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289 items found for "dead cat bounce"

  • Lyndsi Sullivan, 27, West Monroe, LA. Med Sci-Tech, unvaxxed, 37 weeks pregnant, dead from COVID.

    (As you’ll read below, throughout most of her pregnancy the CDC was pretty wishy-washy on recommending In a perfect world, every vaccine hesitant pregnant woman who reads this will understand that it's more

  • Kelly Ernby, 46, Huntington Beach, CA, Orange Co Deputy DA, anti-vaxx, dead from COVID.

    Another bull-headed conservative who made the wrong choice. Does Kelly deserve a spot on SAV?

  • Landy Cason, 64, Ballinger Tx, Conservative morning radio host and Anti-vaxxer. Dead. Why? COVID.

    According to this social media post, Landy Cason, a Conservative Morning Radio host (Jeff and Landy Morning Show) has died from the COVID virus. Landy let his Anti-vax feelings known quite often on his Facebook page (and we imagine on his radio program, although we can't verify that yet). To get a sense of what Landy was thinking, here are a couple of posts from his Facebook page: Looks like Landy failed the experiment.

  • Bill & Trina Burger, 61, 51, Cincinatti, OH, Welder (Bill), anti-vaxxers, both dead from COVID.

    According to this obituary, Bill died on November 1, 2021 and according to this obituary, Trina died on November 29, 2021. They both died from COVID. It's not clear what Bill thought about vaccines and mandates, since I can't find any evidence of what he was thinking, but Trina posted a lot of anti-vaxx posts on Facebook. She was also scheduled for triple bypass surgery when she got COVID (yet another reason to force patients to get vaccinated before these things get scheduled). Let's see what Trina has to say: She seemed to be a fan of RFK, Jr and his kookbabbling about Bill Gates... She posted false information about a Stanford study on masks (by the way, haven't people in hospitals been wearing these things for a 100 years?): Trucker wonders how many have died taking COVID vaccines: "The narrative" That damn Malone guy. All he figured out was how to encapsulate RNA in a liposome and he thinks he invented RNA vaccines... Biden and SAV insult anti-vaxxers, yes. You want criminals to have Freedumb? old meme... This video looks completely faked: And in this video you can tell that woman is holding her mouth down like that. Right. They weren't immune yet... But then...on Oct 24 her husband Bill entered the ICU and on October 26 she entered the ICU. They never saw each other again. First Bill dies...on Nov 1: And then Trina dies almost a month later on Nov 29: RIP Bill and Trina.

  • Jarrell Keener, 55, Glen Burnie, MD, self-employed, anti-vaxx, Flat-Earther, dead from COVID.

    According to his wife's social media post (below), Jarrell died from COVID on December 1, 2021. Jarrell was a flat-earther and a 9-11 conspiracy theorist, which by default means he was a conspiracy minded anti-vaxxer. He claimed this most recent COVID infection was his second in two years. Jarrell was a military veteran. He leaves behind his wife and two children. Some people just don't stand a chance in a pandemic. Here are Jarrell's social media posts. I don't think he ever could have been convinced to get vaccinated. I also suspect there is some mental illness or brain damage with Jarrell, as I do with anyone who is a Flat-Earther,actually. Quoting Taylor-Greene on Fauci. That spells trouble. The most popular anti-vaxx meme, ironic because every GOP senator voted against restricting the price of insulin. This is not a conversation he'll be having. Mandates-are-for-Nazis argument: Hannibal Fauci: I told you he's a Flat-Earther: Second most popular meme by anti-vaxxers. It kind of looks like Jarrell, though: Doesn't understand lab testing: Anti-mandates: Don't comply: His sister got hospitalized with COVID on Sept 6. You'd think this would affect his decisions on vaccines: Um. Yeah: He was a 9-11 truther, too: ... Conflating vaccines and absentee voting for some reason: Um. Yeah: It's all ONE BIG CONSPIRACY: Believes in his immune system, which is the thing that ended up overreacting and killing him, by the way: Sexual distancing is kind of the natural state of society, Jarrell. Um. Yeah: This is a long stretch: The Rothschild conspiracy is what ties all of his conspiracies together: Ah, let's bring in the Holocaust: Aaaaaaaannnnd...he gets sick with COVID. AGAIN! Looking for prayers: And he dies: RIP Jarrell.

