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12 items found for "md"

  • Tonya Wise, 51, Woodbine, MD, Anti-vaxxer, Dead from COVID

    5/16/23 - Click here for an update. Does Tonya live up to her last name? Stupid question really. This is SAV after all. Let’s begin. As always, another Trump Humper who allowed politics to dictate her health choices. Wishful thinking. Oh Tonya, you should care. Let's fast forward to 2022. The vaccines? Banned?? In October 2022??? What alternate dimension is her friend living in???? Hmmm. What’s this about? Won’t someone think about the children? 🙄 Tonya is one of the chosen few…apparently. Too funny. Considering we know where this story is going. 😂 Tonya is sceptical. Uh oh! A week later. 😬 We'll have to wait and see. 5/16/23 update - Sadly, Tonya didn't make it and earned her Herman Cain Award. You can find more anti-vax stories on our new Facebook page at Herman Cain Awardz.

  • Shelly Webster, 57, Pittsville, MD. Anti-Vax & Anti-Mask. Husband dead of Covid. She's still sick.

    Shelly is private with personal details on her Facebook account, which is smart. What isn't smart is being against masks and vaccines. She and her husband Walter got sick with Covid in December; she recovered and Walter passed away at the age of 68: a sad ending for a 35 year marriage. Now Shelly is a widow and suffering from Long Covid. Shelly came to our attention from an SAV reader after she posted in a Covid-19 survivors‘ support group on Facebook. She lists some pretty awful, long-lasting effects of Covid and is suffering many months after her initial infection. She lists brain fog as a symptom, but after seeing her posts I think that may have been an issue long before Covid! Jump to comments here: Much like my last SAV entry, Rodney, Shelly constantly shares on Facebook, but rarely, if ever, writes something original. She DOES post some helpful things. She likes to help her local community find lost pets. Nothing wrong with that! She also likes to share music. I like Queensrÿche, too! Faithful SAV readers, you know that if someone is on SAV then they've been sharing misinformation about Covid-19. She has really toned down the posts about Covid and the government lately but all of her old posts with misinformation are still there. Too bad Shelly didn't stick to posting about animals and songs. Was Shelly against the Covid-19 vaccine? You bet! She shares this interview that's full of misinformation: Dana is joined by Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA vaccine platform, on the difference between traditional vaccines and the ‘vaccines’ the world governments are trying to shove in our arms. It’s amazing that actual scientific data on the negative effects of these COVID vaccines, is being suppressed online and by government agencies like the WHO, CDC, the NIH and others - while simultaneously suppressing the effective treatments that have proven to work against COVID. Globally there are a growing number of adverse effects from this vaccine - and what also grows is the censorship and oppression of that information - while they continue to sell us on ENDLESS BOOSTERS. She won't wear a mask, either. She shares this video of an interview between Dr. Makary, who frequents Fox News, and Congressman Jim Jordan. They say that the CDC doesn't want to study natural immunity because "they don't want to know the answer." How did that natural immunity work for you and your husband, Shelly? It seems that she didn't care about spreading Covid. We already know she wouldn't get the vaccine or wear a mask. I wonder how many people she gave Covid to since quarantine is "house arrest" and social distancing is "forced isolation." Is she seriously comparing Covid-19 to the Holocaust? When it comes to masks and vaccines it's all about her freedom over her body. I think she's trying to say that Covid-19 isn't real but it's a tool used to control the masses. It also appears that Shelly doesn't believe in climate change. At least she's not sharing as many conspiracy theories as some of the other recent people featured on SAV. That's almost refreshing! I think she got this backwards. Of COURSE she posts about Dr. Fauci! Shelly doesn't disappoint! She shares the story of the "brave" United Airline employees who wanted the freedom to share their Covid with entire planes of passengers and crew. That about sums it up for Shelly's thoughts on Covid-19. For fun, let's see some more of her posts. The only picture of Shelly I could find was with a cut out of Donald Trump, so I doubt you'll be surprised to discover that she REALLY hates President Biden and Vice President Harris. She even tries to slut shame VP Harris. Pretty vile stuff. She shares a lot of posts about grief but I couldn't find a single post about her husband, not even a picture. Are we the ignorant ones or is Shelly? I'm not going to answer that. I think you know. Oh Shelly, please stick to posting about music and pets. Maybe if you stayed away from misinformation on Facebook your husband would still be alive and you wouldn't be suffering from long Covid. RIP to your husband, Walter J. Webster III. Please get your Covid vaccine and best of luck on your long road towards recovery. SAV Readers, please resist the temptation to comment in the Survivors Group page. If you want to dry up any resources for SAV candidates, that's a good way to do it because many groups are going private. Plus, the group does have people who are vaccinated. Finally, it will send the trolls this way. With some of the recent posts, they're making their way in. So please, leave that FB group alone.

