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Jul 15, 2023
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Scientists are having to deal with new developments and impacts that weren't so well understood. The more they learn the worse it gets. Crops sit in fields for long enough that the odds of getting wiped out are rapidly going up. On the plus side, there's a whole lot of people who thought they wouldn't feel any consequences for gas guzzlers, mansions, jets, hot tubs, etc. Silver lining - they will get to experience this too. This is all happening now. India had a big failure in their tomato crop so the Indian cuisine now has to change and make do. The Kansas wheat harvest is in danger. Farmers are going out of business. These articles discuss simultaneous failures around the globe where there just isn't food. It's coming and this year will possibly finally start to wake people up. Unfortunately it's way too late. That these effects are already piling up, we are rapidly running out of time before we have the same food shortages in the "developed" world. CO2 concentration is our global thermostat and the concentration is increasing rapidly. The only thing that has changed is the rate of CO2 emissions increase has slowed thanks to alternative energies. The emissions themselves are at their highest level ever. Temperatures will not even begin to come down until we stop emitting CO2 and/or are scrubbing out more than we emit to reduce the levels. Then we have to scrub most of the CO2 out that we've emitted over the last 100 or so years. Probably terratons of CO2. Bonus - the earth and climate are way out of equilibrium. It will take years for any scrubbing and even stopping all use of fossil fuels to start having an effect on temperatures. It's a monumental task and by everything I know, impossible to even scratch the surface of CO2 concentrations in what is looking like the few years we have left. It's hard to know how the general public will react when they figure out life as we know it is coming to an end but I suspect it will be just as intelligent as their response to warnings about global warming. As they say in Texas, "pray harder". Sorry about the bummer. But for those interested in landing soft, here is some good information.
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Do I look sick?
Sep 09, 2022
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I put these in a SAV forum but thought all in one place might be good since there was a question about reposting to other forums. I don’t have twitter or facebook accounts so if anyone wants to repost (I'm not asking people to), here they are. Please no attribution. I captioned the photos but that’s it. Anyway, without further adoodoo…
GQP Meets Religion (That They Seem To Ignore) content media
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Sep 07, 2022
In General Discussion “Specifically, the FTC is investigating Amazon’s recent purchases of One Medical, a subscription-based health care company, and iRobot, which is responsible for artificial intelligence-controlled vacuum cleaners like the Roomba. The investigation is said to be focused on Amazon’s suite of data-collecting “smart” devices and whether the deals break anti-monopoly laws.”
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Do I look sick?
Sep 06, 2022
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Do I look sick?
Do I look sick?
Aug 31, 2022
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Gym looked the other way when his team doctor was creeping out and fondling Jordan’s student athletes - just like any GOP wormy little asshole would. Now, Gym sees the photo of all the classified, top secret, SCI, and SAP that came out of trump’s desk at Mar-a-Lago and decides to ridicule the threat to national security of the Time magazine cover. He focuses on the think almost out of frame and ignores the pile proving trump’s crimes. Gym Jordan runs the GOP Judiciary account. No Gym, the Time cover isn’t a threat to national security but that pile of top secret classified documents next to it is, you stupid pencil-neck traitorous piece of shit. How do you ignore that pile of unsecured documents likely all seen and photographed by Russia, China, and god knows who else…
Gym Jordan Always Ignores The Crimes… content media
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Aug 30, 2022
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Melania, always on the leading edge of very damn little, has launched a new line of NFT (non-fungible token) art for sale. NFTs are perfect for the trump family - they can crank out little pieces of “art” that are “unique“ but really aren’t and sell them at huge profits - virtually (get it?) all profit. It’s like printing money if people are stupid enough to buy that shit. And before we reveal the former prostitute’s line of beautiful artwork, just a word about North Korea - they are all over cryptocurrency and NFT like soy sauce on rice. They’ve stolen millions and millions of dollars worth of them. $100,000,000 worth last year. Stealing crypto is kind of their thing and in part how Kim Jong Un funds the “Hermit Kingdom”. Crypto and NFTs are only as safe and secure as each owner’s ability to protect them from determined and skilled hackers. Anybody here think they can protect their digital assets that well that investments are safe ”enough”? The NK hackers have earned a reputation. NK was also busted running a crypto exchange to find targets or something. I don’t understand it all either. No matter, NK just runs around hoovering up NFTs and crypto. So let’s see those beautiful works of art for sale by the former first prostitute… Here’s three… Oh yeah, she’s not the artist. Just the subject. And it’s a company running a script that cranks out the NFTs and their crypto credentials. Not Melania. Anyone buying this shit would do better to just send our embedded Russian agent $50 and call it good. According to CNN, Melania is busying herself with this new grift. Good for her. Her pig-dog husband needs the cash for all his lawsuit and criminal defenses. Stock up on worthless digital art of the first “lady”, her hubbs, and probably their dog and cat. Oh wait - the trumps don’t have pets unless you count Eric… I hear Melania might feature an Ivanka line. We don’t know what they will look like but here’s a guess… Step right up! Melania has you covered! "It's weird," says a former Trump adviser of the former first lady's promotion of a for-profit business. "To be so blatant about making money from USA-themed collectibles." Whoever said that apparently forgot what family he/she was talking about…
