Let's meet Larry Keller. Larry seems to be mad at the world. He has a lot of thoughts on politics and seems to be consumed by it. Jump to comments.

When he's not shitposting, he shares awesome photos like this. He should stick to photography and quit watching Fox News.
Here's a compilation of just a few of his anti-vax posts.
And in 2023, he's still shitposting.
Then this happened.

And then this. I hope you get better, Larry. We'll have to wait and see.

Get vaccinated. You can always find us on Facebook at Herman Cain Awardzz.
Dead yet?
Oh well 🤷🏼♀️
Glad he didn't go through the horrors of getting vaxxed. This looks so much comfier! The blood stain in his shirt from the stomach tube? Chef's kiss. Good job, Larry.
Looks like his wife has scrubbed her FaceBook all the way back to January.
Watching all the "stable geniuses" on this site-it has occurred to me that many of these men somehow believe THEY are the Be All and End all...They seem to know EVERYTHING until covid hits then PRAY FOR ME! PFFFT, pray for your fuckin self dumbass since you seemed to think you knew it all.