  • Dr. Arthur Neal Mack M.D., 66, Largo, FL ER Doctor, creationist, anti-vaxxer, Dead from Covid

    Update: Dr. Arthur Neal Mack passed away on February 28, 2022. Obituary According to social media posts, Neal is on a ventilator with COVID. This entry was sent to me in completion by a member of SAV. They sent the screenshots and everything, which is great since Neal's Facebook page has been removed. A little extra research shows that Neal is indeed a Doctor of Medicine who spent 35 years in Olney, Illinois. I'm very familiar with Olney, because I have an ex-wife from that area, and believe me when I say it's one of the most backwater areas I've ever seen. Smart people leave in a hurry, never to return. Seems Neal moved to Largo in 2015. Like most people in the Olney region, Neal is very religious. He's so religious that he is a creationist. How on earth does a Doctor of Medicine become a creationist? Anyway, being a creationist probably automatically qualified him to be an anti-vaxxer since science wouldn't be his strong suit. Now, all of the updates on Neal are coming from his brother Doug, who it turns out is very much into science and even posts some positive things about mRNA vaccines. But not Neal. Doctors who won't get vaccinated should lose their license to practice. We'll start near the 1st of November with Neal. It's all we'll need. He gets some "facts" from OAN....jeez. Ok, well, maybe reasonable back in November? Uh oh, he's spouting about tyranny... He doesn't believe in Evolution.... More tyranny... Doesn't believe in Intellectual Property? Oh boy.... Well then that totally decides it, does it, Neal? By the way, the Lancet, mentioned below, has had its fair share of controversy lately. It was the journal that published the debunked MMR vaccine relationship to Autism report, and more recently published the HCQ meta-study article that had to be retracted. In any case, there is no article stating the vaccine doesn't work. This guy is a fool. Neal shouldn't be practicing medicine.... Science challenges secular models? WHAT!? Scientists questioning science is how you do science. Not religious nutjobs questioning science. Look at hospitalizations Neal.... Scientific case against Science. Ugh. But we should just blindly trust in God? LOL....yep...blindly trust the Bible, but don't blindly trust science... In the meantime, his more sensible brother posts that mRNA vaccines have been studied for a long time. Discover Magazine report: And Neal is in the ICU guessed it, COVID... Still battling... Apparently he's on ECMO: Doug explains how ECMO works: Numbers many people get off of ECMO and live? Get better Neal, and give up medicine, you suck at it.

  • Dorothy Bayford, 56, Gloucester, VA, Pres. Water Pro, anti-vaxx with 8 children, dead from COVID.

    You can read more about Dorothy and her large family here:

  • Vince Stott, 57, Pompano Beach, FL. Owner, Broadway Legacy Films, anti-vaxxer, dead from COVID.

    They get these emails and then make claims about them knowing that no one is going to read them. In fact, this guy didn't read them either and just lies and lies that Fauci has lied. are approved, so this is moot:) And Vince's last post was the dumbest: a reaction video of someone reading

  • Dave Hicks, 53, Navarre, FL. Realtor & Mgr at Navarre Water Sports, anti-vaxx, dead from COVID.