Even Sparrows Deserve A Business Opportunity… content media
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Aug 28, 2022
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New Politico article says this: “Prosecutors also added in another court filing unsealed Friday that the ongoing criminal probe into government records stashed at Trump’s Florida home has involved “a significant number of civilian witnesses” whose safety could be jeopardized if their identities were revealed.” Here’s what many may not realize about SCI/SAP - it’s the big times. The obvious one is any people helping the US and named in those documents are likely in big danger or already dead. If you search for mysterious Russian deaths on a search engine, there’s quite a few oligarchs that have turned up dead that had nothing really remarkable about them. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if their names were on documents in trump‘s possession. But what people also don’t know about that level of information is knowing it can make you a target. You know the movies/books where the scientists get kidnapped and tortured for information? That’s the level you’re talking about here. People with those clearances and access have a level of danger associated with having them. If trump actually did show his guests those documents, they could now be targets for kidnap and torture to reveal anything they might remember. Who knows how likely that is but it’s certainly a possibility. But here’s a whole new set of wrinkles for trump, his guests that he apparently showed the documents too, and the documents themselves. There was a Russian gal at Mar-a-Lago, presumably a full-on spy, and trump thought she was some kind of Rothschild heiress. And having a vagina to grab probably made her quite attractive to dotard. This might mitigate the risk to guests somewhat if Inna gained access to the documents themselves. At least Russia wouldn’t have the need or want to incur the risk, but think of how many other countries might want to know secrets too. In the big leagues, people do get kidnapped, tied up, beaten, shot, drugged, and even sliced up bit by bit if they know things others want. Anonymity is protection if you know things like were probably in trump‘s basement. The Mar-a-Lago crowd gets to now deal with being people who know too much. Stupid fucking idiot trump. He probably compromised this country’s national security worse than any spy or traitor in history. Oh yeah - Russia state TV said they were already studying trump’s documents. It’s looking like that boast may have had some truth to it but hard to know.
Trump Apparently Showed Classified Docs to Mar-a-Lago Guests content media
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Aug 26, 2022
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Hey guys, trump’s Mar-a-Lago address wasn’t redacted in the affidavit. Of course we could look it up but the court gave it to us. We should send postcards…. 🤣😂🤣 Watch what you say, though. No threats or wishes for harm. Might even handle the cards by the edges only if you get my drift. But a great way to spread trump love to Mar-a-Lago… 1100 S Ocean Blvd, Palm Beach, FL 33480 BTW, Zazzle runs 15% discounts on Mondays -
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Aug 25, 2022
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Watching MSNBC this morning and there is a segment on climate change with Bill Nye. It’s good to hear Bill not pull punches like others are doing. He’s got a new series on Peacock where he explores various threats to life on earth. In the interview, Willie Geist was gently minimizing the risk. So many couch questions and comments with lots of uncertainty about temperature increases. The impression is that this current heat wave is an outlier and everyone can just cross their fingers that next year will be back to normal. The current weather used to be outlier behavior but as temperatures have increased, what used to be normal weather has become the outlier and excess heat has become the norm. This animated chart by climate scientist Ed Hawkins and shows the issue. The temperatures have been increasing for a century but most of the increase has come recently. The year to year changes have been getting bigger. The heating is accelerating. Note how the last few years in that graph almost stand alone. That trend indicates the coming years will also be radically warmer. Anyone hoping the climate will spontaneously cool is pissing into the wind. That is not going to happen. We may have a cooler year every now and then but those are now the outliers. This chart is actual global temperatures. Real data in the can. It’s not a simulation. Our only solution to this is to stop pumping CO2 into the atmosphere. That’s the heat engine that feeds everything else. We can shade the earth with aerosols or even space shades but crop yields will suffer. If we want temperatures to return to