  • Dr. Bruce Boros MD, 71, Key West, FL. Cardiologist, anti-vaxxer, "seriously ill" with COVID.

    According to this article, Bruce is at home but seriously ill from COVID. Bruce is one of the most vocal anti-vaxx medical doctors in the world. He also appears to be THE leader in the push for using Ivermectin against COVID (at least self-proclaimed). In fact, he recently attended the Florida COVID Summit on Nov 6, at the World Equestrian Center in Ocala, Fl, where he and others were pushing Ivermectin. At this summer, according to the article, he claimed: "I have been on Ivermectin for 16 months, my wife and I, I've never felt healthier in my life!" Two days later he got sick with COVID. Apparently, so did six other doctors who attended. As a doctor, he'll surely get monoclonal antibodies and be fine, but then claim Ivermectin saved him. There are so many anti-vaxx, pro-Ivermectin posts on this guy's Facebook page that it's overwhelming. Pushing these things seems to be his only job these days. I'll do my best to keep this short, but it's difficult. Let's start with a video of him, because it basically covers his belief system, especially the second half of this rant: Bruce quotes the "Epoch Times" for support of his movement. Oh, and here is where he claims to be the originator of the Ivermectin craze: Doesn't a double negative make a positive? So he's saying the vaxx protects you? An ALL CAPS rant: This is interesting. I'd seen this posted on countless other anti-vaxxers' Facebook pages before I knew about Dr. Boros. Thing is, MOST people recover from COVID. It's not a "study" if you give someone something and they recover. You could give him apple sauce and make the same claim. I hope the standards at USF have improved: Apparently this guy doesn't get good information: "Experimental drug" being "forced upon our sovereign bodies." If it were forced, Bruce, you wouldn't be seriously ill. Vaccine is a scam: He's essentially announcing the summit he'd be attending: Pushing the COVID summit some more: Summit will be the most important meeting since COVID started. More... Is Ivermectin a MLM or something? He's not being honest here. His dad died of COVID after he got jabbed. He was in his 90s: He likes to combine legit stories with his own agenda. Notice how he does that here? He always starts with 'not vaccinating children', and then it's about Ivermectin, as if the trial site news was promoting ivermectin which it wasn't: The last post before he got COVID: Get better, "Doctor".

  • Charles Edward Robinson II, 48, Cumberland, MD. Truck driver, Anti-vaxxer, dead from COVID.

    Note from Vaxman (Oct 31, 2021): We have a special guest blogger on this HALLOWEEN DAY. Please welcome Grim the Reaper Man (username: ReaperMan), who is a soul collector at Deadman, inc. As Vaxman mentioned, I'm a Grim Reaper for Deadman, inc. (symbol DNR). I collect the souls of the dead and deliver them to our holding facility for processing. I was recently reassigned to collect the souls of those in the anti-vaxxer MLM division, which as you know grew significantly in Q3 and is doing quite well so far in Q4. The pandemic as a whole has been a real boon to the industry, as it was executed flawlessly in 2020. However, sometimes some incredible Science steps in and throws us a curveball, which forces us to regroup and rethink some of our tactics. Who could have predicted that such effective vaccines would be made and distributed so quickly? It was looking really bad in Q1 and Q2 of this year, but thankfully the current anti-vaccine MLM Facebook marketing campaign saved our 2021! Now, as you can imagine, collecting souls can be quite tedious, monotonous, and frustrating at times. There is a lot of downtime where you just sit around waiting with nothing to do. At the same time, depending on the case, you have to put up with all of these "prayer warriors" who are praying for us to fail. That said, every once in a while I get assigned someone who is a real joy to collect. And in this case, I was lucky enough to draw Charles Robinson II. As you can see from his shirt, Charles is a fan of the work that we do at Deadman, inc. With such an attitude, it's no wonder that Charles was sensational at pushing our messages throughout his Facebook network. There is no doubt he picked up some customers for us along the way. In this post, we'll point out where Charles excelled in his spread of disinformation. First, let's get a statement of purpose from Charles (#FuckAroundAndFindOut): Charles pushed our messages but managed to add his own personal touch to our memes by using black and white versions. Great, here he's recruiting "both sides": Throwing doubt on the FDA (quite effective): He's using social pressure to push the idea that social pressure can force one to conform, thereby getting people to conform to his ideas (brilliant!): Pushing the idea that facts are themselves the enemy of truth: Playing the victim as a conspiracy theorist: Comparing the public health measures to the Holocaust treatment of jews. Bold move on Charles' part. No doubt this was effective. We're trying to get Ron Paul on our Board of Directors: Pointing out anti-vaxxers is exactly like the Salem Witch Trials. Amazing. Now we're getting somewhere! Just make it all confusing and people will give up on trusting experts and scientists: Take the George Orwell 1984 hill! Convince others to take up arms before telling someone your vaccine status: Put a bunch of stuff no one can read together and tell people what you want them to get from it: Recruiting some fat people! Well, Charles caught COVID and ended up in the hospital: He died from COVID: And honestly, I've never been more proud to be a Grim Reaper. Mary Elizabeth shared a poem in appreciation of my work: RIP Charles.