    According to this obituary Dave died on October 12, 2021. He died from COVID. He's survived by his wife and two sons. As far as anti-vaxxers go, Dave was quite angry at the whole masks and vaccines thing. There's a positive note at the end. David posted on his Facebook page a lot about COVID: He wasn't afraid... Stop being sheep! He wants a drink. So do I. He felt there was a greater risk with the vaccine than with COVID itself (according to breaking911). Things really heat up in August with the memes. (I've noticed that August seemed to be the height of anti-vaxx meme spread): Dr. DeSantis, M.D. proved it! Seems we're at number 9: Whatever happened to that Gamma variant? It looked so promising! Standard meme: Wouldn't be a complete anti-vaxxer without the call to imprison Dr. Fauci. And calling Fauci a liar... He's had it... Seems this is the second time he's gotten COVID. Not bad... He's hating Facebook, but aren't we all? He's done...(with Facebook)... Oh, no he's actually done. On a positive note, his friend tries to cheer him up in a post-mortem: RIP Dave.

  • Joe Gaona, 56, El Cajon, CA. Throughout All Ages Mininstries, anti-vaxxer, dead from COVID.

    According to this GoFundMe, Joe died on October 2, 2021 from complications due to COVID. Joe and his wife Stacy ran "Throughout All Ages Ministries" which attempts to teach young people how to defend Christianity and "to train Christians in apologetics that they might be able to give an intelligent and loving answer to the skeptic." Joe was an anti-vaxxer maxxer who posted a lot of misinformation about vaccines and COVID on his Facebook page. Indeed, just about every post he made was this type of misinformation. We'll only show some of it. I had to Google "Apologetics" and I got this: Apologetics (from Greek ἀπολογία, "speaking in defense") is the religious discipline of defending religious doctrines through systematic argumentation and discourse. Here we go. Let's see how Joe does with systematic argumentation and discourse to defend his Anti-vaxxer status: Stacey with an assist: Well, he almost has all of the arguments: Bill Gates, George Soros, Dr Fauci, vaccines don't work, Freedumb, an implied NWO. He seems to be missing "Mark of the Beast" though, so we can't give him an "A." I'd give him an "B+." Oh wait...I almost forgot to add the points from the GoFundMe page. That earns some extra credit, and I'll increase the grade to an "A-." RIP Joe.

  • Jeff and Amee Hager, 46, 40, Firefighter, Home life logistics planner, Anti-mandate, dead from COVID

    friend of the deceased sent us this screenshot which confirms they were indeed anti-vaxxers: Everyone reading Don’t leave your families behind to deal with this kind of pain and grief!” RIP Jeff and Amee.

  • Marcus and Brenda Smalls, 44, 38, Denmark, SC, Anti-vaxxers, Dead from COVID. Leave 7 children.

    According to this obituary and this obituary, both Marcus and Brenda Smalls have died from COVID. Brenda died on September 6, 2021 and Marcus on September 13, 2021. They were married in 2017. They leave behind 7 children. Looks like they were getting sick around the 29th... Then they were gone. By the 13th they were both gone. RIP Brenda and Marcus.

  • Chuck and Diana O'Steen, 50, 59, Broken Arrow, OK, Welder, Teacher, anti-vaxxers, dead from COVID

    According to this obituary and this obituary, husband and wife, Chuck and Diana, have died within nine days of each other, Chuck on August 31, 2021 and Diana on September 8. Ok, let's find out why this nice couple didn't get vaccinated against COVID-19: Well, Chuck was the vocal anti-vaxxer in the family and he loved the same memes the other sorry anti-vaxxers do: Lab rats... and the dumb sunscreen analogy: "If you have to be persuaded". God this stuff is idiotic. Snake oil, eh? WTF is that horse paste you want? I just realized how racist this meme really is... Yeah, none of his posts are original: Does this make any sense to anyone???? Not something George Carlin would agree with, by the way: I'd love to know the origin of these memes. My guess...Moscow. Anyway, you get the picture. This couple didn't get vaccinated and they are now joined together in Holy Mortuary. Their son Cody has a very special message for the rest of you Anti-vaxxers out there: RIP Chuck and Diana.

  • Doug Pothul, 58, Ocala, FL, Jiu Jitsu industry, extreme anti-vaxxer, dead from "The Flu" (COVID).