the normals we had 10-20 years ago, that means pulling the CO2 back out that we pumped in over the last 20-40 years. That is gigatons of CO2. If we leave the CO2 in the atmosphere, it traps more heat and further acidifies the oceans. I don’t want to give the impression this is easy. It’s not. And it takes a lot of energy to do. It’s expensive. We have two huge hurdles and the more we do now to mitigate this, the less CO2 makes it into the atmosphere and the less we have to remove. But the people who add uncertainty to what is coming do a disservice. Not attacking Geist and he wasn’t overly optimistic. But he left the door open for uncertainty and there is none. Uncertainty lets others think there is wiggle room. Maybe it’s not even true? It lets others think we have time to waste. We don’t. Anything we do to reduce CO2 emissions buys time but the way things are going, we will probably run out of time as more ecosystems collapse, more species disappear, etc. If we want the environment to survive - which is necessary for us to survive - we need to get busy. Back in 1973, OPEC embargoed oil to the US and we immediately went into a lower energy state. Auto manufacturers started making smaller and more fuel efficient vehicles. People started adding solar panels to heat air and water directly. People pushed for expanded public transportation, bikes, etc. The difference was that was forced on us and we responded. Now it’s a “choice” (kind of like getting vaccinated). I'm not hopeful but maybe the people of earth will surprise me. But there is no uncertainty except that around when enough ecosystems collapse that countries start starving or if we will have the will to prevent that - if we aren’t already past the point of no return. We can get far enough along that nothing we do changes the outcome. Those are the tipping points and why we are flirting with absolute disaster. If we don’t act, though, all that bad stuff will come true. It just will. You can only turn the heat up so much before we kill the planet. Edit - And for anyone who might be wondering how this could be? How could a whole planet have let things get this bad? Money. The fossil fuel industry was flush with cash when the consequences of global warming were first looked at in depth - at Exxon under Rex Tillerson. They turned their standards organization (American Petroleum Institute) into a propaganda mouthpiece and invested heavily in republican campaigns. Oilmen and other fossil fuel candidates even landed high offices where they could influence and control legislation. It’s why the oil industry is STILL subsidized with taxpayer money. It wasn’t just here. Various oil/coal/gas producing nations have heavily fossil fuel supported governments. Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Russia, etc. The fossil fuel industry has kept a stranglehold on governments to prevent any reduction in use. Ask Joe Manchin, Dick Cheney, or George W. Bush about their stances on fossil fuels and we got off lucky with fuel efficiency standards, clean air laws, etc. It’s far worse in other countries where you have Putin and MBS controlling things. The world is facing a very dim and expensive future now. We can’t just stop using fossil fuels. We now are to the point that we will also need to scrub many gigatons (see graph) of CO2 out of the atmosphere. The earth is too hot now and even if we stopped all fossil fuel use today, because we aren’t at equilibrium, the planet will still continue to heat for years. This is all thanks to the total disregard for the planet’s future and the blood lust for money and the ability to live like kings - for a while. And what’s worse is they knew what they were doing. Rex Tillerson sure knew - Even now when you see the ads talking up the fossil fuel industry where they brag about taxes and jobs - it’s all excuses to keep the money coming. They know it yet they continue to lie and deceive while sentencing the planet to a heat death. 1000 million metric tons = 1 gigaton
“The End Is Nye” content media
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Do I look sick?
Aug 25, 2022
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The asshole stank is so very strong with the pencil-neck cocaine-addicted asshole. DoTrumpJr thinks student loan forgiveness is ”insane and disgusting”. Note also the virtue signaling to blue collar workers as the traitor tot tries to appeal to trump's base. DoTrumpJr seems to have forgotten about their own unaccredited “university” that took money and just printed diplomas in yet another trump family grift and scam. #TrumpUniversity
Donald Trump JUNIOR Upset About Student Loan Forgiveness  content media
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Do I look sick?
Aug 24, 2022
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After Trump called Elaine Chao “crazy“, someone asked McConnell if he had any reaction to Trump’s comment about Chao, the Kentucky Republican simply responded, “No.” Chao is McConnell’s wife. See the connection? 😁 Such manly men! I wonder if they might have more reaction if someone insulted Vladimir Putin?
Ted Cruz and Mitch McConnell all Simpatico… content media
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Do I look sick?
Aug 22, 2022
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Seems “tourists” are taking photos of Russian artillery emplacements and posting them. The Ukraine military then uses the geotag coordinates to launch attacks. That’s technology put to good use. (FYI - Most or all phones can now do this. Be sure you know your settings and if your phone is tagging photos with locations before posting them publicly or even sharing them. You could be revealing your or others’ location to anyone who can access the photos - like our Ukraine friends are doing.)
