view. I won't be joining them, but don't forget you can join SAV members at this site if this one fails... FAFO Chronicles
She complained about the hospital food and claimed her not wearing a mask was not what made him ill. However,Tish, SOMEONE around them had COVID and did not wear a mask and gave it to both of them.
Tish is selfish, narcissistic and dumb as a rock. But guess what? COVID doesn't care that you don't want to wear a mask or get vaccinated ...
I found that first tweet on HCA. She had erased it from XTwatter. But why that one and not all of the others? And why is her Twatter not also private? (She went viral for a few days after posting the GFY picture. I know this because I did a google picture search and saw the entries. I am not on any social media sites. I just lurk) I wonder, is she understanding that makes it look even more likely that she knowingly helped kill her dad?
FYI, Reddit HCA has a charity drive every year I see, and they have a very apropos charity: Vaccines free for children in 78 countries. https://www.gavi.org/
Swagraiser: https://www.bonfire.com/store/shirts-for-shots-swagraiser/
One more thing... Karma has been after her for some time now. While this Tish has only a few hundred or less views on Youtube, this other Tish ...also an online trainer but plump and unfiltered... has hundreds of thousands of views on Youtube, Instagram and Tiktok. https://www.tiktok.com/@train.with.tish