    According to this obituary. Doug, a widower and father of 3 boys, died of COVID on August 29, 2021. What will become of his three sons? Ugh. Awful. Doug has the dubious honor of having posting more anti-vaxx propaganda than any entry on sorry anti-vaxxers I've seen so far. It's truly remarkable how often he posted about COVID. I'll post just a few here: Two of his sons got vaxxed, at least. Hope the 3rd one does now. What will become of these boys now? Ugh. Oops. He's got "The Flu" Talk about a lack of awareness... Seems like his anti-vaxx resolve was starting to wane. RIP Doug.

  • Adam Fry, 38, Butler, PA, Transit Worker, anti-vaxxer, dead from COVID. Sister says:"Get Vaccinated"

    According to this story and video, Adam died from COVID on September 27, 2021. Many are wondering why Adam wasn't vaccinated. Well, a little investigation tells us why. We'll only post those anti-vaxx posts from August and September. While his sister says everyone should get vaccinated, she also says that the Butler County Transit Authority didn't take it seriously enough to make sure the drivers were safe enough. Let's see what the issue is: Be sure and see this story first : Put on your N95 masks, here comes the anti-vaxx onslaught: So now we know why Adam Fry wasn't vaccinated, and it wasn't because the Butler County Transit Authority didn't take it seriously enough (although a mandate would've been nice, and saved Adam's life). RIP Adam.

  • Kurt Carpenter, 28, Pell City, Ala. thought COVID-19 was a hoax. Now he's dead from COVID-19

    According to this story, Kurt Carpenter thought that COVID-19 was a hoax. According to his mother Christy, "Kurt thought COVID was a hoax and did not take it seriously, until he could not breathe without the oxygen. The same day he was put on the ventilator, he told us, 'This is not a hoax, this is real."

  • René Chavez, 42, Bunker Hill, WV. Anti-vaxxer, brother died one month before he did. Dead from COVID

    According to this gofundme René died on August 21, 2021 (clearing up some backlog). The odd thing about René is that his brother fought a COVID infection through late June and most of July and died in Florida on July 23, 2021. You'd think René would've gotten himself and his family vaccinated because of that, but it didn't happen. He and his entire family got COVID and he ended up dying just like his brother. I'm not sure how someone becomes so indoctrinated as to risk his family's well being like that. That's René on the left and his brother Daniel on the right: René was really angry at Dr. Fauci... In the meantime his brother Daniel got COVID... Apparently, according to that gofundme, Daniel was on a trip to Colombia and got sick in mid-June. They flew him back to Florida and he was placed on an ECMO on July 9. He died on July 23 at age 40: But René stayed a vigilant anti-vaxxer, despite his brother's demise: By now, Rene has COVID. He was taken off the CPAP on August 12... But it all went terribly wrong, as you can tell from the gofundme... I'll never understand this one. RIP Rene.

  • Rocky Gaitan, 45, San Antonio, TX, Anti-vaxxer, almost 4 Months Hospitalized due to Covid - UPDATED

    Rocky is a former Marine and is head custodian at a high school in San Antonio, TX.

  • Cecelia Scurlock, 58, Alamosa, CO, Rancher & Pedigree analyst, anti-vaxxer, in ICU with COVID

    read the original story. for a comment she deleted about why she was avoiding the ER: She's feeling better...she's living in a dead cat bouncy castle: That lasted for about a little over a week: But still... Secondary bounce? And now here we are. Intubated on Feb 11: Definitely a dead cat bouncy castle (DCBC): We'll keep an eye on this one.

  • Kimberley Stefanski, 44, Kelowna, BC, Cryptopreneur, Anti-vaxxer, Long Term Covid

    Read the story first and then jump to comments here. You can read more about the crash here. No cat bounce here. 🥳 Her COVID experience now tops the plane crash. No cat bounce. Kimberely really needs to read SAV to see how lucky she is. It’s bound to happen. P.S. Is that a filter or make-up for the 💰 📷 below?

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