Fun with Technology and Geolocating Russian Weapons content media
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Aug 21, 2022
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Aleksandr Dugin is known as “Putin’s Brain”. He’s the asshole who advocated for invading Ukraine. Kind of a Rasputin-like Stephen Miller, Steve Bannon, or Roy Cohn. Yesterday, after a “Russian nationalist festival”, he decided to take a different car instead of riding with his daughter in his car. The car blew up and killed her. He’s now all distraught. Too bad Aleksandr opted for the other car. While the logical source of the bomb would be Ukraine, Ukraine vigorously denies it. In reading up, there has also been mention of British Intelligence. No idea who actually did it, but with Russia taking liberties with killing and attacking people in the UK, if it was the British, good on ya! Dugin’s daughter (Darya Dugina) was also a big advocate for the Ukraine invasion. Right there with daddy-o. The only bad thing about that car bomb is it didn’t get Aleksandr too. These were people close to Putin who had his ear and encouraged Putin’s illegal and immoral war. There’s six nuclear reactors in extreme danger thanks to Putin and Russia, Aleksandr, and to some extent, Darya. Putin’s war has murdered thousands, destroyed beautiful cities, and ruined lives and livelihoods. Buh-bye, Darya. Hope your dad and uncle Vlad meet similar fates very soon. It’s always good for advocates and architects of war to get a little taste themselves of what they push for others to go through.
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Aug 20, 2022
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Brian Krebs is a well-known and respected computer security guy. He did a writeup after a witness to the following got charged with lying to an FBI agent when he didn’t disclose he was working for Hillary Clinton’s campaign while researching “funny” DNS (domain name server) requests between Alfa Bank in Moscow and Trump Tower in New York back in 2016. It made a big splash among computer security people because what they did was look at DNS requests back when the DNC (democratic national committee) was hacked by Russia and emails leaked. They were looking for Russian computers asking for the IP addresses of DNC computers in the DNS logs. What lit up instead (they didn’t get the Russian hackers they were looking for) were lots of communications between trump tower and Alfa Bank Moscow in the leadup to the 2016 election. Not only were the two computers asking DNS for each others’ address, the frequency of those requests went way up each time there were any developments in the election. Background - people think of names like yahoo, amazon, sorryantivaxxer, etc. Computers use IP addresses. DNS servers return the IP address when a computer wants to talk to a website by name (or any web service) and logs the request. The trumps and the Russians didn’t understand they were leaving a trail that they were communicating by having their machines use the web names of their machines instead of the IP addresses. Names are more convenient to use thanks to DNS servers. Addresses can change but don’t always depending on the account. At any rate, names are easy but leave a trail that can be audited. So anyway, the researchers spotted the abnormal communications and asked trump tower and Alfa Bank what the communications were about. The communications immediately stopped and servers with new names and different addresses appeared that picked the comms right back up after a short delay. They didn’t know how they were being tracked and thought they could hide different named systems (maybe the same systems with new names) but the end result was only that they revealed they were trying to keep the communications hidden. When asked about the new machines, the communications dropped of the radar and stopped completely at least as far as could be revealed through DNS audits. Krebs goes over all this stuff, has references, and discusses the meanings. Someone at trump tower was communicating very frequently with someone at Alfa Bank in Moscow. Oh yeah, Alfa Bank is a known cover for Russia’s FSB. Other articles about this weren’t exactly sure what was going on and the FBI just kind of shrugged. The trump organization tried to claim it was an ad server but Krebs explains why that excuse doesn’t fly. The thing is, DNS only shows the twin servers kept asking the DNS system for the other machine’s IP. It doesn’t reveal the content of the communications. Once the machines got the IP address of the other, communications were just between the systems. The only hope to recover content would be the big NSA systems that make copies and save communications that cross our international borders. That would likely be born classified and we probably won’t ever know unless it gets revealed as espionage or treason as part of all this other trump chaos. I wouldn’t bet against it. What is known is the systems were in near constant communications and the frequency of those communications when graphed has big spikes around various news items like the “Russia if you’re listening” thing, and other big splash things back then. Again, Krebs is upset that one of the researchers got in trouble when he didn’t mention his Hillary ties when asked but he has a great discussion of the situation. There is no doubt the systems were communicating. Krebs explains why they weren’t doing the things trumpco claimed. So what were they doing and why were the communications so tied to news events? Who was using them? Why? Anyone curious can make up their own minds but it sure looks to me like trump had an open communications line with Putin and the Kremlin through Alfa Bank. Since the communications went dark, the safest assumption is that they caught on that DNS was ratting on the communications so they switched to IP addresses instead. The guys asking questions were DNS people. Not a hard leap to figure out that’s what blew the whistle. Trivial to switch to just using IP addresses and it hides the communications from convenient view. To get at comms using IP addresses, you have to do a man in the middle attack or own one of the servers in the path. A lot harder. Plus there would likely be encryption involved to further obfuscate whatever was being said. So likely won’t ever know but the fact that trump and Alfa never adequately explained it, and their explanations don’t fit with what is known, and in light of all the other Russian ties, it sure looks like coordination and communication between the trump campaign and Russia leading up to the 2016 election. Combine that with highest level classified materials unsecured at Mar-a-Lago and it could be trump has always been Putin’s tool and either useful idiot or outright spy.