  • Dr. Radmila Smiljanic, MD, 66, Uzice, Serbia, Doctor of Medicine, anti-vaxxer, dead from COVID.

    According to this article (in Croatian, use Chrome to translate), Radmila (Rada) died from COVID on October 22, 2021. She was a respected and somewhat famous doctor in Serbia with a career in medicine spanning 40 years. Despite her medical record, Rada was a conspiracy theorist and adherent to right-wing politics. She believed in Chemtrails (the conspiracy theory that contrails behind jetliners are thought to be mind control chemicals sprayed over population centers by omniscient governments in order to control the masses. So it's not hard to believe that she thought COVID, and in particular vaccines, were a government plot to manipulate and control the minds of the masses. Please note that what follows are Google translated versions of her Serbian and sometimes Croatian posts. Sometimes it won't make sense but I'll try to help where I can. Ok, lets see how crazy this one was: She thinks jetliner contrails are sprayed chemicals, and now they are spraying Coronavirus, I guess. She spreads false medical information: The pandemic is a globalist plot: She takes a lot of pictures of contrails... Cattle for the slaughterhouse... Questioning safety of vaccines.... It's the flu...but genetic sequences are being inserted during testing, by the testing equipment? Translation not needed... Translation not needed... Maybe a Croatian commenter could translate this for us? She posts a video of an American school board meeting: Same old arguments...vaccinated get sick too...and she's pushing Ivermectin... Evidence that the pandemic is a crime against humanity... Her last post on Facebook: She died nearly two months later. Here is what Vladimir Cimerman has to say ... translated from Croatian. (He sounds like he might be a SAV commenter.) Bears repeating: Što više antivaksera to manje antivaksera. RIP Rada.

  • Jarrell Keener, 55, Glen Burnie, MD, self-employed, anti-vaxx, Flat-Earther, dead from COVID.

    According to his wife's social media post (below), Jarrell died from COVID on December 1, 2021. Jarrell was a flat-earther and a 9-11 conspiracy theorist, which by default means he was a conspiracy minded anti-vaxxer. He claimed this most recent COVID infection was his second in two years. Jarrell was a military veteran. He leaves behind his wife and two children. Some people just don't stand a chance in a pandemic. Here are Jarrell's social media posts. I don't think he ever could have been convinced to get vaccinated. I also suspect there is some mental illness or brain damage with Jarrell, as I do with anyone who is a Flat-Earther,actually. Quoting Taylor-Greene on Fauci. That spells trouble. The most popular anti-vaxx meme, ironic because every GOP senator voted against restricting the price of insulin. This is not a conversation he'll be having. Mandates-are-for-Nazis argument: Hannibal Fauci: I told you he's a Flat-Earther: Second most popular meme by anti-vaxxers. It kind of looks like Jarrell, though: Doesn't understand lab testing: Anti-mandates: Don't comply: His sister got hospitalized with COVID on Sept 6. You'd think this would affect his decisions on vaccines: Um. Yeah: He was a 9-11 truther, too: ... Conflating vaccines and absentee voting for some reason: Um. Yeah: It's all ONE BIG CONSPIRACY: Believes in his immune system, which is the thing that ended up overreacting and killing him, by the way: Sexual distancing is kind of the natural state of society, Jarrell. Um. Yeah: This is a long stretch: The Rothschild conspiracy is what ties all of his conspiracies together: Ah, let's bring in the Holocaust: Aaaaaaaannnnd...he gets sick with COVID. AGAIN! Looking for prayers: And he dies: RIP Jarrell.

  • Dr. Abilio Ramos M.D., 62, Moorpark, CA, Family Practitioner, unvaxxed, dead from COVID

    They should know better, especially MDs. All of the posts that follow are by his wife "Dr."

  • Marcus Lamb, 64, Dallas, TX, Televangelist, anti-vaxxer and anti-vaxx promoter, dead from COVID.

    These Christian grifters and MD quacks are causing countless amounts of suffering and death.

  • Ryan Ograyensek, 41, Taylor, MI, Insurance Broker, unvaxxed, dead from COVID

    Stacy MD on the case: With Stacy, it's all about blaming others and focusing on her own issues (Satan

  • Anti-vaxx Truck Drivers who've died from COVID

    Condition: Died January 21, 2022 Cause: COVID Name: Charles Edward Robinson II Age: 48 Home: Cumberland, MD

  • Todd Snyder, 53, Kerrville, TX, Self-employed, anti-vaxx, dead from COVID.

    Her Facebook medical degree surely trumps the degrees of these MDs?

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