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Aug 18, 2022
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Natural gas prices are now shooting up while many aren’t using so much so people don’t notice - but people will this winter in the northern hemisphere. There’s lots people can do now to get ready for winter to reduce use and costs. If you have an attic, look at how to add some extra insulation. Get an insulation blanket made for your water heater. They lose a lot of heat in the winter. Insulate pipes if you can because there could be outages and it can help prevent freeze-ups. Look into storm windows or even just a layer of plastic over your windows. Need to make sure they will seal fairly well so cold air doesn’t leak. And if you are in an area that might suffer a natural gas outage - say, like Texas - might consider some electric heaters so you diversify your energy sources. Just be careful - electric heaters are expensive to run if you don’t have solar and you don’t want to overload wiring (circuit breakers/fuses or no). For those drawing from the grid, electric heaters should be a last resort due to cost to run but YMMV depending where you are. The time to prepare is now before the big bills hit that take big chunks out of the budget. It’s money spent now that can save lots later.
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Aug 17, 2022
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Apparently just one model still qualifies. Previous Tesla buyers have already used up rebate allotments on other models and some others are too expensive to qualify. “That makes only one of Tesla's models—the Model 3—eligible for the credit unless the Model Y is classified as an SUV rather than a station wagon.” Something I wasn’t aware of is loading up on options can put sales prices above the cutoff and cause a claim to be denied. Anyone looking for electrics with rebates should be familiar with all the rules before buying. Added - the IRA has big changes for EV buyers and shakes things up on the tax rebates big time. There are new requirements on where assembled and where the battery materials come from. This is Manchin’s back door way to hamstring the legislation. An EV I was looking at just became ineligible.
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Do I look sick?
Aug 17, 2022
In General Discussion “Under the decree issued on Monday, a one-off payment of one million rubles ($16,400) will be "awarded to a mother who is a citizen of the Russian Federation, who has given birth to and brought up ten or more children who are citizens of the Russian Federation."” I guess the handmaid/broodmare thing is universal among repressive regimes that need soldiers to replace those lost in stupid wars or who left a country due to stupid wars. Maybe we could just give them registered republicans?
So That’s How You Make Cannon Fodder… content media
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Do I look sick?
Aug 15, 2022
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One was expired, one a special one for presidents, and one his current valid passport. Anyway, the FBI took them and Newsweek is discussing trump being a flight risk. The way things are starting to gel is trump may actually have been compromising US intelligence and weapons information. And of course Russia has been mentioned. So for a moment consider what if trump’s presidency was all part of a plot by Putin to weaken the US and NATO. Puts everything he and those in his circle did in a new light, doesn’t it? EDIT - This appears to have just been procedural. At least for now. It was a consequence of the search warrant and just grabbing presidential records. So just noise for now. My bet is we see the headline again, later, though.
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Do I look sick?
Aug 15, 2022
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You gut the laws that make espionage a crime, of course. Rand Paul thinks trump’s espionage is just ducky and thinks it shouldn’t be a crime. Rand Paul is fucking stupid.
What Do You Do When Your Hero Commits Espionage? content media
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Do I look sick?
Aug 15, 2022
In General Discussion Shawn, citing reports, said that intelligence officials reportedly feared "either the material was being mishandled or even possibly illegally others." "And more questions are being raised this morning. Did former President Trump try to sell [or] share the highly classified material to the Russians or to the Saudis, or others? Or were the documents innocently mishandled and stored because he thought he had a legal right to have them?" the Fox News anchor asked.


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